Republicans argued against sections of this CFR bill being constitutional and lost some of those arguments it seems. Difference between them and the anti-Bush crowd on here is that instead of whining they didn't get their way, they are rolling up their sleeves to find ways to work around this decision.
I certainly did not see anyone agree with the ruling but a lot of people feel that we lost the ruling so now find a way around it including the NRA out looking to buy a media outlet.
Republicans argued against sections of this CFR bill being constitutional and lost some of those arguments it seems. Difference between them and the anti-Bush crowd on here is that instead of whining they didn't get their way, they are rolling up their sleeves to find ways to work around this decision. Republicans in Congress and the White House could have prevented this bill from becoming law. Any work they're doing now is too little, too late. They made this work for themselves.
You can gamble on some things, but the Constitution is not one of them. I warned back when the bill was passed that this was a foolish and dangerous risk, yet was shouted down because of those warnings. Hopefully everyone will learn from this debacle.