It is likely that Harold Ickes, former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, will be the Democrat nominee for the Senate from North Carolina. 30 days before the primary election here, an ad could be presented to just ONE TV station here, that says the following:
"Harold Ickes is a sleazy bum, just like his former boss, Bill Clinton. The following 1,000 people support this statement, and condemn a majority of Congress and a majority of the Supreme Court, who seek to supress our free speech."
As the 1,000 names of the sponsors are scrolling on the screen, superimposed appear the following words. "We believe in free speech. So, come and get us, and we'll see who wins."
Copies of the ad would be made available for FREE use by the major media, who would be all over this subject like a duck on a June bug.
This cannot be done for about six months, so a lot of back and forth and refinement is possible. But that's what I'm thinking about.
John / Billybob