That was Dr. Baxter's estimate of the size of the wound before Dr. Perry's tracheotomy.
Dr. Carrico's estimate was 5 to 8 millimeters.
A millimeter is 0.03937 inch.
Dr. Baxter's estimate is 0.15748 inch to 0.19685 inch, a median of 0.1758 inch.
Dr. Carrico's estimate is 0.19685 inch to 0.31496 inch, a median of 0.2559 inch.
The average of Dr. Baxter's median of 0.1758 inch and Dr. Carrico's median of 0.2559 inch is 0.21585 inch.
Hence the round, even wound observed by the Parkland doctors to have an approximate diameter of 0.21585 inch is close to the size of a .22 caliber bullet or a .223 bullet.
The ripping of the neat one inch incision performed at Parkland to create the ragged three inch tear observed at Bethesda may have been required to retrieve a bullet which caused the neat, round wound described by Drs. Crenshaw, Perry, Baxter, Carrico, Peters, and Jones.