There can be no greater invective or toxic venom than 'mercy killing' of the disabled.
It has become a circus of kookery, hasn't it?
I have a living will not only to spare my family the burden of making the decision to terminate life support, but also to eliminate any risk my case might become a cause celebre of someone's religious agenda.
She's not in a coma. She is not in persistent vegetative state. Heck, she has fewer tubes than Christopher Reeve. She used to have a treatment plan, what has happened to that therapy? -- PDF
Physical Examination -- 6 - 27 - 90
*patient is awake, eyes are open
*easily startled to her name or when bedrail fell down
*she does give eye contact to family members
*she will close her eyes to any threatening response around her face and blink appropriately
*tracking is inconsistent
*no verbal output during this exam but it has been reported by husband and other family members and therapists over at College Harbor.
Treatment Plan Review from Mediplex rehab, Bradenton, 1 - 29 - 91
Cognitive/Communication: *no significant changes.
*Vocalizing when prone in P.T. [physical therapy]
*Occasionally will say "STOP" to nursing during procedures.
*to TR [recreation?] groups. More relaxed to therapists voice, touch (habituation)
Some people actually have jobs working with people like Terri. Imagine that! We can't know if there will be improvement or not, or many years (as the story posted above) it might take; we do know there are plenty of stories like the one posted above and elsewhere.
Terri has a mother who wants to take her home. She has a husband who wants to get on with his life. What's so hard about this? It doesn't even take a Solomon.
Sort of. We also had some help from our parents. Most of us actually believe in [GASP] God too.
Uh, have you ever read the Constituttion of the United States Of America?
There is a line in there that reads, "LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."