To: bonesmccoy
Did you hear Cong Dreier on KFI -- don't worry -- RATs will be paying for Davis and environmentalist wackos they let take over policies in CA forestry for a long time.
Arnold is in D.C. tomorrow night and Wednesday -- will be meeting with people who can help including VP Cheney.
RATs are going to rue the day they reelected Davis and kept his stoolies in office. Arnold is now showing leadership and traveling to D.C. to get help -- trip had been planned for him to come asking for help but now it is imperative that the Federal people get involved now! Cong Dreier said FEMA will be set up in the morning to help out in CA.
1,580 posted on
10/27/2003 6:20:46 PM PST by
(AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
To: PhiKapMom
Was monitoring VHF broadcast TV stations.
Dreier is a strong Congressman.
Glad to hear his name on the transition team and to see him playing a leading role.
1,584 posted on
10/27/2003 6:22:11 PM PST by
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