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Southern CA fires - Live Thread 10/27
| Myself
Posted on 10/26/2003 9:52:12 PM PST by spectr17
Southern CA fires - Live Thread 10/27
Cal Fire Maps
Live online scanner feeds for fire, cops, CDF, air attack
FYI, this one gives pop ups if you use it.
No pop ups on this feed
Another live scanner feed.
Click on Big Bear Feed
another live feed for socal, Verdugo Fire Communications Center
CHP Dispatch
CDF AIR CHANNELS ---------------- Red - 151.220 - Air to ground units Blue - 151.280 - Air to air Green - 151.295 - Air to air Yellow - 151.310 - Air to air Victor - 122.925 AM - Air to air for contract helicopters
List of channels for SoCal
Get a copy of Police call for when you're mobile.
San Bernardino National Forest
171.475 mhz and 172.225
123.9750 National Air Tanker Base Freq. 135.9750 Air ops 151.2200 CDF Red Air to Ground 151.2650 CDF Region 151.3100 CDF Air Tactics 6 151.3550 CDF Command Net 1 154.2650 OES White Fire 2 154.2800 OES White Fire 1 154.2950 OES White Fire 3 164.1250 Fire Camp Service Net 166.6125 "Command" Fontana area 166.8500 Air attack 167.9500 BLM Air to Ground 168.0500 NIFC Tac 1 168.0750 NIFC Tac 3 168.200 NIFC Tac 2 (Crew Net) 168.2500 BLM? "Command" 168.4000 BLM "Command" 168.6000 NIFC Tac 3 168.6250 Air Guard 169.1250 Calif. Fire Travel Net 169.0625 vehicle mechanics? 170.0000 Air to Ground Region 5 173.9125 Region 5 Tac 4 173.9625 Region 5 Tac 5 173.9875 Region 5 Tac 6 415.5500 National Air channel
Los Angeles Area
San Diego
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: fire; firestorm; socalfires
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To: Conservative4Ever
I read it slightly dirtier :)
To: Letitring
This already is estimated to surpass the Malibu/Laguna fires in economic damage. The running total for insurance companies was already well over $500,000,000
The 93 houses that are in danger now near Simi, are all million dollar plus homes alone to give everybody an ideal on the economic impact this is going to have.
To: commish
I just got back to my house in San Diego after being evacuated yesterday afternoon. I saw 100 foot firewall and I took the advice of the police to get the hell out.
My house was not burned but it was close. I pray for all those who are still in the path of the fire.
PS: Davis final insult to California is that he let it burn instead of asking for help (air tankers). I hope that bastard dies in a fire so he knows how the 12 people who died in this fire because of his gross incompetence.
posted on
10/27/2003 6:54:56 PM PST
(They will not get away with this. Developing . . . . .)
Comment #1,684 Removed by Moderator
To: Inspectorette
"Redlands is a city in the Inland Empire, near San Bernardino."
Just FYI, Redlands is home to one of the finest small liberal arts colleges in the country, the University of Redlands -- my alma mater. It will be 100 years old in 2007.
To: cake_crumb
I won't. Thanks :)
no danger here; we're an observation point. I'm too far away and the desert doesn't have enough brush to sustain these kinds of blazes.
To: PhiKapMom
with all due respect, many of us are here to read about the fires...
To: My Favorite Headache
I have read your rants and join with you. I remember that fire with Great White. That was one small nightclub -- this is so much larger and right now the husband of that woman in FL is on Larry King, Greta hyping covering Peterson case and Florida woman and Kobe with a short report on the fires I am sure, and MSNBC has a commercial right now.
We should demand that they remove the word "NEWS" from their name because they sure don't know what it is like to report the "NEWS!" I find this lack of coverage to be the worst yet and I didn't think they could get any worse.
posted on
10/27/2003 6:55:19 PM PST
(AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
To: Eowyn-of-Rohan
What do you think I have been reporting on all day from KFI?
posted on
10/27/2003 6:55:45 PM PST
(AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
To: GOPrincess
It's like the folks in NYC and Washington have no clue what's going on here. Talk about "East Coast-centric"... I'm in eastern Tennessee and I have a pretty good idea of what's happening. Of course, I'm on FR and I have my atlas out so I can follow the situation. I wish I could help more, but I'm a couple of thousand miles away.
posted on
10/27/2003 6:55:50 PM PST
To: Letitring
>> Was your brothers' a 14 car garage?
To: Letitring
The footage makes it look like people are driving and standing in snow showers.
To: dogbyte12
Border Communications Center
Incident: 0014 Type: Structure or Grass Fire
Location: ALPINE
Zoom Map: Click Here
Info as of: 10/27/2003 6:55:24 PM
To: meyer
Off topic but Krugman is on Hannity and Colmes. He's an idiot, and he makes me want to burn my own house down. Well, not quite, but he does tick me off.
posted on
10/27/2003 6:57:33 PM PST
Phil Hendrie will broadcast fire coverage live from KFI. I can't stand his voice nonsense but when he's reporting news, he's VERY good.
To: Gabz
"The CA fires are breaking news - whether or not one has family or friends there (I have both)
As a former radio reporter and knowing the importance of broadcast news because of it's immediacy, I am speechless over the lack of coverage."
I'm wondering what the point is of all-news channels if they don't want to carry the news...
I heard a stat on the radio today that the largest fire in San Diego is the size of the city of Chicago...the fires altogether that time were half the size of Rhode Island, and I'm sure it's grown by then. Yet instead of live coverage we get warmed-over stories on the cable news channels. At least Chs. 9 and 11 have improved their coverage now that it's no longer the Saturday night news wasteland :).
To: oceanperch
You can find the site where the map was created
here. You can specify which region of SoCal you want to look at.
posted on
10/27/2003 6:58:03 PM PST
(Ashes keep fallin' on my head...)
To: lainie
My parents are 35 miles away from the nearest fire and have smelled smoke for days.
You are east of SB county, right? Remember, the winds shifted today and are blowing eastward again (towards you, I think).
To: PhiKapMom
used to drive on icy 18 at nignt with my motorcycle! ask me about black ice? wish we had some now!
To: PhiKapMom
One of the networks should just cancel their regular talking head babble-ons, and run a feed from the local stations down there.
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