But we must always remind ourselves that those on the left are not reasonable(and from what I've read about Wolfson, he's on the left).
They can act egregiously and, most of the time, get away with it -- careers intact.
Viz. Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and all the academic phonies such as Doris Kearns Goodwin, Michael Bellesisles, Joseph Ellis.
I think it should be very clear to anyone who pays any real attention to this case that Michael, Felos, and Greer are very likely involved in a criminal conspiracy and need Terri to die to cover up evidence. No even-moderately-sane person, regardless of ideology, is going to want to join in such a conspiracy at this point of the game when it's likely the conspirators will get caught.
They can act egregiously and, most of the time, get away with it -- careers intact.
Yes, but this case has caught the attention both of the public and of a reasonably-conservative governor. If this guy were to join in the conspiracy to kill Terri, he would run a significant risk of getting prosecuted for murder. What benefit could he possibly hope to receive from such action that would justify the risk?