I'm already thinking of places that I left out. Kennesaw Mountain State Park, and Tallulah Gorge are two that I should have mentioned.
Told you, Georgia grows on you. :)
Sorry I wasn't online til today.
Aqua, You did a great job on Georgia!
My niece in the Air Force is stationed in Georgia.
I have a rant to make, Well, more of a statement.
Yesterday I was off from work for the Columbus Day holiday, so I was listening to WBAL radio in Baltimore, Md. now they had Rush Limbaugh's show from 12:00 til 3:00 PM local time, however, in WBAL's infinate" wisdom they decided not to air Rush's show while he's in rehab. which in my opinion is unfair to those who listen to the show and whant to listen to the subs that are doing the show while Rush is away. I just think it's unfair and that's all I got to say about that!
But a local talk show host from Baltimore, Chip Franklin, had a really nice peice about Rush and his current trouble. Chip played again Rush's statements from Friday and then whent into a monologue about how really crude and uncaring these people are who revel in Rush's misfortunes. I think, along with Chip, that it is really cruel to kick a person around when he or she are down.
No matter weather I agree with thier political or moral views, I still would show some taste and not snipe or maklecrude remarks about thier misfortunes. I'll keep Rush in my prayers that he'll beat this demon as I would anyone else in a simiular situation or who are "down" with either a health issue or family issue or any other "demon"
That's what I have to say about that!