Because they are perverts, they hate middle America and ridicule it constantly, and they attack everything that makes middle America good, fun and decent. They are attacking every potential middle America job they can find.
And they do it for insane reasons. Beef is bad because of cow farts. Oil is bad because they think Florida will disappear underwater. They hate the military and that’s where the military comes from.
Middle America can flip over a newborn animal and tell if it’s a boy or a girl...they cannot.
And people instinctively know who hates them and who doesn’t. Middle America also instinctively dislikes non-productive people.
That is another hateful aspect of Middle America. The next democrat in our White House will issue an executive order barring people from gendering newborn animals until they see where that individual animal chooses to identify on the gender-fluid spectrum, and barring them from assuming that any animal's chosen gender identity is fixed for life or even from one moment to the next. That will show those hicks that democrats care about Middle America and even about our livestock.
Yeah.... What you said..!!