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To: 2ndDivisionVet
113 posted on
06/12/2016 3:56:06 PM PDT by
Aut Pax Aut Bellum
(The Summer of 2016 is going to be interesting...)
To: 2ndDivisionVet; RitaOK; flaglady47
My eyes glazed over reading Cruz's tedious statement. Same old pap. Who's gonna wade through all those trite words or remember any of 'em.
I like Trump's concise statements better...he gets right to the subject and predicate...then closes the subject with a WHAM on what we're all thinking.
115 posted on
06/12/2016 4:04:50 PM PDT by
( GO, TRUMP, GO !!!....Plus....Boycott Target !!!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
123 posted on
06/12/2016 4:57:19 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
“We need to pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act, so that known ISIS terrorists cannot use U.S. passports to return to America and wage jihad. We need a President who is serious who will identify the enemy by name and do everything necessary to defeat it.”
Excellent. BTTT.
127 posted on
06/12/2016 5:10:56 PM PDT by
(White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
As usual, Ted Cruz is right. It’s amazing how just a short couple of years have caused such bizarre amnesia in so many otherwise rational people. WHATEVER.
135 posted on
06/12/2016 6:18:50 PM PDT by
(The Founding Fathers would be shooting by now.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Said the same things The Donald has been saying, only with more words.
136 posted on
06/12/2016 6:20:26 PM PDT by
Albion Wilde
("We can't fix a rigged system by relying on the people who rigged it." --Donald Trump, 6/7/16)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
It is a time for action. We need a Commander in Chief who will speak the truth, and who will unleash the full force and fury of the American military to utterly destroy ISIS and its affiliates.Okay, Senator Cruz, we know that CIC has not been Barack Hussein Obama. Are you endorsing Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton for President ?
140 posted on
06/12/2016 6:34:02 PM PDT by
(The bus came by and I got on, That's when it all began.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I think Don Trump admires the fact that Cruz hasnt bowed down to him like Christie did. Per earlier - this would have been a perfect time to endorse Trump by name. Only reason to not do so is to be hoping for some malfeasance to betray Trump and the People at the Convention - or just as bad, pettiness.
147 posted on
06/13/2016 3:30:58 AM PDT by
(Where in the the hell has my country gone?)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
This script could be read by almost any GOPer in government in times like these.
But when they go back to work, it’s business as usual.
I think that the answer to our problems is never “Ted Cruz.”
To: 2ndDivisionVet
"It is a time for action. We need a Commander in Chief who will speak the truth, and who will unleash the full force and fury of the American military to utterly destroy ISIS and its affiliates."
Yeah Ted, and since you haven't yet endorsed Trump you can't credibly claim to be supporting "action" yet..... the choice is Hillary or Trump. Which will it be, Ted?
157 posted on
06/15/2016 2:59:15 PM PDT by
(No lipstick on the PIAPS!! #NeverSHRILLARY)
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