That’s the reason why Islamics are becoming such a problem in Europe ... ‘hate speech’ laws ...
‘We told you so’, Eastern Europe tells Germany
[Anger directed not at the European people so much as at their Euro-Tyrant Establishment which suppresses free speech.]
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in his weekly radio interview that it was proof of a crisis of liberalism that reporting of the sexual assaults in Cologne had been suppressed in Germany, adding that the press in Hungary is much freer than that in western Europe.
Orban added that Hungary is in the right on the refugee issue and that migration into Europe must be completely stopped.
Hungarian media went even further in its criticism of the German government.
Orban ally Zsolt Bayer described the Cologne attackers as North African and Arabic animals - nothing but hyenas, in an article for Magyap Hirlap newspaper, Spiegel reports.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is letting her family and children get eaten by hyenas, he wrote.
‘There are no bastards on this earth more abominable and more destructive than these liberal pigs who are digging Europe’s grave,’ wrote another paper Magyar ...