You criticize Cruz’s stance on these visas so it is usual to assume you are against them.
So you are instead criticizing something that you are for?
So if you criticize Obama for being a communist, that doesn’t mean that you are not a communist nor have every been one. Pretty odd.
Having a bipolar day?
Like I said, you must have not done well in comprehension in school. The reason I point out senator Cruz’a agenda for increasing H-1B visa’s five fold is because there are many posters who do not know that, and secondly, many posters accuse Governor Walker and others as pro-amnesty. I hate hypocritical accusations by supporters of one candidate for other candidates.
Lets face the raw truth...Cruz, Walker, Rubio, Paul, Bush, Huckabee, Carson, etc all will allow MOST illegals to remain in the country with some type of legal status.
The first candidate who declares he will deport every law breaking immigrant, goes immediately to the top of my preference list. And gets a cash contribution in mail the same day.