Rand who?
Link to article: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-04-20/can-ted-cruz-make-rand-paul-obsolete-
He already has.
How can Ted Cruz make it so Kentucky only has one senator?
Take a look at another conservative, hell Paul is not conservative he is a liberal-tarian.
Paul stands no chance and he and his daddy know it but again they will stay there to screw things up as usual like in the past.
But, but, but Bloomburg a is liberal media outlet so Ted Cruz is not a true conservative like Rand Paul.. So the Rand Paul prapagandist would tell ya...
But, but, but, Rand Paul is formidable ! That is what a Rand Paul supporter told me.
But, but , but this proves that Rand Paul is as conservative as Ted Cruz so we need to support Rand Paul, so the Rand Paul supporters would say.
Can Ted Cruz Make Rand Paul Obsolete?
He isn’t already?
Ron Paul gained traction because, for all his faults, he was the only candidate who proposed radical changes to our government rather than just tweaks at the margins. He was also consistent in his positions no matter how unpalatable. Rand Paul doesn’t even have that going for him but he courts his fathers following as though he did.
With Cruz running there is now a candidate who proposes radical changes to our government and doesn’t sport Paul’s dangerous foreign policies and frightful associates. All this is a long winded way of saying that yes Cruz has made the Pauls irrelevant.
Done - consider him irrelevant.
Even if Cruz loses, we can say conservatism took its best shot.
I still think Rand Paul is an atheist.
Rand is doing just fine at that task on his own.