In Jamelle's world only the income redistribution by the government solves problems.
The very notion that this is a problem for government to “fix” is the real problem.
As Maggie said:
The Libs think they can take from the rich and give to the poor and things will equal out. How has that worked out over the last 60 years?
The best way to rise above one’s circumstances is a good education and training for a career. But even with that, there is no guarantee.
Another ‘gimme’ program is not going to accomplish any more than the current ‘gimme’ programs.
Remember about that 40 acres and a mule? That is more that I got. But, most of those who got that 40 acres ended up losing it to shysters and con-men. Whose fault is that?
Our politicians use pareto analysis when gathering funds and then dishing out services.