Nonsense. Fire away.
The Bushes need to be blown up and go away.
“... But Cruz has to be careful here. Hes not in the top tier of the Republican primary ...”;
Cruz and Walker are running at the top of the pack .. even though when they make lists for you to vote on .. they always put Ted at the BOTTOM OF THE LIST. That tells me they are terrified of him (and they think Walker is a pushover so they put him on top) .. But that just confirms to me that Ted is the person I want for President.
Great guy!! Born in Canada. Too Bad.
Methinks that's a bit strong.
Which conservatives? The Democrat conservatives? Oh, probably Libertarians.
At least get hucksters name right.
The other vulnerabilities is also the Bush War... Why they never talk about how unelectable he is.
I listened to this woman last night and my blood is still boiling over what she’s uncovered—Lamar Alexander should be strung up over the stealth and quickness he’s using to get this through before anyone has an opportunity to ferret out the sh*t in Commie Core:
“Think about this. If we no longer have public schools with locally elected school board members, what will happen to your taxes? What happens to your vote and your voice in government? If our public school system is changed to a privatized choice system that uses our hard earned taxes with no elected boards, who controls what is taught? The parents? The citizen voters? Charter Schools are the ultimate goal for the takeover of public education. Charter schools are privately owned, usually for profit, with no elected local school board members, and they use public tax money. Plus, parents have no say in how they are run or what is taught.”
Everyone should contact their school boards with a copy of this article—they’ll soon lose their jobs and we’ll be screwed, too.
Blah, blah, blah.