If this was a Rino hunt I could understand King inviting Christie, I am not impressed with conservatives who engage in rubbing Rino’s back.
King then asked Christie to name the five businesses that were subject to the agreement Cohen had cited. After the witness did so, King pointed out that Cohen had issued a press release taking credit for an $800,000 earmark to one of those corporations, Smith & Nephew. King asked for unanimous consent to put Cohens press release into the the record, saying,
Negotiating these agreements was akin to land- ing five airplanes on the same runway at the same time. I would ask Mr. Christie if he would speak to the difficulty of this agree- ment.
Mr. KING. Thank you, Mr. Christie. And in conclusion if, with some deference from the Chair, I would like to just summarize this that I have not been able to get two opposing attorneys to agree on anything. The only way I can get them to agree is if they are paid by the same client.
He says he thinks Christies offer to help him relates to 2009, when Christie was called before Congress to defend his use of contracts as attorney general of New Jersey.
King says he defended Christie and others from what he considered a political lynching.