I think Herman Cain knows it too.
That's funny. It looks like Perry kicked @$$ in fundraising this quarter. Looks like not everyone is ready to jump on board with the establishment.
Meanwhile, the one new entrant who might have cut into Romney's base, Christie, keeps announcing that he is NOT running. So Romney has the moderate/left field to himself, while conservatives have multiple major and minor, announced and unannounced, choices, and are stubbornly sticking with their own choices and trashing all the others:
"Bachmann is mean and shrilly, Bachmann attacked Palin, Perry is a racist, Cain supports new taxes, Palin isn't running, Perry supports open borders, Bachmann is crazy and retarded, Cain is a race-baiter, Gingrich spends too much time on the couch with Pelosi, Perry loves muslims, Bachmann never served in an executive position, Cain strongly supported TARP, Palin supported TARP, Perry wrote a note to Hillary about health care, Cain supports affirmative action, Bachmann is unelectable, Perry is a RINO, Cain has no government experience, Gingrich had multiple wives, etc., etc., etc.,"
Romney is the luckiest candidate out there right now. He has money, he has the establishment, and yet he actually got away with attacking PERRY as the establishment, with the help of the other conservative candidates who thought it would help them (and it did Cain, who is now the flavor of the week until the media gets through with him).