Condi - Hmmm. Probably Secretary of state
Ridge - Doing good where he's at I would think. Who's FBI director?
Rudi - gotta be the front-runner in my book although I'm leary after seeing the OUTRIGHT REJECTION of a New Englander. However, Rudi doesn't come off as an elitist and is hugely popular. He's a fence bridger too, used to operating in hostile political environs (read dealing with conservatives and liberals I think he's moderate), and he can draw Democrat votes. I think he could handle Hillary with ease.
McCain - from a conservative viewpoint, yes LOL, but has the same Democrat vote drawing ability as Rudi. Question is can he draw Republican votes? LOL
Powell - just ain't interested. I think he wants to play golf or something.
Here's some more;
Tommy Franks? - Untested and inexperienced in this field, Secretary of Defence?
Pataki, current gov of NY - Gotta wonder. He was showcased along with Guliani at the convention. Another moderate, libs won't be afraid. NY governors have a great track record gaining the White House. Will he be viewed as another elitist New Englander?
Arnold - not gonna happen...:) Not eligible and they will not open that can of worms.
Hastert, too many problems, same with DeLay.
Frist - can carry the South BIGTIME, down home appeal as Bush, veryconservative, carry christian vote in big way. Only reservation is backlash effect from 8 years of conservative values. The country seems to wobble back and forth and that tells us 2008 we should run a moderate. Or will the conservative movement realize it's newfound power. I can't see the same vote out in force again in 2008. Another downside, senators have a horrible track record on gaining the White House as we just witnessed. Same knock on McCain.
Hmmm, who's under the radar here...should be a governor or a mayor....
Big Jim Thompson - former governor of Illinois, can handle his own against any Democrat (had to fight that Daley machine in Chicago) and did well on when he sat on the 9-11 commission! Seems to be getting groomed for another role. Never know.
Rick Perrry, gov of Texas - Texas is on a role lately eh? More electoral votes than NY. Don't know anything about him...hard to tell...
Maryland duo Governor Ehrlich and Lieutenant Governor Steele? Both sharp at the convention.
I'm from Texas, Rick Perry is no George W. Bush. I wouldn't count on him ever winning. You don't have to worry about Texas going for a Dem tho, the only blue part of this state is in Austin/University of Texas.
Governor Engler (Michigan) - B1 Bob Dornan
As I have said on other threads, Perry will not win reelection in Texas in 2006. He's a RINO, former dim, pretty boy, low IQ, ass. Those are his good points.
To know him is to hate him.
Regarding Rudy, and at the risk of nit-picking, New York is not a New England state. New England is comprised of ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT. NY is a Middle-Atlantic state.