Remember the bottom 50% pay only 4.7% of the income taxes, but account for most of the services. The top 1% pay 33% of the incomes taxes. Being small in number, they can relocate to another more favorable state. If only half of the 1% decide to relocate, you lose 17% of the tax base. Have you heard any more calls to "tax the rich" lately?
The parasites may be in control at the ballot box, but the people with the financial resources have the means and motive to get the hell out of dodge.
And this of course is why the scumbags are always pushing for a bigger and bigger federal government and reduced power for the states.
The scumbags want more federal regulations, more federal entitlements, more federal jurisdiction, and they want the federal government to get a bigger portion of the overall tax pie precisely because they do not want society's successful producers to have the option of "voting with their feet" by moving to a less oppressive, lower taxing state.
You've broken the code.