I can understand a doctor asking questions about lifestyle to help along with a diagnosis, but I have seen many people get the same results - if you smoke that is the problem, take these meds and never smoke again and life will be grand. Oh, and don't drink, only eat certain foods, don't be in traffic for more then 10 min because of the fumes from other cars, move to a place where the climate is drier, etc and so on.
We can choose to kill unborn children, but we cannot choose (or won't be able to someday) what we put in our own bodies. My mom smoked while I was growing up, wonder if I can sue her for my allergies and other problems. And when it becomes a crime to smoke then I can look back at all my relatives over the many years and proclaim they were all criminals. Ok, done ranting, need a smoke ;)
Some Doctors are ANTI'S, but most our not. Most of them are being "programmed by the Head Honcho of each hospital to lean on the patients about smoking.
This all came about a few years ago when the American Medical Association joined forces with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Currently, there are 46 states in the pocket of the RWJF. The more control, bans and higher taxes imposed upon a smoker, the more GRANT (I call it BLOOD MONEY), the hospitals will receive for renovations, MRI machines, etc. So, the hospitals chopped off the heads of the smokers in order to receive funding.
Here in Maine, there is NO smoking anywhere on a hospital property. Not for the patients, not for the staff and not for stressed out visitors. Cant even smoke in your private car while your parked on their property! (And they wonder why we are short on Doctors and nurses!)
Now, the Surgeon General brought out his report that Obesity has passed smoking for health care and health cost. So, what are the hospitals going to do? Ban the obese? Or staple their stomachs as they come through the door. But of course, its all about the war on the smokers. There ARE no grants for the obese. Pity.