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Conservatives not satisfied with Bush's record
The Washington Times ^ | June 18, 2002 | Ralph Z. Hallow

Posted on 06/18/2002 9:57:13 AM PDT by jimkress

Edited on 07/12/2004 3:54:48 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

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To: Harrison Bergeron
Congratulations, you are Bush Basher #47 of 49.

Its a small, vocal group. Lot of smoke, not much fire. Who you vote for is irrelevant.

341 posted on 06/18/2002 3:47:01 PM PDT by Ben Ficklin
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To: Hoppean
The socialistic part is the [Government] helping people own private property.

Huh? Could you please provide Marx's quote where his goal was for everyone to own private property?

342 posted on 06/18/2002 3:56:18 PM PDT by Dane
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To: BlueLancer
Will we get advance warning as to the actual time. I am a little ole' southern lady.
343 posted on 06/18/2002 3:57:56 PM PDT by nanny
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To: MissAmericanPie
I have posted this to you before, but you bet I will write in Tancredo. You know, even if he does not have a chance of winning, maybe he can get the dialogue going and let people in this country know what is going on.

How in the world does putting property int he hands of the government do anything for the economy??

My daughter, late 20's is going back to college to become a teacher. (She wants to make a difference.) I have suggested she get a degree that will allow her to immigrate to another nation. Alas, my son has 3 small children and does not have the luxury of changing his occupation, but maybe the children will have a chance to find another home. I believe this one is gone.

344 posted on 06/18/2002 4:03:14 PM PDT by nanny
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To: Lazamataz
Refute the article and quit name-calling.

Hmmmm, notice that you didn't get a response to this?

345 posted on 06/18/2002 4:04:32 PM PDT by oldvike
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To: SunStar
Could you please list a few of the things you are satisfied with?
346 posted on 06/18/2002 4:09:47 PM PDT by gunshy
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To: habs4ever
If he doesn't pay attention to the domestic agenda, it will not matter what happens on the other side of the war.

Defense, like other things, begins (and ends) at home.

His agenda to sell land to the government probably means the government will have land to give to his newest citizens. Just a thought, but you who are younger remember this and when (and if) it happens - you heard it first here.

347 posted on 06/18/2002 4:10:38 PM PDT by nanny
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To: Roscoe
No, it would take a while - but Bush shouldn't add to it.
348 posted on 06/18/2002 4:13:22 PM PDT by nanny
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To: hchutch
We have control of the House now and a small minority in the Senate - and we are getting Democrat legislation. We also have the White HOuse. If a President cannot get good legislation through under those circumstances, he is not much of a politician. That argument won't wash. Remember, when we had control of both houses - did anything get done. I will agree, however, less destructive action came out of Washington than is coming out now.
349 posted on 06/18/2002 4:19:09 PM PDT by nanny
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To: nanny
He is paying attention to the domestic side,just enough, but just not the 2% that are all outraged.He has to try to get the mushy middle so he can get the Senate and make the tax cuts permanent, then cut capital gains taxes.

I will wait until after the November elections to have a stab at critiquing his strategy on domestic policy.That way we will know if he was right.

As for defence starting at home, so true, and its vital to have the support of the nation.If he was overly unpopular, he wouldn't have it.

350 posted on 06/18/2002 4:24:12 PM PDT by habs4ever
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To: hchutch
Do you want the Hispanics controlling the Republican party? That is a frightening thought, but I do believe that is Bush's goal. So many of his actions point to his desire for these people to be in this country and to have power. Of course, to do this, he must take away many things from the citizens here. These freebies and goodies he is enticing them with must come from somewhere and it is surely not coming out of his pocket.

My husband and I want desperately to have small acreage in the country. Bush has a large amount of land not far from here (in Texas terms). How would he feel if I just showed up and staked out about 10 acres of that and demanded water and other goodies. Now, as is the argument of many proponents of his policies, I would work very hard on that land and unlike his newest citizens, I would pay taxes. Just wonder if he would like the deal. Well, that is exactly what he is doing to us and I don't like it either.

351 posted on 06/18/2002 4:25:14 PM PDT by nanny
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To: willa
>>>What 75% or 80% of legislation have Conservatives won under this administration?? Not words - but legislation or the repeal of legislation.

That s a fair question.

After just 17 months in office I think overall, President Bush is doing a good job. With strong opposition from Daschle and his fellow obstructionists, I don't think Bush has accomplished as much as he could have, if he had a Republican controlled Senate. Electing more conservatives to the Congress is also key to any success for Bush and that makes the upcoming November elections, critical. Legislation is only one area though. There are Presidential appointments and judicial nominees, both of which are being held up at this time by the Democratic Senate.

According to Rep. Tom Davis at the NRCC, "right now there are 50 important bills that have already passed the House of Representatives, but are slowly dying on Senator Tom Daschle's desk".

Including key legislation:

--Faith-based solutions to welfare (held up 10 months)
--Ban all human cloning (held up 9 months)
--Oil embargo protection bill (held up 14 months)
--Make our tax cuts permanent (held up 2 months)

Here's a link to the FR article, "Free the Fifty". Bills held up by Daschle!

Many people are familiar with certain decisions the President has made, that they have chosen to disagree with. For myself, I opposed the education legislation, but lets not forget, he did campaign on it and everone was aware it was coming. I didn't like him signing CFR, even though I understood the politics behind it. Even though there was naked political considerations behind the farm bill that Bush signed, it was nothing but corporate welfare. The recent $200 million for low income housing, was nothing but more social engineering, but it was another campaign promise. And of course, there was section 245i, which was bad timing, but came in a bill that held mostly good legislation, for the security and safety of the American people.

However, on the plus side, there was Bushes tax cut plan. While it wasn't quite large enough for me and is too back loaded, it was still a tremendous accomplishment.

The President's 14.5% increase in military spending for 2003 is the largest increases since Reagan and are coming at the right time. He also secured two wage increases and gave additional funding for better medical and housing for the men and women in the armed forces.

Bushes executive directive, that the RKBA is an individual right and not a collective right, was a significant victory for 2nd amendment supporters, like me. It opened the door for certain gun control legislation to be challenged in the courts.

Bushes halting of government funding, for further destruction of human embryo's, showed his respect for human life and continued opposition to abortion. Bushes signature that eliminated taxpayer funding of overseas abortions was another important decision and showed his support for the right to life of the unborn. Bush also killed federal funding of foreign family planning activities.

Bushes decisions to throw out the Kyoto protocol and dispose of the ABM Treaty were two big victories for conservatives. Bushes ability to secure funding for a NMDS (SDI) was another big victory for conservatives.

Bushes decision that the US won't have anything to do with the International Criminal Court was another victory for conservatives. Bushes opposition to lifting the embargo on Castro's Cuba, was another victory for conservatives. Bushes decisions that recinded stricter standards for arsenic and CO2 were two more conservative moves. Bush also signed a repeal of ergonomics rules that would have hurt small home businesses.

There's more. Like doing a remarkable good job at prosecuting the war on terrorism and returning honor, dignity and integrity to the Oval Office.

All this may not be a perfect record and may not make every conservatives happy, but I think people should look at the whole record. I think so far, so good. I'm satisfied.

352 posted on 06/18/2002 4:28:10 PM PDT by Reagan Man
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To: jimkress
George W. Bush: "Read my lips - I'm a conservative!"
353 posted on 06/18/2002 4:35:47 PM PDT by Nephi
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To: weikel
Not all women, surely. I note many of the ID's on here that look feminine are very, very conservative - myself included.
354 posted on 06/18/2002 4:38:41 PM PDT by nanny
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To: jimkress
Bush makes me unhappy some days.

AlBore would have made me unhappy every day.

That's the reality of politics.

355 posted on 06/18/2002 4:40:39 PM PDT by LibKill
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To: MissAmericanPie
All you do is complain, whine, moan and groan.

This may come as a shock to you, but the federal government has been growing in every aspect since the earliest beginnings of the nation. Every Congress and every president has added to the size, scope, power and influence of the federal bureaucracy.

George W.Bush didn't invent big government and he won't be the one to dismantle it, at least not without significant majority control of the Congress. There is serious political gridlock in Wash-DC and that confrontational attitude has spawned deadlock and stalemate for the last twenty years. This gridlock can't be broken overnight.

Instead of bitching about everything under the sun, for once, I'd like to see you fringe extremists come up with a plan to solve the problems that face America today. A real plan. Don't just list whats wrong, tell us your steps for making changes you want.

356 posted on 06/18/2002 4:45:08 PM PDT by Reagan Man
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To: Dane
The tax cut was good - too little and can always be taken away.

The International Court was good, yes.

Kyoto was a joke, it was going nowhere. One country in the world has signed on and it is something we are going to crow about.

Yes, 2nd Amendment is good.

Now, let's talk the farm bill, which will give his big corporate agribusiness a huge handout and couple that with his big 25% if you sell your property (read family farm) to the government. Now the government can either have space for his newest citizens or they can lease these family farms (for a small very small fee) to his big corporate agribusiness supporters. Good? Nah!

Let's talk that ridiculous education bill that he and Teddy cooked up. Well no need. Good? Nah!

Let's talk immigration. Actually, there isn't enough room to talk immigration. There is absolutely no benefit to this country in his immigration policies. Just benefits for his big corporate buddies, once again and once again the American taxpayers are paying the price for this as well as loosing our jobs, our communities and our culture. Good? Nah!

How ab out the new down payment idea for his newest citizens. There are many, hardworking, taxpaying citizens of this country who would like to have help with the down payment - but alas, they were born here and that gives them a disadvantage. Anyone who pretends to think this is designed for anything but his Mexicans, needs a reality check. Good? Nah!

Oh, I did read here that he paid up our UN dues? Is that true? I really don't know. Someone set me straight on this. But if true.

And we lost that seat on the Human Rights committee - and to Mexico, wasn't it? Not sure. Good? Nah!

The wrong things he has done will have such a detrimental effect on this country and can in no way be compared to the few things on which he has stood his ground. .

357 posted on 06/18/2002 4:59:50 PM PDT by nanny
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To: caddie
Sad, but true.
358 posted on 06/18/2002 5:03:35 PM PDT by nanny
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To: hchutch
I'm sorry. What taxes? If you are 'low-incomed' enough to get this advantages, you aren't paying any.
359 posted on 06/18/2002 5:05:16 PM PDT by nanny
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To: Roscoe
" a quick Google (Is that a verb yet?)..."

It is now!
360 posted on 06/18/2002 5:06:20 PM PDT by DennisR
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