That s a fair question.
After just 17 months in office I think overall, President Bush is doing a good job. With strong opposition from Daschle and his fellow obstructionists, I don't think Bush has accomplished as much as he could have, if he had a Republican controlled Senate. Electing more conservatives to the Congress is also key to any success for Bush and that makes the upcoming November elections, critical. Legislation is only one area though. There are Presidential appointments and judicial nominees, both of which are being held up at this time by the Democratic Senate.
According to Rep. Tom Davis at the NRCC, "right now there are 50 important bills that have already passed the House of Representatives, but are slowly dying on Senator Tom Daschle's desk".
Including key legislation:
--Faith-based solutions to welfare (held up 10 months)
--Ban all human cloning (held up 9 months)
--Oil embargo protection bill (held up 14 months)
--Make our tax cuts permanent (held up 2 months)
Here's a link to the FR article, "Free the Fifty". Bills held up by Daschle!
Many people are familiar with certain decisions the President has made, that they have chosen to disagree with. For myself, I opposed the education legislation, but lets not forget, he did campaign on it and everone was aware it was coming. I didn't like him signing CFR, even though I understood the politics behind it. Even though there was naked political considerations behind the farm bill that Bush signed, it was nothing but corporate welfare. The recent $200 million for low income housing, was nothing but more social engineering, but it was another campaign promise. And of course, there was section 245i, which was bad timing, but came in a bill that held mostly good legislation, for the security and safety of the American people.
However, on the plus side, there was Bushes tax cut plan. While it wasn't quite large enough for me and is too back loaded, it was still a tremendous accomplishment.
The President's 14.5% increase in military spending for 2003 is the largest increases since Reagan and are coming at the right time. He also secured two wage increases and gave additional funding for better medical and housing for the men and women in the armed forces.
Bushes executive directive, that the RKBA is an individual right and not a collective right, was a significant victory for 2nd amendment supporters, like me. It opened the door for certain gun control legislation to be challenged in the courts.
Bushes halting of government funding, for further destruction of human embryo's, showed his respect for human life and continued opposition to abortion. Bushes signature that eliminated taxpayer funding of overseas abortions was another important decision and showed his support for the right to life of the unborn. Bush also killed federal funding of foreign family planning activities.
Bushes decisions to throw out the Kyoto protocol and dispose of the ABM Treaty were two big victories for conservatives. Bushes ability to secure funding for a NMDS (SDI) was another big victory for conservatives.
Bushes decision that the US won't have anything to do with the International Criminal Court was another victory for conservatives. Bushes opposition to lifting the embargo on Castro's Cuba, was another victory for conservatives. Bushes decisions that recinded stricter standards for arsenic and CO2 were two more conservative moves. Bush also signed a repeal of ergonomics rules that would have hurt small home businesses.
There's more. Like doing a remarkable good job at prosecuting the war on terrorism and returning honor, dignity and integrity to the Oval Office.
All this may not be a perfect record and may not make every conservatives happy, but I think people should look at the whole record. I think so far, so good. I'm satisfied.
I've read and reread your points. I don't disagree with a lot that you said, and some of the plusses are definately worth keeping in mind.
I know that some of the avid supporters think that those who are unhappy with things that GW is doing are people that didn't vote for him etc. I definately did vote for him, and as I've mentioned in other posts, I actively worked during the election.
I deplored the Clinton scandles - Monica etc. - however my greatest worry was building up our enemy Communist China, the growth of socialism of America, and the erosion of the bill of rights. Socialism sucks the host dry and will eventually bankrupt US. Evidence this with the treasury's increasing indebtedness with the runaway growth of social spending.
The Patriot bill was my wake-up call that something was wrong when GW waid he was against sunsetting ANY of it. That scared me. Those that hold the 2A dear should worry about it. Sneak and peak provisions?? What kind of tools were being created for the next occupant of the White House?
The tax cuts were very good - however increasing spending on social programs in 17 months - more than Clinton did in 5 years offsets the amount we got. We in reality got a small 'loan' on our indebtedness.
Please direct me to the executive directive on RKBA - I missed that. If you do a search on the gw website there is a disturbing mentioning by Ari on closing the gun show loophole. Should we be confident that he wont do that or pass "reasonable gun laws?"
The situation with the ICC is not over yet. We'll have to see how this plays out - but I am glad that he said what he did. Will he follow through?
Cuba - what is the difference between Cuba and China except that Jeb is running for re-election in November.
When was the ergonomic rules passed? I don't remember that.
Yes, he has done a good job with the war on terrorism. Yes, I am relieved not to hear about vices in the WH.
Reagan man, I don't think we are getting 50% Conservatism. We aren't even in a holding pattern anymore. Should we be satisfied in our hearts as Americans to keep moving left, even if it is at a slower pace? Will there be a Republic left to pass on to our Grandkids? Should we just sit back and resign ourselves?
It's not about Bush - it's about the future of American freedom.