What disturbs me is that some conservatives have gotten into a mode where they are willing to quickly criticize Bush first, before all of the facts come out. Such folks who shoot from the hip have lost credibility with me.
I admit I have been holding my breath a few times lately. I try to consider the source...and yesterday that was my method of finding a delay in allowing a judgement of the "bureaucratic report".
I think there may be some fall-out from this action. If someone took advantage of the reporting process....I hope Bush removes them from their job, no matter how high or visible, they might be.
I just hope that my every two year to be a radio listerner auditor comes up again in July/Aug with a very key audience measuring group. You record what stations you listened to for 7 days broken down by 15 minutes. If you don't listen, you write down the reasons why. About 20 days after my last audit was sent in a lot of Bush Bashers got moved to past midnight or off the air.
The magic word, if the station owners/board think that I listen to this Bravo Sierra then they have a real reality problem.