Well at least now they're being honest
To: Phil V.; The Documentary Lady
Once the occupation stops there will be no more terrorism
To: Michael2001
Yep. Religion of Peace. Islam spreading love throughout the globe.
To: Michael2001
We may not be at war with Islam, but Islam sure as hell is at war with us.
To: Michael2001
"Islam came to dominate the world." With signs like these, you hardly need counter-pickets.
Now, if only the US media would pick up a few of these stories and let the American people know what is going on. . . .
11 posted on
04/24/2002 7:24:14 PM PDT by
To: Michael2001
They are NOT going to dominate me.
26 posted on
04/24/2002 10:50:41 PM PDT by
To: Michael2001
I would hope that our homeland security forces have taken pictures and tapped phones and keep these people under surveillance. If these demonstrators are not terrorists, I bet they have recently communicated with someone who is.
To: Michael2001
So why wasn't the INS there throwing their muslims tails into paddy wagons and deporting them? The FBI was filming away during the opening of a Muslim supermarket here in my town, were Al Queda supporters reign supreme.
Did they film these radicals, make any arrests, do any deporting? I bet not one mulsim radical living here on an expired visa has been deported since 9-11.
To: Michael2001
About 150 protestors from the militant Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun called for jihad against Israel and the US at a rally across from the Israeli consulate on Friday afternoon. As predicted. The entire world will be against America and Israel in the end times. We'll have to go it alone. But in the end, it will be the EU that crushes the Islamic Jihad, of which Iran is the real headquarters. It's quite amazing how Gerald Flurry's prophesies based on the Bible are coming true.
To: Michael2001
Ding Dong!

Islam Calling!
To: Michael2001
The airlines would be happy to create special flights to transport all this obvious garbage to say... Zimbabwe?
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