A White House political official... said much the same thing about Mr. Riordan. "We encouraged him to run, we encouraged a bunch of people to run, but we never endorsed him," the official said.
Oh so that's why Rove shoved Gerry Parsky down the CRP's throat? What a crock. Anybody know if that anonymous mysterious, Mr. Policial Offal is our Roving Perp-porter? And he didn't even have the guts to be quoted?
"And we made clear if he was going to run, he was going to win it on his own."
Yeah, after the base went to Simon and it was clear how badly Rove screwed up by putting up Dikkiepoo in the first place. So then they let Brooks and Gerry run it so that they could pretend objectivity? BS. They wanted to be able to blame the base for they stupidly believe will be a Simon defeat. Parsky hates Simon's dad, Rove knows it, knows that Gerry is still badmouthing what may be the last chance any conservative Republican has of recovering the governorship of this state, and isn't doing anything about it. Rove doesn't care because Simon doesn't fit his RINO strategy. Then when Simon looks good in the polls anyway Russo and Rove have agreed to alter history? What a mess!
This pack of fat egoes cares more about being right than they do about winning.
Huh? Hello??!!! Who are you people?? Simon kicked butt in the primary and is now leading Davis!!!
The line the 'New York Slimes' got right. Thanks, JohnHuang2.