I think Jeff Flock runs that operation...maybe he got politely asked by Jackson friends, not to tout this book. One of the exposes in the book is how black Barbara Reynolds got threatened when she tried to write about Jackson's corruption.
But it's a benefit to have this memo coming out of Chicago. CNN Hqs can deny they knew anything about it, just like Walter Issackson did about the sexy Paula (with zipper sound effects) Zahn promo.
I agree, this memo exposes CNN's bias. Not just the intent to protect Jackson, but the way they labeled Timmerman a conservative.
"Long time writer and investigator touting conservative causes, Kenneth Timmerman has written these other books:
Selling Out America
Death Lobby: How The West Armed Iraq
Poison Gas Connection : Western Suppliers of Unconventional Weapons and Technologies to Iraq and Iran
And CNN's problem with all of them is that Zimmerman has written about foreign policy and national security failures that occured during the Clinton Administration.
Rush and others got a lot of mileage out of that accusation, and I wish I could believe it, but it's nonsense. That wasn't a zipper, it was a phonograph record.