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St. Louis Voter Fraud: Three Charged! (Dead Woman Registered To Vote!!)
St. Louis Post Disgrace ^
Posted on 03/04/2002 1:10:15 PM PST by Recovering_Democrat
Edited on 05/11/2004 5:33:31 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Three former workers in a "get-out-the-vote" operation were charged today with completing and turning in fake voter registration cards prior to the March 2001 St. Louis mayoral primary.
Eliza Julion. 29, and Paul Lamont Julion, 26, both of St. Louis, and Michelle Robinson, 32, of Rock Hill, face charges of felony vote fraud, Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce announced. The Julions are believed to be sister and brother, authorities said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Announcements; Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: missouri; votefraud
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To: KC Burke
The tip of the iceberg is now just visible The bottom of the iceberg is in Maryland...the land of dead voters.
posted on
03/04/2002 2:42:03 PM PST
To: NittanyLion
NittanyLion, it was over 165% in some precincts. This in a city where the school system is going to be taken over by private concerns. Frankly, unless one goes specifically to the center city business area, or some of the areas down near Penns Landing, the place looks like "the day after". At least the urban areas do, burned out, falling down buildings covered with graffitti.
Now, I happen to live just outside Philly, but I must have slept through the "Zombiethon 2000" It would have been interesting to see the living dead marching down Market Street;-)
Anywhere there is a Demorat machine, one gets this interesting situation.
posted on
03/04/2002 2:53:05 PM PST
Hmmmmmm, a lawsuit by a dead man, to help elect a dead man's wife, voted for by the dead. Don't you all see? The dead are rising up against the living
and they are all democrats!Just wait til the next election 'reforms' come out... no discriminating against the dead... voice activated voting machines that automatically vote democratic when they hear "Rraarrrarrgh!"... 'Get Out the Vote Days' at your local cemetary.
In fact, that little incident down in SC wasn't fraud by the mortuary owners, it was a new DNC voters drive!
Remember, folks, a bullet to the brain is the only way to be sure.
posted on
03/04/2002 2:56:55 PM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
Until fraud like this carries a mandatory sentence of something like 10 years, nothing will change. These people have little to lose. They'll wear this crime like a badge of honor. I'm sure they're making a scrapbook of newspaper clipping right now.
posted on
03/04/2002 3:01:39 PM PST
To: KC Burke
As in all national media coverage, if the proported corruption was a Democrat, the party affiliation is dropped.
See no evil, hear no evil, report no evil... when it comes to RATS.
To: WileyC
Well, no wonder the dead vote democrat...they can no longer help themselves and everyone knows that the democratic party is based on government interference - oops, ah, helping those who can't (or won't help themselves!)
To: jpl
And that doesn't even take into consideration the organizations that give out money and cigarettes to people on the street to go vote, which isn't technically fraud but should be in my opinion.
Tell me about it. Of course, the prosecutorial machine is run by RATs as well, so they protect their own.
On a semi-related note, the former chairman of Milwaukee County's Election Commission falsified signatures on at least 2 recall petitions seeking to recall ex-County Executive F. Thomas Ament (I don't know whether this occured while he was still chairman or merely a commissioner, but it happened while he was still serving). Because he eventually left office (or more likely, in spite of same), the local DA, E. Michael McCann ("affectionately" called McCan't) declined to prosecute despite pleas from the State Elections Board chairman to do so.
posted on
03/04/2002 3:06:54 PM PST
To: KC Burke
As in all national media coverage, if the proported corruption was a Democrat, the party affiliation is dropped. Same as something else that we all know about too, huh?
posted on
03/04/2002 3:11:52 PM PST
To: anniegetyourgun
Are you from St. Louis/MO? Someone needs to ask the paper Mark17's question of them, assuming people register by party in MO.Annie, when I made the first guess, it was a rhetorical guess, and with sarcasm. I already figured they must be Democrats, because if they were conservatives, it would have plastered all over the newspaper.
posted on
03/04/2002 3:14:08 PM PST
To: Registered
Didn't Cleland win by only 300 or so 6 years ago??? Crooked dems !
To: Recovering_Democrat
How many dead people voted for the dead candidate in the senatorial campaign out there?
posted on
03/04/2002 3:18:38 PM PST
To: Texaggie79
OMG! I better go contribute right now!!!
posted on
03/04/2002 3:19:42 PM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
These are only the dead people they caught; most of the dead people ran faster....
Or had more well connected lawyers....
-un (from Metro East St. Luois...)
posted on
03/04/2002 3:21:30 PM PST
To: First_Salute
See what I mean?
Read the examples below and hear more witness to excesses under color of authority. Outright fraud with nobody mounting a real criminal investigation. In St. Louis you'd think AG Ashcroft would take particular interest. (We should, er, live so long? </sarcasm>)
The cultivation of our death will be "encouraged" by rulers, not honestly elected officials. After all, after a point, just how many do you think will volunteer?
To: My2Cents
That 500,000 would disappear just removing the votes of illegal aliens in California alone. Motor-voter is a Demoncrat tool.
posted on
03/04/2002 3:33:27 PM PST
To: SoDak
Frankly, if one removes the estimated illegal voters in California from the pool who voted in 2000, Bush won the national tally comfortably.
posted on
03/04/2002 3:43:43 PM PST
To: KC_Conspirator
Ten percent of St.L voters have "dual residences." I have the article bookmarked. This enables them to vote twice. And there are 250K registered voters in St.L....
posted on
03/04/2002 4:11:36 PM PST
To: SoDak
Motor Voter is fertile ground for fraud. Eligibility to vote is not the same as eligibilty to drive, and the record keeping is so lax that it is easy to pad the rolls deceptively. As other FReepers have pointed out, there are some areas that have voter rolls exceeding 100% of the population, thanks to Motor Voter. This was a Clinton scheme to protect himself from the real voters. The fact that the liberals in Congress fought tooth and nail in the CFR bill against any effort to control vote fraud says it all. Yet another reason to let CFR die.
To: My2Cents
Who wants to bet that if one discounts all the voter fraud that took place in 2000, Al Gore's "lead" of 500,000 votes nationwide (which is less that 0.5% of the total vote) would more than disappear?
This is why the notion that Gore won the popular vote in 2000 is malarkey to me. I honestly believe that W. won the popular vote. Not that it matters, though.
posted on
03/04/2002 4:26:51 PM PST
To: Mark17
I know - but I wish someone from that state would ask at least 10 others to write/call that paper and ask for the answer to the question that they OBVIOUSLY left out - and then ask them WHY they left it out. They need to feel the heat for their BIAS.
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