No problem. Please click on the link in post #310 to see your mathematics for a million monkeys typing on a million keyboards for a millions producing Shakespeare (as well as computer programs self-forming) - totally debunked, with sources, charts, and verifiable calculations included in the link.
You have a pretty limited imagination. Impractical and difficult isn't the same thing as impossible. Just like "finite but very large" isn't even qualitatively the same as "infinite". As I pointed out earlier, while the Million Monkey example isn't practical in any standard context, it is actually quite possibly to speculate unverifiable but non-false means by which such a computation could be accomplished on a relatively small system using known science. Certainly many very bright and famous scientists have written papers on how such extreme computation might be accomplished within the normal constraints of our universe. I don't know what the point would be though. (And of course, once you remove the constraint of the universe, all bets are off by default. Not that it matters.)