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Seeds of Fire, China and the Attack on America
Sierra Times ^ | 02/17/02 | Gordon Thomas/ Henrietta Bowman

Posted on 02/17/2002 3:57:58 PM PST by o_zarkman44

"Seeds of Fire: China and the Story behind the Attack on America," by Gordon Thomas, is a remarkable book. You will learn things both our government and that of Canada have attempted to hide from their citizens, placing "business as usual" over security interests. Key to the whole thing is a top-secret report codenamed "Sidewinder."

On September 11, 2001, the same day the World Trade Center and Pentagon were hit by terrorists, a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army transport aircraft from Beijing landed in Kabul with the most important delegation the ruling Taliban had ever received. They had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan that Osama bin-Laden had asked for, that would provide the Taliban with missile-tracking, state of the art communications, and air defense systems in exchange for the Taliban's promise to end the attacks by Muslim extremists in China's north-western regions. Hours later, CIA Director George Tenet received a coded "red alert" message from Mossad's Tel Aviv headquarters that presented what he called a "worst case scenario" - that China would use a ruthless surrogate, bin Laden, to attack the United States.

Now, it has come to light Hong Kong billionaire businessman/crime lord/"Friend of Bill," Li Ka-Shing wants to buy bankrupt telecommunications giant, Global Crossing. With Li Ka-Shing's direct ties to the ChiComs and the Triads, this is a national security nightmare of mega proportions. Li Ka-Shing was also involved in the smuggling of 2,000 AK-47s into America.

Li is a high level partner of COSCO, which has shipped Chinese missile technology and biological warfare components to North Korea, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran. COSCO ships have also served as carriers for smuggling operations around the world and in the United States – of weapons, drugs and illegal aliens. Our government knows many of these illegal aliens have been trained by the PLA as saboteurs.

According to the "Vancouver Province": "Chinese nationals linked to organized crime have broken into the immigration computer at Canada's diplomatic mission in Hong Kong, classified documents obtained by The Province allege.

"At least 788 files from the Computer-Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS) were deleted, and up to 2,000 blank visa forms have disappeared, according to the documents." --Henrietta

Secret Report Shows China Using Canada To Infiltrate US Report Obtained By 'Seeds Of Fire' Author Gordon Thomas From Carol Adler 2-9-2

Canada is the launch-pad for a multi-billion dollar assault by The People's Republic of China (PRC) against the United States. A top-secret report reveals that "a dangerous consortium of Chinese triads, agents of the Chinese Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS), and Hong Kong tycoons has established itself in Canada.

"They operate on several fronts. Smuggling heroin into Canada for shipment to the United States. Using Canada as a key in the lucrative human smuggling trade to Europe and the United States. By obtaining ownership of key companies in Canada, the PRC uses them to infiltrate the United States, says the report.

"The original version of the report has been suppressed because of its far-reaching political, economic and military implications, says Gordon Thomas, author of Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America (Dandelion Books). "A watered-down version is beginning to circulate within senior Washington and Canadian circles.

But a well-placed source in Canada's intelligence community has passed Thomas a copy of the original report. Revelations of its contents are bound to cause embarrassment within the Bush Administration as it prepares for the President's visit to Beijing and to the Canadian government.

Codenamed "Sidewinder, the report is officially titled "Canadian Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada. It was jointly prepared by Canada's Secret Intelligence Service and the National Security Division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Seeds of Fire details how both the CSIS and RCMP were involved in tracking China's theft of nuclear secrets from Los Alamos.

Since the book's publication, Thomas has continued to monitor the activities of Chinese intelligence across North America.

"The report shows the PRC has infiltrated Canadian society with a network of spies and organised crime figures. Many of them have Canadian nationality, making it easy for them to go to the United States, he writes.

Confirmation of the explosive nature of the report has come from two senior Canadian investigators.

One is Brian McAdam, an internationally renowned expert on Chinese Triads networks of professional criminals dating back to Imperial times. The other is Michel Juneau, a former high-ranking French-Canadian intelligence officer who has spent 21 years monitoring Chinese intelligence activities in the Asia-Pacific region.

"As well as what the Sidewinder report states, both men confirm that China is using Canada as the prime base for world hegemony, beginning with the United States, says Thomas. >P> Copies of the original "Sidewinder report were shredded. Those on disc were electronically destroyed. But a copy survived and was passed to Gordon Thomas. He says the document reveals: *Triads own one-third of downtown Vancouver. *China had invested over one billion dollars in 2001 to buy Canadian businesses in strategic areas. A number have links to U.S. corporations.

*China is one of the largest stockholders 10 percent in Canada's Imperial Bank.

*China has "virtual control of 15 corporations in the country's technology sector.

*China's Secret Intelligence Service has "established some 30 companies, fronted by Canadian nationals, for traditional and economic espionage purposes. These companies are used as cover for Chinese spies to get them into important business and political circles. *CIA and Canadian intelligence do not understand the "sinister nature of the elaborate networks established in Canada.

But the original version of "Sidewinder" was spiked after pressure from the business community in the U.S. who feared the revelations would lead to a backlash against China and so damage the thriving trade links President Bush hopes to encourage during his upcoming visit to Beijing. The joint Canadian intelligence team that prepared the original report was told by the Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee that "the report was too extreme and given to scare mongering. They were ordered to give "a more favourable politically correct spin to the facts they present, Thomas has been told.

"Sidewinder reveals that more than 200 Canadian companies and corporations are, in 2002, under the direct control of China's International Trust and Investment Corporation (ITIC).

"It operates directly under the general staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA). ITIC is the world's largest private operator of container terminals. It has lucrative stakes in 17 ports in Europe, including Rotterdam. These ports are directly implicated in the traffic of humans for the sex slave markets, for domestic slavery, for use as organ donors, reveals Thomas.

In Seeds of Fire, Thomas has detailed how the U.S. has successfully "all but wiped out the memory of the massacre on Tiananmen Square by the PLA acting on the orders of the Chinese leadership.

The book is now in its second large reprint and has been sold to over 40 countries. Its author has received wide critical acclaim for the investigative work behind his revelations.

"The business links established in China by American business have directly led to China setting up operations on an unprecedented scale in Canada. But it is not only Canada that now faces a growing threat to its national security. It is the United States that is the prime target.

Canada is just the Trojan Horse -- the womb for the enemy within to nourish itself for the growing penetration of the United States, says Thomas.


Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America, by Gordon Thomas, ISBN 1893302547 (Dandelion Books) Trade Paperback, 524 pages, $25.95. Available at all bookstores, and at , ,

For trade sales, contact Biblio Distribution (NBN), Ingram, Baker & Taylor and other major wholesalers. If your bookstore does not have Seeds of Fire in stock, please call the Dandelion Books store: 1-888-609-5006 in the U.S. or 361-293-7698 (outside the U.S.) for immediate order processing and shipping.


Sidewinder - Canada's Government In The Pockets Of The Triads And Communist China Sidewinder shows connections between the Canadian government, Chinese Drug Lords and Communist China. The Intelligence Network : s i d e w i n d e r s u p p l e m e n t a l : S t a n l e y H o IT'S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT. Triad gangsters have breached the security of Immigration Canada's files and computers in Hong Kong.

Officials from two CITIC-controlled firms were investigated in the U.S. after 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles and other weapons, believed destined for native warrior groups, were found in a California warehouse.

CITIC, as it turns out, is the parent company of China's Polytechnologies, an agency that oversees Beijing's acquisition and sales of weapons. It operates under the general staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which perpetrated the massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989. The president of CITIC and chairman of Polytechnologies is Gen. Wang Jun — one of the Communist Party “princelings” implicated in the illicit shipment in 1996 of 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles to gang members in California.

LI KA-SHING: RED ARMS DEALER In October 1999, the Clinton White House denied that Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing is working for the communists in Beijing. The White house press secretary labeled such accusations as " silly". Eagle Forum - Phyllis Schlafly Column 6/6/96 -- Reject MFN For Communist China Bill Clinton's policy of cozying up to Communist China by granting Most Favored Nation (MFN) status is in shambles.

Chinese Billionaire Wants Global Crossing Charles R. Smith Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002 Red Moneyman Seeks to Take Over U.S. Communications Giant Global Crossing, the largest telecom company in U.S. history to seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, has agreed to a buyout by Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. and Singapore Technologies Telemedia Ltd.

Under terms of the agreement, Hutchison and STT would each invest $375 million in cash in the Bermuda-based company. Creditors would receive the remaining 21 percent equity of the firm, $300 million in cash and $800 million in notes, in exchange for forgiving the company's debt.

According to the agreement, Global's shareholders would receive nothing.

However, the Global Crossing buyout by Hutchison Whampoa is drawing fire from inside Capitol Hill. At issue is the role of billionaire Li Ka-Shing, Hong Kong's most well-known businessman, whose companies make up 15 percent of the market capitalization of the Hong Kong stock market.

Li Ka-Shing's empire includes Hutchison Whampoa, Chinese ports, telecom, energy assets and the Panama Canal. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican, has sent letters to President Bush, the attorney general, the Department of Defense and the investigative arm of Congress demanding an inquiry into the plan, according to Al Santoli, national security adviser to Rohrabacher.

"The purchase of Global Crossing by Li Ka-Shing is another step as his role of a stalker for the People's Republic of China," stated Santoli.

Rep. Rohrabacher claims Li's close connections to the Chinese government should disqualify him from owning Global Crossing's network. Li Ka-Shing's ownership also raises national security issues. Global is a major bidder for U.S. Defense communications contracts.

Global Crossing recently lost a $400 million U.S. defense contract to provide secure communications for the U.S. military. The contract remains a major part of the controversy surrounding the bankrupt telecommunications giant, which also reportedly controls 20 percent of all the fiber-optic cable leaving the United States.

"China is gaining access to global communications via [Li's] acquisitions in air, land and space. There will be a big price to pay for this if the PRC were to decide to call in its chips in the event of conflict with the West," noted Santoli.

"The Chinese government helps Li Ka-Shing, and his close ties to PLA intelligence are well known," said Santoli.

Li Ka-Shing's Links to the PLA

There is overwhelming evidence to support the assertions that Li Ka-Shing is part of the communist Chinese government. According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act "Li's relationship with senior PRC officials is very strong."

Li is not only in business with PRC President Jiang Zemin's son, jointly developing property inside Tiananmen Square for the communist government, but he also is directly in business with the Chinese military through its vast empire of front companies such as weapons maker Poly Technologies Inc.

Li Ka-Shing's direct business contacts with the Chinese army were documented in a 1997 Rand Corporation report on the Chinese military industry.

According to the 1997 Rand report, "Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing, is also negotiating for PLA wireless system contracts, which would build upon his equity interest in Poly-owned Yangpu Land Development Company, which is building infrastructure on China's Hainan Island."

According to a recent biography entitled "Li Ka-Shing," the billionaire formed a partnership with two leading members of the Asian "Triad" organized crime families, Robert Kwok and Henry Fok, to form the China International Trust Investment Company (CITIC).

The Rand Corporation report noted that CITIC had acted as a front for Poly Technologies Inc., the arms manufacturer owned directly by the Chinese army.

"CITIC does enter into business partnerships with and provide logistical assistance to PLA and defense-industrial companies like Poly," noted the 1997 Rand report.

"Poly Technologies, Ltd., was founded in 1984, ostensibly as a subsidiary of CITIC, although it was later exposed to be the primary commercial arm of the PLA General Staff Department's Equipment Sub-Department," states the Rand report.

"Throughout the 1980s, Poly sold hundreds of millions of dollars of largely surplus arms around the world, exporting to customers in Thailand, Burma, Iran, Pakistan, and the United States."

"Poly's U.S. subsidiaries were abruptly closed in August 1996. Allegedly, Poly's representative, Robert Ma, conspired with China North Industries Corporation's (NORINCO) representative, Richard Chen, and a number of businessmen in California to illegally import 2000 AK-47s into the United States," states the Rand report.

Li Ka-Shing is also part owner of a firm involved in the illegal transfer of missile technology to the Chinese army. The Commerce documents show that Li owns one-third of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings, or AsiaSat.

According to Aviation Week and Space Technology, AsiaSat is also partly owned by the Chinese army. AsiaSat satellites regularly carry "military communications" traffic for PLA units and Chinese military-owned companies.

U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin pleaded guilty to 30 counts of illegal missile technology exports to AsiaSat. Lockheed Martin agreed to pay the U.S. government $13 million in fines for the illegal transfer of "kick-motor" technology to AsiaSat in order to avoid export restrictions.

Li Ka-Shing's Links to PRC Intelligence

The Hong Kong billionaire has even closer ties to the Chinese army. Li Ka-Shing is in business with China Resources, a firm operated directly by the Military Intelligence Department of the PLA headquarters. According to Senate testimony, China Resources is "an agent of espionage – economic, military and political – for China."

China Resources Enterprises has previously been accused of illegal donations to the Clinton-Gore 1996 re-election campaign. According to Senate testimony, China Resources Enterprises was directly linked to Chinese military espionage and Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady.

"Lippo group, run by the Riady family, which employed [John] Huang, had over the past few years become a major business partner with China Resources, a trading company wholly owned by the Government of the peoples republic of China, and which has reportedly served as an intelligence-collection front for China," noted Sen. Thompson during his summary of the China campaign finance scandal.

According to a frantic 1996 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Panama, China Resources put a $400 million investment into Li Ka-Shing's Hutchison Whampoa as part of a "front" company controlled by Beijing.

"Embassy Panama has received information to the effect that HIT (Hutchison International Terminals) is controlled by mainland Chinese perhaps through a Macao front which allegedly recently invested $400 million in HIT," states the cable. "Such control would have security implications and might affect the Panamanian government's views on awarding the port concessions."

In fact, according to an Oct. 1999 "Intelligence Assessment" prepared by the U.S. military Southern Command, the Hong Kong billionaire is a potential threat to America.

"Hutchison's containerized shipping facilities in the Panama Canal, as well as the Bahamas, could provide a conduit for illegal shipments of technology or prohibited items from the West to the PRC, or facilitate the movement of arms and other prohibited items into the Americas," concluded the U.S. military intelligence report.

U.S. Commerce Department documents also show that U.S. law enforcement agencies were very concerned about billionaire Li Ka-Shing and his connections to international smuggling.

A 1995 cable from the American Embassy in Nassau noted that Li Ka-Shing had signed an agreement to build an $88 million container ship terminal in the Grand Bahamas. The U.S. Embassy in Nassau copied the cable to several law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Customs Service and the Drug Enforcement Agency.

"Reftel describes U.S. agencies' security concerns about possible smuggling attempts through the terminal," states the cable from the American Embassy. "Post will request via septel assistance in addressing these concerns while port development plans are still on the drawing board."

According to recently declassified documents from the U.S. Commerce Department, Li Ka-Shing is a very special man in Beijing, Washington and Hong Kong.

"Li is reputed to have a close business relationship with key figures in Beijing," stated an August 1999 cable from the American Embassy in Hong Kong.

"Li is a leading member of Hong Kong's ethnic Chinese business elite, a tycoon who is no democrat. This fact is reflected in his recent claim that he canceled a HK$10 billion (US$1.3 billion) project because of the unfavorable business climate created by Hong Kong's politicized (more democratic) business climate," continued the cable.

The Monkey's Uncle

Despite his hostile attitude toward democracy, Li Ka-Shing met frequently with the Clinton administration.

Documents from the Commerce Department show that Clinton Commerce Secretary William Daley met with the Beijing tycoon at a 1997 luncheon hosted by the powerful investment firm Goldman Sachs. Daley later went on to lead Vice President Al Gore's failed 2000 presidential bid.

The Commerce documents note that an informal "talk" between Daley, Li and several "influential business people" was held on the Goldman Sachs boat, the "Monkey's Uncle," during a 1997 Hong Kong trade trip.

"Goldman Sachs' boat ('Monkey's Uncle') will depart from the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter at 11:30 am. The boat will sail near the new airport site at Chek Lap Kok. Lunch will be served on board."

The Commerce documents also show that Daly and Li met on board the "Monkey's Uncle" with some of the leading Beijing-owned businesses, including some directly associated with the Chinese army – China Resources, CITIC and China Everbright.

The documents note that alleged organized-crime "Triad" gangsters were included on the 1997 voyage of the "Monkey's Uncle." According to official U.S. Commerce materials, Secretary Daley sailed on a paradise cruise from Hong Kong with the "who's who" of Triad mob families.

Some other "influential business people" were also included on the guest list for the lunch cruise. Among the leading figures are Raymond Kwok, Robert Kwok and Canning Fok. The Fok family leader, Henry Fok, is reported to be a member of the 14K Triad.

According to Ed Timperlake and Bill Triplett, co-authors of "Red Dragon Rising," "Henry Fok first made his name by running United Nations–embargoed goods to China during the Korean War. His son was later convicted for trying to bring Chinese machine guns into the United States."

Robert Kwok reportedly leads the Kwok family businesses and allegedly is involved in the heroin smuggling business inside Burma. In 1997, Commerce Secretary Daley met with Kwok and his son Peter. Peter Kwok is the business partner of Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband, Robert Blum. Feinstein is a Democrat from California.

Peter has also worked for Li Ka-Shing and the Chinese army. In 1989, he helped CITIC and Li Ka-Shing raise $120 million to buy a Highes-built communications satellite for AsiaSat, a company part-owned by the Chinese army unit COSTIND (the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense).

Clearly, Li Ka-Shing is not only a tool of the People's Liberation Army, he also should be a member in standing when one considers the vast amount of technology, money and resources he has brought to the Chinese military.

It is sad testimony that after the disastrous events of Sept. 11 we should so quickly forget the fact that the Chinese army continued to supply al-Qaeda with arms even after the terrorist strikes.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's efforts to investigate Beijing's billionaire takeover of Global Crossing deserves the highest priority, because our national security is at stake. TESTIMONY OF CONGRESSMAN DANA ROHRABACHER U.S. SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE OCTOBER 22, 1999

Chinese Crime/Red Spy Alliance Target U.S. From Canada ~~~~~~

Nor is the Chinese-backed heroin trade the only illicit commerce that has benefited from NAFTA; the breakdown of the border inspection system has been beneficial to alien smugglers as well. Rutgers professor Ko-Lin Chin, a recognized authority on Chinese organized crime, pointed out to The New American, "The Mexico route is the most reliable one for alien smugglers. Although most smugglers still prefer to use the air route, the detection rate is the highest using that method. The ‘snakeheads’ [alien smugglers] like to say that Mexico is by far the most reliable route."

Chin, who recently published a major academic study of alien smuggling, explained that the so-called "big snakeheads" establish a base in the U.S. and then "go back to China to work with the Public Security Bureau (PSB). They will line up smuggling routes, arrange for transportation, coordinate with people at the transit points, and recruit the immigrants. If the Mexico route is selected, the immigrants are shipped to Baja, California, where the snakeheads put them in touch with coyotes [Mexican alien smugglers] to guide them across the border." Since 1980, at least 200,000 Chinese immigrants — most of them from Fuijan province — have passed through this underground, at a price of at least $30,000 per person.

Coming to America

For Chinese officials, this human commerce serves many useful functions, according to Chin: "It helps alleviate unemployment, it helps them jettison their ‘surplus’ population, and it provides them with funds to use in building up their own infrastructure, since the Chinese who are sent to the U.S. are required to send money back to China. The officials also get a percentage of the fee each immigrant pays to the snakeheads." Furthermore, observed Chin, "The authorities don’t regard the gangsters who get involved in any of this as criminals, because they’re working on behalf of the government. I’ve interviewed many PSB officials who have been involved in these networks, and they freely admitted that they had helped the ‘big snakeheads’ to move tens of thousands of aliens into the U.S."

Nor do the desperate immigrants find themselves free of the Chinese authorities once they take up residence in the U.S. "The really horrible thing about these networks is the ma jai, the ‘little soldiers’ who act as enforcers and debt collectors in the various Chinatowns over here," explained Chin. "They’re the young gangsters who collect the fees and maintain ‘order’ in Chinatown."

The ma jai are also used by Beijing as secret police, according to Justin Yu of the Chinese-language World Daily. "In the U.S. the Red Chinese government and their security forces use triad groups to infiltrate and intimidate the Chinese community," Yu told The New American. "This has been going on since at least the mid-1980s, and it resulted in a real crime wave in New York. It’s still going on in San Francisco and in other places where there is a high concentration of ethnic Chinese. The gangsters intimidate ethnic Chinese who are critical of the regime. They attack them on the streets, vandalize their property, and use other tactics to punish and silence them."

Chin believes that the violent tactics employed by the ma jai help explain why the latest wave of immigrants from China "are publicly supportive of the communist government, whatever their private opinions might be." The June 30th celebration of "Hong Kong Restoration Day" in New York’s Chinatown displayed the clout of Beijing’s political machine. According to the New York Daily News, "roughly 5,000 Chinese patriots and supporters of communism" gathered to chant pro-Beijing slogans and applaud as Huasun Qin, Red China’s representative to the UN, gave a speech predicting that Taiwan would soon be "reunified" with the mainland regime.

Chinese authorities have found other ways to capitalize on immigrant smuggling. For instance, Yu explained, "The Chinese consulate in New York has been selling counterfeit passports for more than 15 years." According to Yu, the bogus passports are obtained from Chinese gangsters and sold by consulate officials for about $2,000 apiece. "[Consul General] Qui Sheng-Yun is making millions of dollars off of counterfeit passports produced by Asian crime groups and sold to illegal immigrants," Yu declared. "This kind of thing is going on at other Chinese consulates as well, and it raises all kinds of money for the PRC. The communists can practically run their operations here on the money they make from activities like the false document trade. Some of that money is used by the communists to contribute to political campaigns of candidates at all levels, from dog catcher all the way to the gubernatorial level."

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: canada; chinastuff; clashofcivilizatio; globalcrossing
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The Clinton sell out continues. Makes Al Queda look like small apples in a big basket.
1 posted on 02/17/2002 3:57:59 PM PST by o_zarkman44
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To: *China stuff;*Clash of Civilizatio;Black Jade
Bump List
2 posted on 02/17/2002 4:04:55 PM PST by Free the USA
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To: Libertarianize the GOP;CommiesOut;boston liberty;ratcat;backhoe
3 posted on 02/17/2002 4:14:47 PM PST by Free the USA
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To: *Canada;*GlobalCrossing
4 posted on 02/17/2002 4:15:59 PM PST by Free the USA
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Comment #5 Removed by Moderator

To: Tailgunner Joe;Tumbleweed_Connection
6 posted on 02/17/2002 4:24:12 PM PST by Free the USA
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To: o_zarkman44
Is this a braindump?
7 posted on 02/17/2002 4:32:14 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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To: o_zarkman44
8 posted on 02/17/2002 4:32:21 PM PST by monkeywrench
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To: CheneyChick; vikingchick; Victoria Delsoul; WIMom; one_particular_harbour; kmiller1k; Snow Bunny...
The Chinese are the "Communists of Peace."

9 posted on 02/17/2002 4:33:35 PM PST by Sabertooth
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To: Sabertooth
I just get ticked when they put pee pee in my coke.
10 posted on 02/17/2002 4:34:57 PM PST by Texaggie79
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To: o_zarkman44
11 posted on 02/17/2002 4:36:25 PM PST by Fish out of Water
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To: Black Jade,super175
12 posted on 02/17/2002 4:40:40 PM PST by OKCSubmariner
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To: o_zarkman44
Guess it was -- at Sierra Times/ maybe this can help!

Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America, by Gordon Thomas, ISBN 1893302547 (Dandelion Books) Trade Paperback, 524
pages, $25.95. Available at all bookstores, and at , ,

13 posted on 02/17/2002 4:41:54 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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To: Jeff Head
14 posted on 02/17/2002 4:42:20 PM PST by RonDog
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To: o_zarkman44
Sierra Times is a pretty good source. But I am wondering about the truth of this:

. They had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan that Osama bin-Laden had asked for, that would provide the Taliban with missile-tracking, state of the art communications, and air defense systems in exchange for the Taliban's promise to end the attacks by Muslim extremists in China's north-western regions.

15 posted on 02/17/2002 4:42:55 PM PST by Salvation
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To: Salvation
I would wonder about the accuracy of this whole article also because it quotes from "The New American" but much of it rings true.
16 posted on 02/17/2002 4:47:49 PM PST by Free the USA
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To: o_zarkman44
Interesting and troublesome post. Given this information there is no degree of separtion between Li-Ka Shing, Al-Qaeda and cells in the Democratic Party. It does make one wonder about the breakdown in the United States intelligence community, Justice Department and the military's resolve during the previous administration, given the hits that were taken by the USA from terrorists before 911. Were 911 victims sacrificial lambs for a prior administration with closer ties to evil than to the American people?
17 posted on 02/17/2002 4:52:20 PM PST by PGalt
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To: Salvation
That's probably the reason that was given. Much like the 'clinton did the things he did for votes or campaign funds' lie.
18 posted on 02/17/2002 4:58:58 PM PST by monkeywrench
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Comment #19 Removed by Moderator

To: Free the USA
Chinese Billionaire Wants Global Crossing
20 posted on 02/17/2002 6:39:31 PM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
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