The Skeptical Environmentalist
Subtitle:Measuring the Real State of the World
by Bjorn Lomborg
ISBN 0 521 01068 3 paperback
Cambridge University Press
This is the book that has stirred up the liberal environmentists recently. There are several hit pieces in the recent issue of "Scientific American" attacking Lomborg's scholarship. After perusing the book, I think that he has done an amazing job of ferreting out articles and data. You can hear the environmentalist squealing if you listen for a minute.
I suggest that we send copies of this article to some of the groups that espouse ridiciulous positions.
Naturally I agree... are you familiar with John Lott's "More guns- Less Crime?" What I found fascinating was his chapter on how his book was received by opponents- many would not even read his work! Did not stop them from critqueing it, naturally....