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Click on the link for the full article. No mention of the Clinton/Bingaman/Microsoft suit. Bump for Hugh Hewitt.
1 posted on 01/31/2002 2:19:03 PM PST by SMEDLEYBUTLER
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Thanks! I was just about to put this article in.I guess you must be listening to Hugh Hewitt too! Lol!
2 posted on 01/31/2002 2:24:47 PM PST by Lady In Blue
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To: SMEDLEYBUTLER;Common Tator;holdonnow;RaceBannon;Congressman Billybob
Imagine two political party's "higher-ups" in collusion; to use the formation of a capital company in times of great stock market growth, and then assist with marketplace development that company's expansion, in order to reap the benefits which you list.
3 posted on 01/31/2002 2:25:00 PM PST by First_Salute
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That list should become an example in a very public way, of who not to invest in. Both institutional and small investor alike should shun any company on such a list. If being on such a list kills your ability to obtain market capital, guess what?

Campaign finance reform on the fast track.

5 posted on 01/31/2002 2:26:50 PM PST by blackdog
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Global Crossing grew to No. 23 on the list of top donors to federal parties and candidates in the 1999-2000 election cycle, according to a study released Wednesday by the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington watchdog group.

Enron was #36 on this list.

7 posted on 01/31/2002 2:28:41 PM PST by jackbill
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No mention of Marc Rich connection either.
8 posted on 01/31/2002 2:34:50 PM PST by dalebert
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From the L.A. Times story:

Faced with the challenge from three of the world's largest telecommunications firms, Global Crossing filed an antitrust complaint with the U.S. Justice Department and asked the Federal Communications Commission to block the three long-distance carriers from building the undersea link.

It also signed up Anne Bingaman, a former assistant attorney general at the Justice Department, as their chief lobbyist on the issue. Between January and June 1999, Global Crossing paid Bingaman $2.5 million, according to the company's lobbying records. At the same time, Global Crossing solicited letters of support from several lawmakers, including McCain.

From the Department of Justice

"Allowing Microsoft to buy a dominant position in this highly concentrated market would likely result in higher prices for consumers who want to buy personal finance software and would cause those buyers to miss out on the huge benefits from innovation," said Anne K. Bingaman, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division. "Moreover, Microsoft's control of that market will give it a cornerstone asset that could be used with its existing dominant position in operating systems for personal computers to seize control of the markets of the future, including PC-based home banking."

9 posted on 01/31/2002 2:35:56 PM PST by SMEDLEYBUTLER
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FOX just had a little piece on about James Carvel and somone else forming a new political group and put out a statement to democrats to push the Enron subject as much as they can.
13 posted on 01/31/2002 2:46:31 PM PST by dalebert
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Brit Hume is going to discuss Global Crossing on the next segment of Special Report, right after a commercial break.
14 posted on 01/31/2002 2:49:22 PM PST by MamaLucci
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Elizabeth A. Moler, Deputy Secretary of Energy

You might be intereseted in both the old and new, SMEDLEYBUTLER, but the newest ties to the Bingaman deals Hugh is talking about.

16 posted on 01/31/2002 2:59:49 PM PST by d14truth
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To: doug from upland; ALOHA RONNIE; DLfromthedesert; PatiPie; flamefront; onyx; SMEDLEYBUTLER; Irma...
See also:

"...Start with the serious stuff. Bill Gertz at the Washington Times has written about a warning concerning American nuclear power plants.

Then read the reviews of the President's State of the Union over at NationalReviewOnline. Professor Hanson's is among the collection. Make sure to read Mary McGrory's essay on the same subject in the Washington Post --you can almost see her teeth clench as she writes of the President's masterful performance.

Then it is scandal time.

Bill Press mounted a vigorous defense of Democratic National Committee Chair Terry McAuliffe on my radio program Wednesday. I think the Left has woken up to the obligations that descend on Enron-inquisitors. Even the Los Angeles Times got around to mentioning McAuliffe in its story today, though in paragraph seven and only after the first President Bush is brought out as exhibit C in the Global Crossing list of connections. John McCain is number one in the Times, followed by Conrad Burns, both Republicans. Get the Times' drift? The Global Crossing pipeline ran to some in the GOP, of course, but you'll read the Jube Shiver and P.J. Huffstutter piece from top to bottom and not get any of the fun details that the Washington Times' Ralph Hallow presents. It turns out that Global Crossing gave the majority of its donations to Democrats, and that its total contributions in 2000 were greater than Enron's! Oh, by the way, Global Crossing founder Gary Winnick gave a million bucks to the Clinton Presidential Library.

The Times does have one amazing detail, but it is buried in the story with no follow up: Global Crossing paid one lobbyist --Anne Bingaman, a former assistant attorney general at the Justice Department-- $2.5 million between January and June 1999. I have trouble figuring out that number or what she could have done to earn that fee, so some more questions are raised that need answering. We know that Ms. Bingaman was the head of the Department of Justice Antitrust Division under Bill Clinton for four years and that she oversaw the assault on Microsoft. We also know that she is married to New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman. So she's a player. But $2.5 million! Shareholders of now nearly worthless stock have got to be asking what they got for their money. Follow the money, Deep Throat whispered in Watergate days. Still good advice.

We also need some answers from McAullife on when he bought his stock and when he sold it. Congressman Waxman needs to come clean on his ties to Global Crossing as well. In fact, the nation's elite media need to devote just 10% of their Enron time to Global Crossing, because all the Enron digging has yet to turn up a smoking "quid pro quo," but the signs are promising over at Global Crossing.

Now with this background re-read the Los Angeles Times piece and ask yourself, how could such wretched journalism not be purposeful? The key fact in the story --the only one not widely circulated in the prints-- is the Bingaman morsel. But it is buried, and there is zero on who this person is. Many, many Enron pieces have dwelt on Dr. Wendy Gramm, wife of Senator Phil Gramm, and her ties to Enron. The talk was muffled and went away because there is nothing to note. But the standard of spousal references is set. So why is it not followed in the Times? I do not believe in purposeful obfuscation, but I do think that the Times' collective mindset is to suspect GOP-types of wrongdoing and to assume the Democrats are just out feeding the homeless, and that this puts big blinders on everyone in the organization. The blinders are so big, in fact, that no one recognizes the obvious irony that one of Microsoft's tormentors has now been linked to a second collapse in the equity markets. The first time she helped lead the attack that destroyed investor confidence in high-tech. This time she was just part of a team that rode a high flyer down. And she's married to a U.S. Senator! The Times thinks its important to note that McCain/Burns got campaign cash, but their combined $62,000 is one-fourth the amount that Global Crossing sent into the Bingaman household. There is nothing illegal in hiring and paying the spouses of Senators, but really, how could the writers and editors have missed this in the very story that is supposed to be about throwing money around in D.C.? Ask John Madigan, CEO of the Tribune Company, the Chicago-based owner of the Los Angeles Times. His phone number is 312-222-9100 x 3123.  E-mail him at"


18 posted on 01/31/2002 3:09:37 PM PST by RonDog
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Thanks for this article and ping!

However, the real story is not Enron, Global Crossing, Loral, Tyco and ?.

There is a very troubling shadow that is connected with each of these companies.

That shadow is Arthur Andersen. This is the story that we should be focusing on. The left wing senators and mediot maggots want us and the sheeple to focus on Enron. That is to distract us from Arthur Andersen and its role in these bankruptcies.

Then follow the money from these companies and into whose pockets did most of their money flow to! The DemonicRats of course.

Now for a quick history lesson in who enabled Arthur Andersen to have this power and shield AA. It was none other than Senator Dodd.

The real villian which cooked the books and lied to stock holders is Arthur Andersen. Thanks to DemonicRat Senator Dodd who receive outrageous amounts of money, Arthur Andersen was enabled to be able to lie, collect massive consulting fees and be freed from penalties when their clients/companies go belly up!

Dodd got a bill passed that even the Bent One vetoed, that enabled Arthur Andersen to do its vile deeds. It was on account of Dodd's tireless efforts that Arthur Andersen was able to act as both "independent auditor" and management consultant to Enron for $100 million a year. That role - so fraught with conflict of interest that it makes a joke of the concept of outside auditors protecting shareholders - has been identified as one of the major causes of the debacle.

In 1995, it was Dodd who rammed through legislation, overriding President Clinton's veto, to protect firms like Andersen from lawsuits in cases just like Enron.

The Dodd bill limited liability for lawyers and accountants for "aiding and abetting" corporate fraud by their clients, making them liable only for their "proportionate" share of the blame, rather than for the entire fraud.

So, if an accounting firm kept secret the true picture of a corporation's finances, it would only be liable for part of the total fraud on the investors. For shareholders, this law is awful - the fraudulent company has usually lost nearly all its value before the shareholder learns about it, so there's nothing left.

For the accounting firm, though, it's great - the shareholders can't pin the total losses on you. And from Andersen's point of view, it was really wonderful, because they were already facing thousands of lawsuits for their role in securities fraud. A grateful accounting industry showed its appreciation to Sen. Dodd by contributing $345,903 to his campaign between 1993 and 1997. Every major accounting firm pitched in - Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, Coopers & Lybrand, Peat Marwick, Price Waterhouse. (Dodd has received more money from Arthur Andersen than any other Democrat - $54,843.)

From '93 to '97, Dodd also received $523,551 from the securities industry, which was thrilled with other provisions of the '95 law that limited liability from securities lawsuits, notably for firms that failed to live up to their predictions about future earnings. Consumer groups had opposed the legislation - For the full sickening story, go to (Dodd, the enabler of Arthur Andersen and corporate crooks)

Dodd, DemonicRat, who helps the big crooks and $crews the rest of America! This is the big story that the left wing super rich mediots who control the media are trying spike and avoid. This is why the Wh$re is in charge of the GAO is going after Dick Cheney. This Wh$re was a former partner of Arthur Andersen and was appointed by the Clintoon. We need to investigate the millions of our tax $'s that went to Arthur Anderson that were authorized by their wh$re in charge of the GAO!

Remember don't focus on Enron, Global Crossing and others. Focus on the real evil in these massive business failures, Arthur Andersen and their Wh$re in the Senate, Dodd! Then focus on the money trails from Anderson to Global Crossing. Most of their money went to the DemonicRats!

Keep focused on the real villian here, Arthur Andersen and the money from Andersen and these companies to whom it flowed.

21 posted on 01/31/2002 3:19:47 PM PST by Grampa Dave
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Just e-mailed article to Rush.Sure hope he reads it on the air tomorrow!
24 posted on 01/31/2002 3:24:58 PM PST by Lady In Blue
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Here is an 2001 Yahoo article about Mrs. Bingaman moving aside as President of Valor Telecom but remaining as the Chairman of the Board for Valor Telecom link. Beyond having been a Justice Dept. atty. and doing lobbying work in Wash. D.C., I wonder what experience Mrs. Bingaman had in running a telecom company before she was hired to run this company?
29 posted on 01/31/2002 3:38:55 PM PST by vbmoneyspender
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Apparently, Valor, which Ms. Bingaman is the founder of, is the second largest phone company in New Mexico where Jeff Bingaman is Senator link. I wonder if Jeff Bingaman recuses himself from dealings with all phone company issues that impact on New Mexico.
31 posted on 01/31/2002 3:48:33 PM PST by vbmoneyspender
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Here is a link from regarding McLeod USA's bankruptcy filing today. Here is another link from showing that Anne Bingaman, the wife of Senator Jeff Bingaman, and Erskine Bowles, of Clinton fame, are both directors of McLeoad USA link
36 posted on 01/31/2002 4:20:48 PM PST by vbmoneyspender
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To: SMEDLEYBUTLER;Landru;flamefront;goldilucky;Snow Bunny
...Since TERRY MacAULIFFE has always been a China Army Money Man...

...does anyone recall GLOBAL CROSSING getting a communications contract with the China Army...?

37 posted on 01/31/2002 4:31:20 PM PST by ALOHA RONNIE
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So what's the big deal?
41 posted on 01/31/2002 4:53:40 PM PST by Future Useless Eater
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