To kill Anthrax spores Place mail in the microwave Don't go to the mall
Only intern knows for sure.
First Lady, not even.
Lunatic escaped.
I'm scared! Quit necking, peel out
Hey, whose hook is this?
What a great hairdo
but why is blood dripping down?
spiders ate your head!
Dog brings dead rabbit.
Friend's! Wash, dry, return--surprise!
it had been buried.
What's this, a pimple?
It's growing very large now.
Yikes! Baby spiders!
Recipe--charge me?!
I'll show you, neiman marcus!
Here it is for FREE!
Collect soda tabs
then send thousands to some church
free dialysis!
Fever, death, oh no!
Same restaurant--ate bad food?
No! Toilet spider!
Cows sleep standing up
We went cow tipping, really!
No, we really did.
Our hotel room robbed!
Thieves left cam'ra, toothbrushes.
(pic---they're in their butts!)
Pick up hitchhiker--
girl in sweater---disappears!
Ghost who died this day.
Date, but I have gas,
blast it quick in boyfriend's car.
(oops!---friends in backseat).
Groom has a surprise.
"Look under your plate!" Pictures
of bride and best man.