The attacks of September 11 were acts of war, clearly, but al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization, not a nation-state, hense captured combatants, adhering to the strictist definition, are not POWs.
If they were captured in our country I could accept that, but, they were in their own country a part of which they controlled. Was any gov't of Afghan recognized as the official gov? Wasn't it made up of warring tribal factions?
I have a "gut" feeling that perhaps a "little arm twisting" is planned for these slime which is not permissable under the Geneva conventions of war.
It is either a war or it is not. I don't want to be abitrary, however, aren't we setting a precedent here which can be applied against us at a future date?
This just doesn't set right with me. Sounds a little clintonesque
I have called this a "police action" in many replies and this just adds to that supposition.
BTW, for the record, I do back the Pres in his handlng of this.