Your profile says you've been on line since '99 but you sure write like a newbee troll with this evident "deep thinking".
Actually, I agree that anyone here illegally should
be sent back to their home country (if failing a
at gaining any chance for political asylum here).
However... The cheap labor crossing the border
is of help to our economy. It's the extreme liberal
states that are causing the problem by granting
illegal aliens the privileges of our social assistance
network (schools, health care, compensation, etc).
That's an aberration of the intent of this nation's
founders; to provide necessary assistance where
needed, to the citizens and all those on our soil,
There is no "equal" to being a citizen of this fine
Nation. Those of us who are [citizens], can not
[Constitutionally] have our rights undermined by
others, especially by those who are not [citizens].
Does handing a driver's license to a non-citizen
impair your rights? No. Not as long as all the
license can be used for, is driving an automobile.
States that allow a driver's license to become
a standard or test to prove one's qualification to
all this Nation's Constitutionally protected rights
and government services, is doing so in an
unconstitutional manner.
The issue should not be "the issuing of a document
providing the right to drive legally". The issue should
be what that document is providing access to, that is
not within the scope of the intent of it's issuing.
A license to drive should not allow access to vote;
access to tax paid schools/schooling; access to tax paid
health care; access to any/all taxpayer provided services.
That's the issue. If it isn't, it should be.