Also, sorry to hear about your back pain. I used to have back trouble then I got a really hard mattress, and I mean hard. If you lay back too fast and hit your head on the way down you will knock yourself out. Took a little getting used to but best cure. Now I can not sleep on a regular mattress. At hotels and stuff i just set up the blankets on the floor.
Try it!
Awww, thanks for the concern, and the advice. But it's just that I had surgery about three weeks ago (L4-L5 disk) and I don't think the operation "took". I feel worse than before, but the Doc says give it a little while longer, so I will (what choice do I have?) The worst part of it all is how useless I feel. I'm missing my youngest daughters "winter" recital right now, and it's breaking my heart. Look what I'm doing, I'm unloading on a perfect stranger. Sorry about that.
About that falling asleep at the keyboard thing ... do you do what I do? I always accidentally left click as I drop off. That's my "key" to hit the hay (yes, very stiff hay)
Holy Cow!