I have to disagree with you on this. Even if all smokers had the patience of Job and the lifespan of Methusala, anti-smokers would want to control the life of said smoker.
Antis do NOT like the smell of smoke and want the government to enforce their DISLIKE on ALL others within their sphere of life.
I can't say that agree with this law. If I were forced to vote on it right now, I couldn't do it, not until I looked more deeply into it. A wise man once said that people only give up their freedom when they're under some delusion.
However, my point is just this: Clean air offends no one, smoke-filled air offends 75% of our population. (75% was the statistic posted by someone on another thread, I don't know the source.), therefore, before you light up, understand that you will be annoying most of the people around you. If this fact pleases you, then there is something emotionally wrong with you, get help. Delighting in cruetly is defined as sadism.