I get asked all the time: How do I get on this bump list? Well the answer is you cant! The FreeRepublic Master Bump List is not a list of people who get notified about a topic appearing on FreeRepublic but it is a list of topics that you can click on and have posts relevant to those topics displayed to you. There are many topics like WOD_list (War On Drugs) or Homeschool_list (Stories that Homeschoolers may be interested in) or Homosexual Agenda (A list of articles related to that topic). And they all appear on the The FreeRepublic Bump List
When you are reading an article you can add it to the list by posting a reply to that topic and in the TO box put the name of the list you want it to appear on preceded by an *. For example if you want the article to appear on the War on Drugs list then put *WOD_list in the TO: box instead of someones screen name. You can also put it on several lists by separating the list names with a simi-colon ;. Then when you want to see the list go to The FreeRepublic Master Bump List and click on the link for that list.