After graduating from law school, Zulu tried running for the DC City Council in the most benighted ward in the city (Zulu moved into the ward just before the qualifying deadline and moved out almost immediately after election day, and it's not clear if he was physically in residence there in between) - with Khallid as his constant "guest star" at campaign appearances; Zulu's principal campaign plank was chase out the Korean grocers (black grocers had mostly abandoned the crime/drug-ridden section) and take over their stores (he didn't mention compensation), which Khallid unctuously described as a new and useful notion. Zulu ran just about dead last against candidates who hadn't gotten a tenth of his media attention.
Apparently after that, he and Khallid organized the "New" Black Panthers, with very little support from any of the original BPs, again with very little purpose except media attention. A few years ago he and Khallid were the mainstays of some sort of Million Youth March up in NYC, which wasn't really a march and didn't attract anything close to a million, but dissolved into a sort of riot when Zulu tried to have everyone ignore the very clear time limit set by the city to assure that streets weren't blocked during peak hours. According to one report, after exhorting other people to confront the cops physically, Zulu grabbed the cash box and scampered off. Last year, when Khallid died, Zulu was pretty much the only source of eulogy for the old ex-convict hatemonger.
I'd be hardput to specify any honest work he's done, but he seems to live rather comfortably.