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Some tough questions for the Imam
- my comments by Van Jenerette

"If you ask a man who beats his wife if he is still beating her, he will most likely tell you one of two things. First, he'll tell you that he never raised a hand to her. But, if you have the proof that he beat her, he will then tell you that she did something to provoke him and it was really her fault."

- Excuses to Give when You are a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

...when 18-Muslim guys hijack airplanes full of ordinary people and crash them into buildings full of ordinary people, and tell us that they did it for Allah and Islam - it's pretty convincing for us to believe that they did it, well, for Allah and Islam. Now you come along and say it isn't true?

Some Questions For the

"If Jihad; by definition does not include the concept of a violent 'Holy War', why do so many Islamic clerics and followers of the Muslim religion keep using it for justification of their killing of other people of other faiths or nations? Can these millions of readers of the Koran have it that wrong?"


Many of us are really glad to hear that you are out to clear up misconceptions of Islam that most non-Muslim American's seem to have. To advance the notion that Muslims' and Islam are against terrorism sounds like a bold and interesting initiative, especially since the 11 September terrorist attacks on the United States were done by people who were both Muslims and terrorists. That's a rough Public Relations job.

You've got to understand, many of us here in America get confused pretty easily when 18-Muslim guys hijack airplanes full of ordinary people and crash them into buildings full of ordinary people, and tell us that they did it for Allah and Islam - it's pretty convincing for us to believe that they did it, well, for Allah and Islam. Now you come along and say it isn't true? I mean, these guys were about to die, why would they lie? You can understand our confusion, can't you?

I realize that you think that many Americans are unfair if they make a connection of Islam with terrorism - That's not exactly a stretch; I mean it is a reasonable conclusion to make, given the terrorists had Islamic prayers and instructions along with quotations from the Koran with them? Honestly, if these hijackers left behind letters that said they took down the WTC and the Pentagon on instructions from their grandmothers- we'd probably suspect a connection to dear old granny. We just need some clarification - were these terrorists' Muslims or not?

By the way, when you said in your interview, "The word Islam cannot be combined with terrorist. I don't care what Osama bin Laden would say about himself, all I know is Islam has nothing to do with it." I really wanted to ask you about that group that calls themselves the Islamic Jihad - aren't they terrorists? Why would they call themselves Islamic if they weren't and then add Jihad to their name if its not related to the terrorism that they do as an occupation? I'm getting lost here pretty fast...

Well, I must admit though, I've heard some people make the excuse that these terrorists; including Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, have gone out and 'hijacked' Isalm. Wow, these guys do get around; planes, trains, maybe mail and an entire religion, all hijacked. As a Islamic mosque leader in the middle of America, you do have a PR problem. A really BIG one.

I can see why you want to promote a better image of yourselves. You aren't doing too good of a job right now with most of America. You are probably scratching your head about why many of us link Islam and Muslims to terrorisim, especially since we don't label someone like Timothy McVeigh as a 'Christian terrorist.' Well, I never heard him say that he brought down the Federal Building for Jesus or God, or Mathew, Mark, Luke, or John even, and I never saw a photo of him holding an AK-47, Gernnades and a Holy Book like most 'self-proclaimed' Islamic terrorists' have done on a routine basis.

You have to understand, despite our low SAT scores, and low verbal and math scores, most of us do actually think on our own - once in a while, especially about serious things. I mean, despite American PS education we aren't that slow to catch on, all the time.

Well, I'd like to ask some simple questions that you could address next time you are interested in holding a 'setting-the-record-straight' session about Islam and Muslims. Okay?

Just relax, take deep breath and be yourself and answer these as honestly as you can and I'm sure that a lot of the confusion about Muslims, Islam and Terrorists can be cleared up, pronto!

QUESTION #1: Are there two versions of the Koran floating around out there. If so, what is the difference between the Koran that the Terrorists are reading, and the Koran that the rest of the Muslim world is reading? Is there an Original Koran and Revised Koran? If so, who is reading which version? I mean, someone has to have the Koran right and someone else has to have it wrong! Right?

QUESTION #2: There seems to be no shortage of Muslims who agree with Bin Laden and other Terrorism Inc. members, et. al. Maybe millions. Shouldn't you have a program for these 'wayward' Muslims and their followers who have 'hijacked' Islam about the true meaning of the Koran and Islam?

QUESTION#3: Does Islam means peace, or does it mean surrender or submission as I've read in Arabic?

QUESTION#4: Why are you making such a large effort to convince Christians and other non-Muslims in America that Islam is a peaceful, tolerant, kind, and respectful religion, but there is no such direct effort to convey the same messages into the Mosques, the Arab Muslim world; and especially to those Muslims in Gaza, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Tajikistan, the Philippines, the West Bank, Sudan, Chechnya, etc.?

QUESTION#5: Why are Christian churches, Christian worship and Christian preaching banned in so many Islamic nations if Islam is so tolerant of all faiths?

QUESTION#6: Why don't you have an information session or sermon, where you tell Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, the Taliban and other Muslims who agree with them, that they have the Koran and the Prophet Mohammad all wrong?

QUESTION#7: Do you remember the author Salman Rushdie? Many of your religious leaders didn't waste anytime putting a price [FATWA] on his head and all he did is write a book that broke Islamic Law. Why don't you put a price on Osama Bin Laden directly and condemn him and other terrorist organizations as apostates for going against the 'peaceful, tolerant' Muslim Religion?

QUESTION#8: This is a very hard question that you may not want to answer. It is about Israel. Why haven't Muslims everywhere; including you'all (that's Southern for - All of You; up north it's pronounced Youse Guys), condemned the bombings of Disco's, Pizzeria's, or the killing of civilians and of school children in Israel?

QUESTION#9: Just what does the word 'innocent' mean in your language or the religion of Islam. This answer could clear up a lot of uneasiness for many of us in the USA. Like, is a U.S. Postal worker 'innocent'? How about a 2-year old baby on a plane with his parents? How about a fireman trying to save lives in a burning building, even if they are Muslims and he is a Christian - is he an 'innocent?'

QUESTION#10: If Jihad; by definition does not include the concept of a violent 'Holy War', why do so many Islamic clerics and followers of the Muslim religion keep using it for justification of their killing of other people of other faiths or nations? Can these millions of readers of the Koran have it that wrong?

QUESTION#11: This is a personal kinda question but, I'm still not sure as a Christian, if I'm considered a non-believer that Muslims should live in peace with or if I am an infidel that should be avoided or killed for my corrupt life style, or my religious belief of Jesus Christ and the Trinity of God. I'd sure like to know.

QUESTION#12: Finally, I do watch a lot of T.V., and I have a question, just who were those people and children out into the streets in the Middle Eastern part of the world that cheered the deaths of thousands of innocent people on September 11th. Those happy people couldn't have been Muslims or Islamic could they?

Sorry for the long list of questions. But, I would suggest some direct and specific answers that would help all of us in the USA to gain a new understanding of Islam and the Muslim world.

Not that I'm in a position to give you any tips, but most Americans like straight talk - not spin - so I would recommend that you avoid a history about the Crusades, or the U.S. foreign policy crap, or the rage of Muslims, or the Palestinians claims to the same lands as the Israelis, or comparisons to Christianity and Judaism, or US support for repressive undemocratic regimes such as Saudi Arabia; aren't most of the 55-57 Muslim nations around the world 'undemocratic? And please, no stories of poverty or hunger, or the CIA, or other 'look-behind-you' answers. Just straight talk goes over real big here in the United States.

I have to hand it to you though, you must have watched Oprah's show of Islam 101 or the evening news with Dan Rather or Peter Jennings and figured they weren't doing a very good job. Those are some small shoes to fill.

Anyway, good luck with this enterprise. Us Americans would like nothing better than the truth about Islam and Muslims and the TRUE 'official' position on terrorism.

Oh by the way; while you are at it, perhaps you can tape your sessions and send some shows to Muslim areas of the world to help set the record straight for some of the people who share Islam: You might consider instructing 'wayward' Muslims and their followers who have 'hijacked' Islam about the true meaning of the Koran and Islam. The bottom line is, I really don't care about your religion. Tell them about their religion. Now there's a new thought; just tell the Muslims who have their Koran, Islam and the Prophets' message all wrong - that they have it backwards and inside out. They seem to be the ones who need to understand the 'true' meaning of the Koran and Islam.

I am looking forward to your answers.

thank you,

Van Jenerette
Joe Average American Citizen; who drives a Dodge Pick-Up Truck

P.S. I almost forgot, just one more question. There was a story about American Servicemen who were Muslim and one said he avoided the infantry because of the possibility of going to war against a Muslim nation. "Facing the thought of killing other Muslims was awkward for me..." says Abdelwahed, 37." - Newsweek, October 15, 2001 pg.40
So, can I conclude that a Muslim in the U.S. military, wouldn't have any problem or feel awkward with killing Christians or Jews or Buddists or Idolators or anyone else just as long as it wasn't a Muslim? I'm just curious...

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1 posted on 10/27/2001 5:51:03 PM PDT by Van Jenerette
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To: Van Jenerette
Fantastic questions! I'd love to have this guy answer each and every one of them.


2 posted on 10/27/2001 6:18:02 PM PDT by demnomo
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To: Van Jenerette
One more question. Recently in Detroit, several teenaged students of Middle Eastern descent were asked if they were in the US military and we were suddenly at war with a Muslim nation, would they fight. Most hesitated and said they probably would not! These are our new Americans citizens. Kinda scary!
3 posted on 10/27/2001 6:22:59 PM PDT by germanicus
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To: Van Jenerette
EXCELLENT questions VJ.

Unfortunately, I'm fairly confident they will never get answers.


4 posted on 10/27/2001 6:46:30 PM PDT by mykdsmom
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To: Van Jenerette
This is excellent. I suggest you send it as a letter to the editor to as many papers as possible. It's a keeper for me.
5 posted on 10/27/2001 7:05:39 PM PDT by Faithfull
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To: Van Jenerette
This is a great document! Passing it around and linking to it on my personal website. It's great to see analytical, critical thinking in the midst of this PC "hug a Muslim" mentality which is clouding the truth about Islam.
6 posted on 10/27/2001 7:20:52 PM PDT by Salem
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To: Van Jenerette
In Arabic and Mohammedan culture, it is totally acceptable to lie to infidels.
7 posted on 10/27/2001 7:30:33 PM PDT by GuillermoX
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To: Van Jenerette
Great article. Thanks.
9 posted on 10/27/2001 9:59:47 PM PDT by BenF
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To: Van Jenerette; FITZ; Lent; Manny Festo; MHGinTN; Sabertooth



10 posted on 10/27/2001 10:06:00 PM PDT by Travis McGee
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To: Van Jenerette
The following letter to fellow Muslim students is from a student at USC. It's a long read, but very revealing ... and he's a Muslim intellectual of a different color from Imam Qazwini :


Please don't think I'm being proud or arrogant in anyway,...but when I read any email about someone who calls himself a Muslim and says: that we should organize and strengthen ourselves before we go to war...", IT MAKES ME SICK. I know all sorts of MUNAFIQEEN who disbelieve in Jihaad Fi Sabeelillah because they say that we Muslims need to be united and have a strong army,..etc....BS.... If I recall, when the Sahaba armies who were insignificant next to the massive armies of Rome and Persia, marched out, they weren't thinking, "oh man. we are like totally out manned and are we going to win against Rome or Persia..?" No. All they said was hasbunallaahu wa'na'mal wakeel and they WENT. To compare, imagine a small country like Kuwait or Yemen, if, it had in the 1980's or even now, decided to take on USA and USSR at the SAME TIME. man you'd have the whole world laughing their heads off at that small country, and 99.99% of the world would have surely thought that such a small country fighting against the two Superpowers must be suicidal. But that's exactly what the world thought 1400 years ago as they looked [down] upon the scraggly Muslim armies crawling out of teh desert with armed with little more than kitchen knives. UH GEE. GUESS WHO WON.

It happened again many times thereafter,...small army of Believers up against a massive horde of Kuffar. It happened at 'Ayn Jalut when SayfudDeen Qutuz went against the might of the Mongol barbarians, it happened again when Commander Alp Arsalan led a mujahid force of only 15,000 [who were just returning exhausted from a previous battle], up against a fresh army of 600,000 Romans who in all their arrogance thought that the sheer ration of 40 kuffar to 1 Muslim would surely crush Alp Arsalan and his rag-tag army. yea yea yea...guess who won....

It happenned again in Afghanistan when the mujahideen, lightly armed, went up against the might of the Soviet Empire. It happenned again when Commander basayev led a force of only 1,500 Mujahideen and surrounded Grozny + defeated a much larger and better equipped federal force of 10,000 Russian soldiers back in the 94-96 Chechen War. One thing Muslims have to break free from is the poisonous thinking that "OH MAN! We Muslims have nothing! How are we going to go up against USA, Israel, India, Russia,..[kuffar are STILL kuffar by any other name] when we Muslims have nobody and no weapons and they have everything!!..." I become angry, for the sake of Allah, when someone says such a thing and still claims to be a Muslim. On the situation of Israel, the Israelis are always gloating over their past "victories" over the "Muslims" and the "six arab armies" get a grip. Those "Muslims" who fought against the illegal state of israel from 1947-to present weren't fighting for Allah's sake. They were fighting for nationalism. That's why Shk. Azzam al-Philistini who was fighting alongside other Palestinians against the Israelis in the 1960's, left that fight, when he saw it was clearly about nationalism. Two things led him to this conclusion, two very clear proofs:

1) he asked a Philistini guerilla: "Where is the religion in this fight?" The Philistini man laughed and said there is no religion in this fight.
2) Shk. Azzam recalled that in the Philistini front-line camp, out of so many fighters, he could count on his hand the number of fighters that used to pray the five prayers regularly.

As we all know, one who doesn't pray salah is out of the fold of Islam. So I tell these Israelis that "You think you're so invincible because you shattered a couple of Muslim [nationalist] armies? Wait till the REAL mujahideen arrive from Khurasan. the ones that will be carrying the black flags of war. Wait till they come, and they fight under the command of Isa ibn Maryam. Wait until the Holy city of Madinah is empty because all the believers in that city will have left, to go north to Philistine to join Ibne Maryam...wait until then, you cowardly kuffar...then you will see who is invincible." Khurasan is the area that includes Afghanistan, the Caucasus [i.e. Chechnya and associated area] parts of the Hindukush mountains, where Kashmir is, and also parts of easternmost Iran. The army of that carries the black flags from this region will be unstoppable, no matter how many Tomahawks, Patriots, F-22's or Stealth bombers are thrown against them by USA and associated kuffar allies.

This is to tell all my true Mu'min akh wal ukht fe kulli makan, that the Mujahideen fight with their biggest weapon, which is Iman. thereby they are able to overcome ANY obstacle and put fear into the hearts of the Disbelievers. Thus, when the Emperor of Iran asked the Chinese Emperor for reinforcements and help against the advancing Sahaba armies, the Chinese Emperor replied: "How can i help you against a people who could move the mountains if they wanted to." And thus the Chinese Emperor made a wise decision and did not tangle with the Sahaba mujahideen, else they might have overran the Chinese Empire itself. And Allah knows best. This is to tell my true mu'min brothers and sisters that if you have real Iman, and want to prove yourself to ALLAH, and not just anyone else, you will get up and go. Go to Sheeshaan. Or kashmir, Phillipines, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Ogaden, Eritrea, Philistine, or even Bosnia-Kosova area [yes they are STILL fighting over there]. Do not give me some lousy excuse like "Oh I have to finish University, or I have to support my family or I have to run my business, or I don't wanna lose my job!" these excuses might fool people but they cannot fool Allah. In Surah at Taubah, ayah 24, Allah has clearly said that IF you place priority on your parents, your families, your homes, and your businesses OVER Allah + Rasul + Jihad , then you are a fasiq [evil-doer]. Allah says in Surah At-taubah again that: "...those who Believe in Allah and yaum al-Qiyamah would never seek ANY excuse to stay back from fighting. Only those who deisbelieve or those who doubt would ask an excuse. And so in their doubts they sway to and fro."

If you tell me you are in University so you can get a good education so you can get a good job OR so that you can use your skills better to serve the Ummah, then let it be known that Allah has said: "O ye who Believe, shall i guide ye to a BUSINESS [tijarah] that shall save ye from a painful torment? That you believe in Allah and His rasul and fight in the way of Allah with your wealth and your lives. THAT IS BETTER FOR YE, IF YE BUT KNEW." Thus Allah has laid out which type of business is best. If you are someone who believes in that weak Hadith of jihad an-nafs supposedly being superior to Jihad -Al-Qital, then you should know that this hadith is most certainly false, as it contradicts the Quran and Saheeh Hadith. Example: Allah says in Surah an-Nisa:95-96 that "...those who fight with their wealth and their lives out on the battlefield are higher in rank than those believers who sit at home. Unto both group He has promised a good reward, but a higher rank to those who fight.." Notice Allah is not talking about the munafiqeen here, who sit at home anyways. He s talking about those Believers who are at home, managing their affairs. Also, the Rasul was asked which type of Jihad was best, and he replied: "..In that in which your blood is spilt and your horses legs are cut." There are many more ayat and hadith which state the superiority of Jihad al-Qatal over all else.

You brothers and sisters should also know that Allah has revealed the ayah in Surah at-taubah that: "March forth whether light or heavy." The Sahaba clearly understood this ayah to mean that you go whether you are young or old, rich or poor, weak or strong, etc. Such that Abu Talha told his sons to help him with his armor in preparation for battle. His sons replied: "Allah have Mercy on ye! You fought alongside the Rasulallah, then ye fought under the khalifat of Abu Bakr, and then under Umar. Now let us fight for ye, as you are very old." Upon hearing this, Abu Talha recited the ayah from Surah At-taubah: "March forth whether light or heavy." And so he went. Shk. Azzam recorded ten different meanings of this ayah [all meanings were covered by this comprehensive and short ayah], and amongst those meanings was: "Poor or Rich, Young or Old, married or unmarried, mounted or un-mounted, near or far..." and many more. In short, Allah has given no excuse for us to stay back, except those who truly are too poor. In today's time, living here in North America, I doubt there is even a SINGLE able-bodied muslim who is unable to work for a few months to save up for the airline ticket and other expenses. Man, lemme tell you, if you are here in North America, there is no way you can claim you are too poor to march out. No way. If you say that you are here in this land to make Dawah to non-muslims, then let me ask ye: "How long will you keep doing "Dawah"? Until they accept Islam? Your responsibility is to prepare to leave for Jihad, and while you are doing that, simply tell the non-Muslims about Islam. Who says you have to spend "x" amount of years spreading dawah? Do you think these people have never heard about Islam? Sure they have. they all watch the news, listen to the radio or read the newspapers or magazines. They KNOW that Islam is A religion. After that, its their responsibility to investigate further. Sure, we Muslims must also help by giving them correct information, but we do not make it our life-long duty.

If you are amongst those that say: "the time is not right for fighting! the Rasul himself spent 13 years giving dawah before being given the order to fight...", then you brothers should know that the Rasul spent those years spreading dawah before Allah ALLOWED him and the Muslims to fight back. that was BEFORE Islam was revealed in its totality. You cannot apply that same example today for surely Islam has been totally revealed AND Allah has als stated that Jihad is fard on us, just the same way that Saum or Salah are fard on us. See surah al-Baqarah:216 where Allah says : "Kutayba 'alaykumul Qital..." This means clearly that "Fighting has been written for you.." These are the VERY SAME words that Allah uses to describe the farai'id of salah or saum, as he has said :"...kutayba alaykumus'siyaam.." O ye Muslims, go look in the Quran for yourselves. It is there to be read and UNDERSTOOD with a firm heart, and NOT to be used as mere shelf decoration. If you are amongst those that say that "My parents won't give me permission." and then you cite that all-too famous incident where the Sahabi who wanted to go for Jihad was turned back the Rasulallah and told to go serve his parents... then my brothers, you should know that the 'ulama have stated that Jihad at that point was Fard el'Kifayah. When Jihad became fard'al'Ayn, there was another incident which the muslims ignore, where a Sahabi went to tell the rasul he was going for Jihad. The rasul told him to go serve his parents. the Sahabi thereby refused the Rasulallah right to his face and said: "NO. By Him who has sent you with the Truth, i will fight for the sake of Allah and leave my parents." The Rasulallah did not disapprove, and further said: "You know best." This was when Jihad became fard el-'ayn on the muslims, like it is now. And what's more, is that Allah has clearly said that if ye place your "abna-akum", meaning your fathers, which also signifies your parents, if ye place them above Jihad, then you are a fasiq. Just as the Rasulallah said: "None of ye truly believes until Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him then all else [including your parents]."

Furthermore, let me ask ye: If you are an able swimmer and one day you and your parents were walking along a riverside or on the beach, and out in the water you saw a Muslim brother with his child and they were drowning. What would ye do? Any sensible Muslim would immediately swim to the rescue of his Muslim brother. But what if your parents said "No do not go to save him." Would you obey your parents then, and let them take a hand in the death of your own Muslim brother and his child? Surely if you did not go into the water to save your Muslim brother then you have a disease in your heart and yaum-al-Qiyamah you will be severely questioned about your failure to act. Anybody can go and get training on how to pick up a gun and shoot. And if you can shoot a kafir who is oppressing your brethren in the Muslim lands, then may Allah bless ye, and accept ye from amongst the Shuhadah. And as Allah has said in 4:69- "The prophets, the martyrs, the righteous ones...what an excellent company are they!" If you say that you need to improve ourselves first before we go out to fight, then you should know that this reasoning too, is false and from Shaytan. During fath-e-Makkah, the Rasul conquered the city with 10,000 Sahabi, all without bloodshed. Within three days, that number had swelled to 12,000 by the large influx of kuffar who reverted to Islam. Then, the Rasul immediately marched out for Hunayn with this force of 12,000 men. Amongst those 2,000 new Muslims, some had been Muslims for only a few hours when they joined the march. These new Muslims didnt even have time to learn all the basics of Islam, or to make taharah, or to straighten their prayer lines, or even to get rid of old jahiliyyah habits. Yet the Rasulallah ordered them to march out along with all the other Muslims.
Now tell me this: Did these new Muslims have the time to "improve" themselves to the "point of inner perfection" before they went for Jihad? No they didn't. By the way, anyone who truly goes for Jihad with full belief in Allah, and does NOT turn his back on the battlefield when the bullets are raining down all around him, then such a person has successfully fought the TRUE Jihad-al-Nafs. For its very easy to fight the so called Jihad an-nafs at home, when you feel secure. But what will you do on the battlefield when the war flames are raging fierce, when death is coming at ye from all directions, when the Angels are storming through the enemy ranks, when your beloved brother who fought by your side is killed in a hail of bullets, what will you do when the door in the sky opens up to jannatul Firdaus and all the souls of the Shuhadaa walk through it? What will you do then? In the end, each and every soul is responsible for him or herself. What answer do ye have to those oppressed Muslim men and women and children who cry out to Allah. they ask themselves, where are the Muslims? Why doesn't anyone care? What will ye tell them, that "...we're all busy spending time with our families, or we're studying at Universities for "the benefit of the Ummah"...or that we are doing Jihad al-nafs?" Put yourself in their place. But you cannot. Not until you've seen your home destroyed, seen your mothers or sisters or wives being raped, or see your father shot to death in front of his baby children. Not until you live your life in confusion, surrounded by war, not knowing if you will have anything to eat tomorrow morning, or if you will be caught and killed tonight. Until then you, nor I, will never know what the oppressed ones of this Ummah feel.

Take a good long hard look at the Ummah and where you stand. You have a responsibility to yourself and to your family to save yourselves from Jahannam. As Allah has said in the Quran: "Oh ye who Believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones..." The Mujahid who gets dirty with the dust of jihad in the way of Allah cannot have any of his body enter the fire. But do not be like that "mujahid" who fought for the sake of peoples' honor and thus was killed and then on yaum al Qiyamah will be thrown into Hell. And surely there are the Shuhadah, may Allah accept them, who have the honor of all sins except debt, forgiven at the first drop of their blood. A blood, the smell of which is better that any perfume in this world. And on Yaum al Qiyamah, each of these Shuhadaa will have the honor of interceding for up to 70 [SEVENTY] of their family members. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will not question ye as to why you didn't go to university, or why you didn't land that nice $80,000 job at Microsoft or IBM or whatever. But he WILL ask ye about how you spent your youth. He will ask ye why you didn't go for Jihad. As the Rasulallah said: "Anyone who dies without having fought or without having the sincere intention to fight, will die on a branch on munafiqaat." Do not fool yourselves brothers, by always putting off leaving for Jihad, thinking you have the sincere desire to go fight, but Allah knows best, you may die in a car accident or something, before you ever get to materialize your intention. It is not necessary to finish studying for that Bachelors or masters, etc. The Shariah age for fighting is 15. FIFTEEN. I'm sure you are all WAY past the age of 15. May Allah forgive me for anything I have said that was wrong, and all good is from Him. Allahummansur al-Mujahideen fe kulli makan. Ameen.
WaAlaikumAssalam warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Ibn Mardhiyah.

Readers, such an mind as wrote this letter cannot be reasoned with to avoid war. He doesn't want to co-exist, regardless of what some more moderate Muslim cleric may try to persuade US. The only thing that will protect US from such as this fanatical mind is deportation and annihilation in battle. You cannot co-exist with people such as this barbarian and his ilk. They do not want to co-exist, they want only to rule over you and serve their satanic mentor.

11 posted on 10/27/2001 10:20:19 PM PDT by MHGinTN
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To: Van Jenerette
12 posted on 10/27/2001 10:32:12 PM PDT by wlj1
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To: Van Jenerette
Huge, huge, huge BUMP!

I've asked myself these sames questions. The PC crowd (that includes most media) would have me believe that I am either 1) looney or 2) full of hate and vitriol for even posing the questions you posted.

I pause to read about Islam on my own, check myself, think, read more, dig around the net, listen to my shortwave, and think more. I come to the conclusion, so far, that Islam is not only a pagan religion based on a moon god, but that it is a violent and radicalized cult, by and large.

Of course there are moderates practicing Islam, but Islam's idea of a moderate is a supplicant to Allah who won't kill, only argue.

After a LOT of reading, I've come to the conclusion that the following groups are radicalized enough to want to 1) support Bin Laden overtly or surrepticiously 2) participate in Jihad or 3)infiltrate the US government slowly with their choices of politicians.

1) MSA - Muslim Student Association

Btw, Here's a website endorsed by MSA: This Website Wants to Raise Money for the Taliban

2) Nation of Islam (The Lemmings of Loonie Louie Farrakhan)

3) Muslim Public Affairs Council

4) American Muslim Council (despite all appearances to the contrary)

5) Council of American Muslim Professionals

The list goes on...

And they say we shouldn't allow the government to profile?! Once bitten, twice shy. Period. Profile and deport; arrest and detain. Oh, wait a minute-- if we do that, then we are Big Brother and the thought police, right? (scratching head now) It's a real thorny problem folks-- what do you do about radicalized elements in our society and how to you prevent it from growing like a virus?

14 posted on 10/28/2001 1:08:56 AM PDT by RightlySo
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