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Possible Nuclear Terror Alert
Arizona Republic Valley and State
| 24 October 2001
Posted on 10/24/2001 9:13:13 PM PDT by Azarona Joel
It was reported today that the Squaw Peak Hiking Trails org. has issued a warning to it's members to stay away from the popular trails on Squaw Peak in North Central Phoenix after several sightings of mideastern men with " HEAVY ORANGE BACKPACKS" were sited at all hours, including at 4:30 a.m. hiking on and around the mountain! Local F.B.I. says there is no cause for alarm, as has local law enforcment!
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Let's see. We have Games 1 & 2 of the World Series Saturday and Sunday! Local Rumor has it that Someone VERY.VERY IPORTANT WILL THROW OUT THE FIRST BALL OF GAME 1! We also have the Duralube 500 Race this weekend! Oh and the Cardinals play on Sunday, ho hum. Said Squaw peak is maybe 5.5 miles from Downtown where the Bank One Ballpark is located. And the notice said very heavy backpacks!!!! Air traffic also comes in for a Western aproach to Sky Harbor from the east very nearly over Squaw Peak. Actually it is between the mountain and my house! And correct me if I am in error, but I beleive a BACKPACK NUKE OF 50 to 75 LBS is anywhere from 1 to 5 KILOTONS Yield! Said article also mentioned that there were several heavy backpacks! Arizona freepers it is time to reconoittere the terrain around this mountain and see if there is something Buried in the washes! We have till Saturday if this is A WORST CASE SCENERIO! My thinking is that an EMP BURST IS THE BEST CASE FROM THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN AT GAME TIME SATURDAY! Worst Case is to horrible to contemplate if this is anything to worry about!
To: Azarona Joel
Just in case - thank you for posting this. I'm sure it will get noticed by the authorities.
Right now I like to think of this nation as a 300 million person army.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:19:21 PM PDT
To: Azarona Joel
Joel, I think you're onto something. Please, head for the hills, find them nukes and report back. Take your tinfoil radiation shield just in case th' bastards go off on you. Best of luck.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:20:22 PM PDT
Phil V.
To: Azarona Joel
There has to be better targets than that.
To: Free the USA
I dunno... the World Series would be a pretty tempting target :(
posted on
10/24/2001 9:24:52 PM PDT
To: Azarona Joel
Oh brother. I just got through thinking that out here in Arizona we were safe being away from the big business and government centers along the east coast. But you're right. The World Series is a big, big event; a perfect terrorist target.
To: Free the USA
Local Rumor has it that Someone VERY VERY IMPORTANT WILL THROW OUT THE FIRST BALL OF GAME 1! Better target than a NASCAR/NFL/WORLD-SERIES weekend in one city?
posted on
10/24/2001 9:26:46 PM PDT
To: Free the USA
Are you kidding? The World just can't get much more American than that.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:28:04 PM PDT
To: Azarona Joel
I hate to say this, but I'm sure glad that the Braves didn't make it to the World Series this year.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:28:27 PM PDT
To: Phil V.
I wanted to head to the hills at first and be a long way from town Saturday at game time! BUT THIS IS MY TOWN! Good or bad I am gonna have a look see! I don't think the locals or the feds are looking very hard around there and there are thousans of places to shield a poorly shielded nuke from being detected! If there was an increase in the police around the mountain I would have heard by now! If I do not find anything I will still likely head out about 20 miles and park behind a good size mountain just in case! Wish me luck!
To: Azarona Joel
"Arizona freepers it is time to reconoittere the terrain around this mountain and see if there is something Buried in the washes"!
okie dokie, you first!
Is this an A.S.S. post? (Anthrax Stress Syndrome)...
posted on
10/24/2001 9:31:13 PM PDT
To: ChocChipCookie
To: Azarona Joel
You need a vacation!
posted on
10/24/2001 9:32:03 PM PDT
To: Azarona Joel
Sure hope them ayrab boys don't have any cobalt.
Excellent sleuthing! Keep us posted and KEEP RECRUITING in the area. Tally-ho and good hunting.
To: pgkdan
Baseball is really so over as the national pastime, but it is true that the President is a big fan and used to one-half of one percent of the Texas Rangers or something like that. So I can see the plausibility from that standpoint.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:32:58 PM PDT
To: Azarona Joel
What the heck exactly is your source for this again?
posted on
10/24/2001 9:33:12 PM PDT
John H K
To: Azarona Joel
Keep us posted, see if you can get a source for this.
To: Azarona Joel
Obviously unrelated to 9/11 and even if it were, it is an isolated incident.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:35:10 PM PDT
Comment #19 Removed by Moderator
To: longleaf
"President is a big fan and used to own one-half of one percent of the Texas Rangers" is what I would have typed had I still been awake. And he may have owned more than that small percentage because when the team was sold, he made a profit of something like $16 million. He only had to put up $600,000.
posted on
10/24/2001 9:37:16 PM PDT
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