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1 posted on 10/18/2001 11:30:14 PM PDT by Republican_Strategist
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To: Republican_Strategist
I really pray for the day that clinton is charged with treason! Life in a taliban prison sounds good to me....i'm sure prisoners over there get no t.v., radio, weight lifting, books, magazines. Can you imagine...clinton in a cell with 6 to 8 other unwashed bodies, with no human rights for the rest of his life???????
2 posted on 10/18/2001 11:38:42 PM PDT by Jewels1091
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To: Republican_Strategist
Great find.

Clinton it is obvious, other than depositing love juice in the Oval office sink,
spent the majority of his time in office aiding and abetting foriegn dictators.
He makes look Benedict Arnold look like a Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

3 posted on 10/18/2001 11:55:52 PM PDT by Slyfox
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To: Republican_Strategist
Clinton could care less about America. 9/11 is his legacy. He took his own rope-a-dope strategy of survival and made it into American foreign policy.

Clinton was a troubled child and his disturbed personality determined all of his actions. He only cared about one thing, his own power. To him the game was "get in office and stay in office". Things like foreign policy were only a means to that end.

It is sad that the tactics that were so effective in bringing and keeping an adulterous cokehead liar in office turned out to be the "rope-a-dope" but that was his brilliantly effective method of getting and keeping power: "Let them get tired from hitting me."

So when he committed adultery, it wasn't like "no, never" for very long, from fairly early on Hillary and Bill deflated their opponents with "yup, we did it" and throughout his corrupt political career he had a formulaic "Ah was wrong, can y'all forgive me" approach that took the steam out of his opponent.

Any other politician at any level in any country in the world would have been shamed out of office for things Clinton would freely admit. He was like "here I am, I'm your punching bag."

And he brought that same method to US foreign policy: "here we are, we're your punching bag."

Such a devious approach that can keep a President in office for 8 years will not provide such fine results for a country: we saw the results of Clinton's policies very clearly on 9/11.

4 posted on 10/19/2001 12:27:04 AM PDT by EaglesUpForever
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5 posted on 10/19/2001 12:33:10 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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To: Republican_Strategist
Suffice it to say that during both terms in office, Clinton and his State Department were pulling for a Taliban military victory. Clinton administration jubilation at such a victory was mainly rooted in its support of oil and gas pipelines.

It was control of the drugs, the drug routes, and money lines. It was pure filthy greed which had nothing to do with anything for this country, but plenty to do with lining the pockets of the criminalistas. Screwing with the stock market was supposed to cover it all up. They expected Gore to win election. He didn't. Go to Plan B.
Plan B couldn't be completed because none of them gave Bush credit for having any brains. He probably saved more lives on September 11 than anyone will ever know.
Do you put it past any of them?
Everywhere there is Islamic radicalism and Jihad, there is a poppy or coca field not too far away. That is why Bin Laden's reach has so many tentacles, and that is why clinton disappeared right before every major catastrophe heaped on Americans by the Islamic fundies every time, all the time...including THIS time. And that is why Jesse the bagman got to travel to every country clinton shook down. He was a courier, the special ambassador from hell.
When Bush pulled the PROMIS software, he rendered the bastards blind. The clinton state department has been so inundated with disinformation, they stay permanently seasick. Nothing they have done has deterred Bush in anything he has planned. And he has planned to bring clinton down. Period. With all of his friends.
The blown up African embassies were to cover the thefts of millions of dollars. Kosovo was for the minerals and metals, AND the drug route. Columbia is for the gems and metals and the Cocaine. Sudan was to warn the Sudanese government to stay OUT of Bin Laden's business. The Cole was a bribe to Mubarak. And Israel was supposed to be shut off as the tech wonder of the Near East because they had the goods on clinton but couldn't use it...until now. Or do you think that Netanyahu's sudden closeness to GW is simple coincidence?
Yep. I know. What *proof* do I have? My question would be, what more proof do you need? There has been an awful lot of talk about good and evil here lately. Is there anybody here at all who doesn't believe the clintons are pure evil?
One more thing. I don't think that clinton was necessarily the brains behind any of this...or Bin Laden either, for that matter. I DO think this is the first REAL opportunity we have had to get behind the smoke and mirrors because the man in the White House is righteous. Not simply religiously righteous. Just GOOD to the marrow.

6 posted on 10/19/2001 12:45:53 AM PDT by NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
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To: Republican_Strategist
Unfortunatly for the citizens of the USA and those who died on 9/11, the clinton policies are finally coming home to roost. I pray that someone will finally look at the clintons for what they are, traitors and bring them to justice. It will take opening the eyes of the American public but worth it in the long run. The two traitors should be in jail where they belong.
15 posted on 10/19/2001 7:19:19 AM PDT by Lucky2
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To: Republican_Strategist
According to Rohrabacher, the Clinton administration played a role in creating the Taliban by giving a ‘green light’ to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other gulf states to fund, direct, and organize the Taliban. Rohrabacher said at one point on the house floor in a Sept. 17th [1999] speech that the Clinton administration promised Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that it wouldn’t overthrow the Taliban. The UPI reported it.

Also he made all to familiar accusations during the past eight years. He accused a department; the state department to be exact, of key withholding documents that would show the Clinton administration supported the terrorist Taliban movement and its seizure of power in Afghanistan. The official he blamed specifically was assistant secretary at that time, one Karl Inderfurth.

Thanks for the post. The archives are unavailable, so I couldn't find the original post of the UPI article, but it is copied in reply #36 on this thread:

GOP House member alleges policy coverup - US support of Taliban militia in Afghanistan ?

Crime/Corruption News Keywords: "WEASEL WORDS"

Source: UPI

Published: Wednesday, 20 October 1999 22:35 (GMT) Author: JOE WARMINSKY

Posted on 10/20/1999 19:36:10 PDT by Vitolins

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 (UPI) - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., ripped into Assistant Secretary of State Karl Inderfurth at a House hearing on Wednesday, accusing the State Department of withholding key documents he said would show that the United States had supported the ruling Taliban militia in Afghanistan.

Rohrabacher said Republicans had asked Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for Taliban-related documents from the State Department last year, but only a few had been delivered.

"The lack of courage and the incomprehensible policies of the Clinton administration (have) created a crisis in Central Asia where there was none," Rohrabacher said at a House International Relations Committee where Inderfurth testified on Wednesday.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's a shameful record, and the coverup of the information for us to determine what that policy was is even more shameful," the congressman added.

Inderfurth, in response, said the State Department has sent three shipments of documents, including classified information, to Rohrabacher and is planning four overall.

Inderfurth said he had reviewed the documents, and "they offer absolutely no support for (Rohrabacher's) contention that the U.S. government has now or in the past had a covert policy of support for the Taliban."

Later in the hearing, Rohrabacher shouted at Inderfurth and accused him of using "weasel words" after Inderfurth denied having seen any documents that would indicate the Clinton administration had backed the Taliban, which controls about 90 percent of Afghanistan.

36 Posted on 10/19/2000 17:30:36 PDT by OKCSubmariner

19 posted on 10/19/2001 7:34:22 AM PDT by Dixie Mom
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To: Republican_Strategist
also see: Sources 9/21/99 Dr Clifford Kiracofe "...The Clinton administration for months has refused to turn over to Congress foreign policy documents that implicate it in the Taliban reign of terror in Afghanistan, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), told SOURCES. A number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives believe the Clinton Administration played a key role in creating the Taliban by giving a "green light" to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States to organize, fund and direct the terrorist movement that has now taken control of Afghanistan, he said. "We have tried for a year and a half to obtain documents on our Afghan policy," Rohrabacher told SOURCES in an exclusive interview Friday. Rohrabacher says he has evidence the Clinton administration encouraged and approved the creation of the terrorist Taliban movement. Certain key officials in Middle Eastern countries have confirmed the administration's role in direct conversations with him. He also explained he has additional evidence from a number of confidential sources close to the matter. Meanwhile, Rohrabacher believes the State Department is stonewalling his requests for information on its policy toward the Taliban because administration officials fear the disclosure of facts to Congress would confirm a U.S. role in the operation involving the fundamentalist Islamic movement. Nonetheless, Rohrabacher, who is a member of the International Relations Committee, is pressing on with his requests for documentation of U.S. policy. "Our Chairman, Congressman Gilman, and others are supportive," he told SOURCES. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan is now an "epicenter" of international terrorism, Rohrabacher told SOURCES. A key aide in the Reagan White House and a journalist by profession, Rohrabacher said he saw Osama bin Laden's camp during a secret visit to Afghanistan in 1988. Rohrabacher has closely followed Afghan affairs for over a decade. Rohrabacher confirmed recent SOURCES reports regarding the formation of the Taliban by the Pakistani Interior Ministry and Inter-Services-Intelligence organization (ISI). Rohrabacher said there is no question Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States were brought in to finance the operation....."

UPI 10/20/99 Joe Warminsky "....Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., ripped into Assistant Secretary of State Karl Inderfurth at a House hearing on Wednesday, accusing the State Department of withholding key documents he said would show that the United States had supported the ruling Taliban militia in Afghanistan. Rohrabacher said Republicans had asked Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for Taliban-related documents from the State Department last year, but only a few had been delivered. "The lack of courage and the incomprehensible policies of the Clinton administration (have) created a crisis in Central Asia where there was none," Rohrabacher said at a House International Relations Committee where Inderfurth testified on Wednesday.....Later in the hearing, Rohrabacher shouted at Inderfurth and accused him of using "weasel words" after Inderfurth denied having seen any documents that would indicate the Clinton administration had backed the Taliban, which controls about 90 percent of Afghanistan...."

20 posted on 10/19/2001 7:35:23 AM PDT by Dixie Mom
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To: Republican_Strategist
Also, Rohrabacher's statements on the house floor can be located here:

The site won't allow a direct link, but if you search on Rohrabacher and use the keyword, "Taliban" the links to these speeches will come up.


Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may consume to the gentleman from California (Mr. ROHRABACHER), the sponsor of this resolution, who has a very special expertise in matters of Afghanistan.

   Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, the Taliban represent one of the great threats to stability and peace and civility on this planet. They, in fact, represent an aspect of Islam that if accepted and if influencing other areas of the world will have a tremendously, tremendously negative impact on the peace of the world but also the well-being of women who are in these Muslim countries who would then become chattel and treated like slaves, which is what happens under the Taliban's rule.

   The Taliban is anti-Western beyond belief. They treat their own people like tyrants, and vicious tyrants at that. They are engaged in terrorism against the West. They are involved up to their eyeballs in the drug trade. One-third of all of the world's heroin is grown in Taliban -controlled territory in Afghanistan. These people are evil, and they

[Page: H10646]  GPO's PDF

pose a threat to the Western world; but also they pose a threat to those positive elements among the Muslim world that would seek to be part of the world community and are responsible in their behavior and believe in the Western-style democracy or at least Western-style freedom for their people.

Unfortunately, over the years, as I have worked with the pro-Western elements within Afghanistan, I have been undermined over and again by our own State Department. This administration, and I really am sorry that I have to say this on the floor, this administration I honestly believe has had a policy, a covert policy, of supporting the Taliban, believing that the Taliban will at least create stability in Afghanistan. This is like the stability that Adolf Hitler brought to Europe, or the stability that prison guards bring to a prison. Yet we know that the Taliban's repression, their involvement with drugs and terrorism, is almost unconscionable.

   Now, why do I say this administration has failed on this point? Because the administration has time and again undermined efforts on this Congressman's part to support those people who are opposing the Taliban in Afghanistan. My efforts and the efforts of other moderate Muslims have been undermined over and over again. In fact, this administration disarmed the opposition, was part and parcel of disarming the opposition to the Taliban, who then moved forward and wiped out their opposition in northern Afghanistan. It is a horrendous, horrendous legacy that we have to deal with now that this administration's policies have led to bolstering this horrible regime.

   I would ask that this resolution be supported because it does offer another alternative. There is a king of Afghanistan who is pro-Western and a very reasonable person and tried to lead his country, where women had their rights respected under the former king. He was overthrown at a time just before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. We need to work with that former king to bring about a democratic government. The people are not fanatics in Afghanistan. They are devoted Muslims, but they are not fanatics like the Taliban. They are dedicated people who love their families; yet they have been abandoned after their fight with the Soviet Union; they have been abandoned to forces like the Taliban.

Let me just say that the Taliban, by and large, and I know this very well because I, probably the only Member of this body now, was in Afghanistan during the war, fighting the Russians with the Mujadin, and I was there in 1988 with the Mujadin and I know the commanders. The Taliban are not the Mujadin who fought the Russians. Unfortunately, once the Mujadin had defeated the Russians, the United States walked away and we did not support the type of elements that would have created a more positive country in Afghanistan, and other anti-Western Muslim countries moved in to get control of the drug trade and to create this monstrous regime.

   We need to reassert ourselves and to become a positive force for the people of Afghanistan so they can determine their own destiny through elections, and this Loya Jirgah would be the first step in doing that. That is part of their culture.

 I would like to commend the gentleman from New York (Chairman GILMAN), who over the years of me trying to find peace and getting rid of this horrible Taliban regime, he has been so active and supportive of my efforts, and over and over again he joined with me in calling for the State Department to provide me the documents to find out if indeed our State Department had this horrible policy of supporting the Taliban, and the State Department has not provided us the documents that we need to determine whether or not these charges are false or not.

   What does that say if the State Department is unwilling to provide those documents? So I would like to commend the gentleman from New York (Chairman GILMAN). He has done so much for the cause of peace and justice in this part of the world and to create a more stable world, especially concerning the Taliban.



On top of that, there is one other factor that needs to be looked at about what is creating the cycle of violence which will lead to such turmoil. That is what? American policy towards Afghanistan.

[Page: H11580]  GPO's PDF

This Member, and anyone who is in the Committee on International Relations will testify, for years I have been warning what the results of this administration's policy towards Afghanistan would be. Years, I predicted over and over again that, unless we did something in Afghanistan to change the situation, that we would end up with Afghanistan as a center of, number one, terrorism, a base for terrorism for the Central Asia but also for the world; that it would be repressive and have one of the most repressive and fanatic regimes and anti-Western regimes on the planet; and, number three, it would be the center for the growth of heroin and that it would put all of the resources that, the billions of dollars one receives from the growth of one-third of the world's heroin in the hands of these religious fanatics. That is exactly what has happened.

   Yes, it is heroin money in the hands of the Taliban leaders that are fanning this, the flame of discontent and violence in Central Asia that takes advantage of the dictatorships. The dictators should not just focus, however, on trying to wipe out their opponents and wipe out these fundamentalist movements. They should focus on trying to create a democratic alternative so that people in those countries once be attracted to this type of fanaticism.

   Even the people of Afghanistan are not attracted to the fanaticism of the Taliban. The Taliban have an iron-fisted control there and have steadily refused to have democratic elections.

   It is my sad, sad duty to, again, repeat the charge on the floor of the House of Representatives, as I have on numerous occasions in the Committee on International Relations, that this administration, not only has discarded human rights and democracy as a priority but has a covert police of supporting one of the worst governments and oppressive governments in the world; and I am talking about the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

   I have tried to investigate this for years, and I have been repeatedly cut off by the State Department from receiving the documents that would disprove, and I would like to disprove this charge, because it is a shame for any American to think that our government would be supporting this regime.

   But I can testify here today that, every time the opposition to the Taliban has had a chance of dislodging the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, this administration has run to their rescue time and time again.

   Now, people do not know, even in this body, do not know the details, much less the American people. But those are the facts, and I can verify that over and over again.

AMERICAN EMBASSY SECURITY ACT OF 1999 -- (House of Representatives - July 19, 1999)

Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Chairman, I rise to commend the gentleman from New York (Mr. GILMAN) on his leadership on H.R. 2415, which, of course, emphasizes the need to enhance the security of the United States overseas diplomatic missions as well as our U.S. personnel overseas.

   As the gentleman from New York (Mr. GILMAN) has stated, among the greatest threats to the security of American diplomatic missions and personnel is by Osama bin Laden and his legion of terrorists who train and operate out of Afghanistan. The primary benefactors of bin Laden's terrorists are elements in Pakistan and the extremist Taliban militia, who not only host and protect bin Laden but have imposed a reign of terror on the people of Afghanistan and especially on the women of Afghanistan.

   Mr. Chairman, on numerous occasions I have charged and I repeat today that the Clinton administration, despite statements to the contrary, has a covert policy of cooperating with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that has orchestrated the creation, the rise to power, and the ongoing tyranny of the Taliban. The Taliban are now competing with SLORC, the SLORC dictatorship in Burma, for the role of the world's largest producer of opium. They are harboring anti-American terrorists such as bin Laden, and the Taliban's fanatical leaders are waging a psychotic reign of terror on millions of women in Afghanistan.

   On August 25, 1998, using my oversight responsibility as a senior member of the House Committee on International Relations, I sent a letter to the Department of State requesting the pertinent cables and documents related to U.S. policy on Afghanistan, especially when it relates to the Taliban. The State Department ignored my original request.

   As the Taliban's tyranny against women and human rights abuses against their entire population intensified in Afghanistan, and at committee hearings, I repeatedly restated my call and my request for documents to the Assistant Secretary of State Rick Indefurth and other State Department officials.

[Time: 15:45]

   And even as my requests for information were ignored, actions taken by the State Department seemed to confirm my charges of a covert U.S. policy of support for the extremist Taliban cult in Afghanistan.

   In November of 1998, at a closed hearing on Iraq, for the record, I asked Secretary of State Madeleine Albright when the Afghanistan material that I requested would be delivered. She said it would be coming soon.

   Christmas, Hannukah, and the New Year came and went and still no documents.

   At the outset of this Congressional session, in February at a full committee hearing in full public, I reminded Secretary Albright of her commitment to release the Afghan documents. At that time the gentleman from New York (Chairman GILMAN) supported my request for the record. Again Secretary Albright told us the documents were forthcoming.

   During the following weeks, my staff and the committee staff of the gentleman from New York (Chairman GILMAN) continued to call on the State Department about this commitment for Afghan documents.

   To cut the story down to size here, we still have not had one document from the State Department that would either confirm or disprove my charges. I am, therefore, ever more convinced and I would hope the women who have testified here today will join me in insisting that the State Department provide requested documents that would prove one way or the other whether or not this administration is again committing a sin against the people of the world whether it believes in human rights in supporting the Taliban , one of the world's worst human rights abusers and one of the world's worst enemies of women's freedom.

   So I would ask my fellow colleagues to join me. After over a year of stonewalling and blockading our attempts to get to the information, I ask Members on both sides of the aisle to join me in getting the State Department to give up this stonewalling and to give us the pertinent information about Afghan policy and what the real position of this government is.


   Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the last word.

   Mr. Chairman, as we vote today for or against the appropriation that will pay for the State Department's operating expenses, I would like to draw the attention of my colleagues to an ongoing controversy concerning the State Department's dealings with the Taliban regime that now controls Afghanistan. The Taliban, I remind my colleagues, have been ruling most of Afghanistan with an iron fist. They are competing with the SLORC dictatorship in Burma for the role of the world's largest producer of heroin. They are harboring anti-American terrorists like Osama bin Laden and other murderers who have killed and maimed Americans in attacks like those on American embassies in Africa.

   The Taliban fanatical leaders are waging a psychotic war of terror and repression against anything that they deem Western and have singled out women in Afghanistan as the targets of their medieval wrath. In short, they are to women what the Nazis were to Jews in the 1930's. Specifically, they are a monstrous threat to the freedom and well-being of tens of millions of women who live in Muslim countries around the world.

   Now here is the kicker. Under the Clinton administration, the Taliban has established control over most of Afghanistan and has wiped out its opposition. Rather than being a force to combat the expansion of the Taliban, it appears that the United States under this administration has acquiesced to Taliban rule and even undermined the resistance to the Taliban. In short, it appears that the United States may have a covert policy of supporting the Taliban.

   As a senior member of the Committee on International Relations, I requested documents well over a year ago that would confirm or lay to rest this suspicion about possible U.S. support for the Taliban. I repeatedly requested Assistant Secretary of State Rick Indefurth and other State Department officials formally and informally, officially and unofficially, to provide the documentation.

   The chairman of the Committee on International Relations, the gentleman from New York (Mr. GILMAN), joined me in this request. Secretary of State Albright made a commitment to the committee during a hearing that documents would be forthcoming, and that was November of last year. After over a year of stalling and foot dragging, a year of either cover-up or incompetence, the State Department finally turned over a small batch of documents a couple of weeks ago, and only, by the way only then, after the chairman, Chairman GILMAN, threatened to subpoena.

   Mr. Chairman, the paltry packet delivered from the State Department contained for the most part photocopies of newspaper articles about Afghanistan. This arrogance should be noted as we vote for the State Department's budget. This thumbing their noses at Congressional oversight cannot and should not be tolerated. This is an issue of utmost importance, and at this point, Mr. Chairman, I insert into the RECORD a letter that I sent yesterday to Assistant Secretary of State Indefurth:



   Washington, DC, August 3, 1999.
Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C.

DEAR SECRETARY INDEFURTH: After over a year of requesting documents and information concerning the Administration's policies and activities concerning Afghanistan and the Taliban, your office transmitted an envelope with pitifully few documents. Most of those documents were photocopies of newspaper articles. You may think this is funny, Mr. Indefurth. It is an insult to me as a senior member of the International Relations committee, it is an insult to Chairman Gilman who joined me in this request, and it is an affront to the Congress. Your actions suggest a disdain for Congress' oversight responsibility.

   Let me again remind you, I have asked for all documents concerning administration policy toward Afghanistan and the Taliban, including cables and diplomatic correspondence with American diplomats engaged in foreign policy initiatives and analysis. Chairman Gilman joined me in that request over six months ago. In November of last year, Secretary Albright promised the Committee that the requested documents would be forthcoming. As far as I am concerned, you are in contempt of Congress in both a legal and personal sense. There is no excuse for the delays and stonewalling instead of providing information requested by a legitimate Congressional oversight committee.

   There are only a few explanations for your continued intransigence in meeting this lawful request for documents and information. All of those explanations reflect poorly on you, Secretary Albright and the Administration as a whole. Incompetence may be a reason, raw arrogance may be a reason. However, it is also possible, considering other actions taken by you and the Administration, that what we see is a reflection of a coverup of a covert policy supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan.

   Considering the Taliban's assault on human rights, especially those of Afghan women, the charges of a convert policy of support for the Taliban deserved the utmost clarification by your office through the documents I requested. Instead, we've had delay and obfuscation. Taliban's current offensive aimed at destroying the last remnants of resistance to their tyrannical rule, makes your actions even more questionable. This letter will be sent to every member of the International Relations Committee and will be made part of the Congressional Record. Upon return from the Summer break, I will be asking that subpoenas be issued and that prosecution for contempt of Congress be considered.


   Dana Rohrabacher,
Member of Congress.

   At this moment the Taliban are on an offensive that it is attempting to wipe out its last resistance, and that is about 10 percent of the country that now is in the Panjer Valley and that has resisted the Taliban efforts, and that is under a man named Commander Massoud. This is a life and death struggle. Thousands of people are being killed. Unfortunately, the people of Afghanistan who fought so bravely as friends of the United States and helped us end the Cold War, we now have deserted them; and it is possible that we are actually helping their oppressors.

   Unfortunately, it appears that the Saudis and the Pakistanis have sent foreign troops into Afghanistan with the acquiescence of the United States. I hope that the people of Afghanistan understand that as this offensive against Massoud and the Panjer Valley goes forward this is their chance to rise up against the Taliban and to win their own freedom, because I am afraid that as long as this administration is in Washington, D.C., that we will not be taking those efforts to support the freedom-loving people of Afghanistan who stood with us against the Soviet Union; and instead it is possible that we have a covert policy of supporting the Taliban control, which would be a monstrous violation of the principles of freedom and justice for all that our country supposedly stands for.

   So I would ask my colleagues to pay attention to this, and I would ask the State Department to please provide the documentation that I have been trying and I am asking for for over a year, when the gentleman from New York (Mr. GILMAN) has been asking for it for over a year and not to arrogantly thumb their noses at us by sending us newspaper clippings in response to our request for official documents.

22 posted on 10/19/2001 7:37:00 AM PDT by Dixie Mom
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To: Republican_Strategist
34 posted on 10/19/2001 4:56:49 PM PDT by HoustonKevin
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To: Sabertooth
37 posted on 11/29/2001 3:20:25 PM PST by RMeek
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To: Republican_Strategist
38 posted on 03/28/2004 4:27:14 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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