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An Open Letter to the Maha Rushie: "Enviro-Whackos To Blame for Anthrax Terrorism!!"
MUD's Fertile Mind ^ | 17 October 2001 | Mudboy Slim

Posted on 10/17/2001 10:43:41 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim

Dear Rush:

As you must be fully aware of by now, sir, I consider myself to be amongst your greatest fans (and, yes, some folks who say that are actually sincere and not Seminar Callers). So, when I hear you presenting the LoonyLeftist Cal-State Professor's rantings on CNN about RightWing Militiamen being responsible for the Anthrax Terror, I immediately realize you are "working an angle." Your response to the Cal-State Leftist was to in essence say that you believe Saddam Hussein is the Root Cause of All Evil and that Domestic Terrorism could not possibly be suspected in this heinous crime. are far too wise to believe that and I see Right thru your feigned naivete!!!

However, for the purpose of this e-mail, I will play along just a bit. Sure, it is entirely possible that Saddam Hussein and his Agents of Hatred could be responsible for the Biological Terrorism; however, IMHO, the Anthrax mailings are far more likely to be the handiwork of the anti-American Leftists who make up the Enviro-Whacko Community, including the Effete Elite who comprise the Tenured Class within our American Universities!!!

"What'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?!" you say in yer best incredulous voice!!

Yes, my Wise FRiend, I said the Leftists in the Environmental Movement have got to be the Number One Suspects in the ongoing Domestic Terrorism Movement...please allow me explain!! You have always said that Lib'rals are the most hilarious when they are outta Power because they go absolutely crazy and yet can do no damage to this Country. Well, THE LEFT IS MOST DEFINITELY OUT OF POWER and it's driving them to measures that would have been unthinkable just six weeks ago. How do you think the Left feels when they read about Dubyuh's 89%+ Approval Ratings?! Well, on the DemocRATic Underground website, they are going absolutely NUTS!! Dick Cheney is well-advised to be making himself scarce with these deranged LeftistLoonies on the loose...THEY HATE US WITH A PASSION that they could never muster for Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein!!!

"But, Mudboy, you RightWing FReeperNut, (nice composite FReeperPic, BTW)" you say, once again feigning incredulity, "why would the Leftist Enviro-Whackos be mass-mailing these Anthrax spores to Tom Daschle, Tom Brokaw, and the Vast, LeftWing Medyuh Whore'd?! Are not these folks in bed with the Socialist Enviro-Whackos?!"

My response is, obviously, that The Leftists--like your buddy, the CNN/Cal-State Professor--believe they can use their Socialist Comrades in the Vast, LeftWing Medyuh Whore'd to blame those of us on the Right who are standing up valiantly against the ever-expanding, Tyrannical Federal Leviathan!! But why would we on the Right be piling onto the Left when the Left's doing a fine job of discrediting themselves? Fact is, we wouldn' my Friend Angelwood (you met her a few months ago) so prophetically says, "No Tear Gas Necessary...We're Conservatives!!" We know we're Right...why would we forfeit the High Ground to terrorize a few pro-Rape (yes...Juanita Broaddrick) Leftists?! We wouldn't...and any rational American will come to the same conclusion.

In closing, my FRiend, I humbly offer you my page number--AGAIN...(804-225-XXXX)--if you'd like to discuss this further on your radio show. I spent 5-10 minutes speed-dialing your 1(800)282-2882, but to no avail...I'm sure you've got another number that the important RightWingers call to get on yer show!!

Utmost FReegards...Mudboy Slim, RightWing Patriot and FReeper

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To: Mudboy Slim
I believe I have been quite civil in our discussions, my Friend.

You have been civil, just a bit over the top.

241 posted on 10/22/2001 1:37:34 PM PDT by sakic
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To: dwbh
Well, the actions that Lincoln and Davis took sure were different.

Exactly. Lincoln was a great president.

Tobacco and alcohol taxes only hurt the people who buy tobacco and alcohol.

Right. And it's the poor that spend a higher percentage of their income on these items. Democrats soak the poor with these extremely high taxes.

Oh, and they also hurt the proprietors of alcohol by cutting sales of their deadly product. Both will kill you gradually, no matter how much money you make. If you're asking me to feel sorry for Phillip Morris, you won't get any sympathy here.

Phillip Morris wasn't hurt by those lawsuits, they simply raised prices to pay for the suits. The smokers paid. It was a Democratic scam to steal from the poor. Trial lawyers made billions off those lawsuits. Alcohol has been part of the caucasion diet for thousands of years. It's good for ya. The bible says to drink a little wine here and there (if you're not a wino). I don't want some thieving, raping, murdering liberal getting all self-righteous and telling me or anybody else not to do something my people have done for thousands of years.

And I have a hard time accepting Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky as some sort of "oppressed group", in the same breath as victims of discrimination and profiling.

Who said anything about those two? I'm more concerned with Juanita Broadrick, the Oxford student, and the 15 year old girl at Roger's cocaine party.

The only reason they ever aligned themselves with Lewinsky was to score political points against Clinton.

So they had a 25 year plan? What are they, the Illuminati?

And that's giving them the benefit of the doubt, BTW...I have friends who are convinced it's all a protracted case of penis envy, and I can't argue against them.

Yeah, you liberals seem to be overly obsessed with the penis.

If you'll read Leviticus 25:35-36 a bit further down, it will contradict everything you just said: (from the article) "If your brother becomes poor, you are responsible to help him; invite him to live with you as a guest in your home. Fear your God and let your brother live with you; and don't charge him interest on money you lend him. Remember -- no interest; and give him what he needs, at your cost: don't try to make a profit!"

Lev 25:40 [But] as an hired servant, [and] as a sojourner, he shall be with thee, [and] shall serve thee unto the year of jubile:

40 says it's temporary. And besides, there's a diffence between a "brother" and a "neighbor" and even a "stranger".

Besides, this is an overly narrow view of what aid to the oppressed is. It's not just food for the hungry, although that is an important part to it. It's also welfare-to-work programs to give people job opportunities, programs to pay for childcare for single moms, and Medicare and Medicare supplements to give medical aid to these people. And this is aid for those who cannot work, not aid for those who simply will not work. I spoke of this difference in my last post -- one example of someone who finds a loophole in the system gets generalized to portray the entire system as full of lazy, drug addicted leeches, when this is absolutely not the case.

You could've fooled me. Why did all those people get jobs after the Republicans reformed the system in the 90's? A lot of those people were parasites.

And very often the conservative Democrats or "DIXIECRATS" of the so-called "Bible Belt" sided with the Republican Party. Indeed, ever since the G.O.P. has become the outright champions of native born, English speaking, male, white, upper class privilege, most of those former Dixiecrats are switching their allegiance -- thank God! -- to the new and revised Republican Party.

So you think that's a good thing??

Now this is hilarious. You mistook your website's words for my words. Your arguing with your hero. ROFL

Do you realize that most of the people in this country are not "native born, English speaking, male, white, upper class privileged" people?

Come to the heartland and see about that.

That would make the GOP a party for the interests of a minority of people.

Then how do we win so many elections? The liberal left controls a 100 billion dollar propaganda machine of the networks and Hollywood alone. If the field was level on the propaganda side the commies would be in Cuba where they belong.

The reason they have disproportionate influence in the media, election boards, and legislatures of the country is because of their money.

Democrats have their share of the rich. Besides, Dems control 90% of the media, Hollywood, universites, government jobs.

I am "native born, English speaking, male, white, and upper class privileged," but I don't want this party to represent me.

Why are you privilaged? Is it because you're white or because you're someone who actively tries to keep a job?

That attitude is directly against the principal of loving others more than you do yourself.

These are the words of self-righteous hypocrites. Democrats do not love others more than themselves. It's obvious by their agenda. Democrats never inconvenience themselves for others. They allow children to be murdered (abortion) so they don't have to care for them. They make others pay for their pet programs. They allow women to be raped, murdered, assaulted so they don't lose their president to impeachment. They "save the whales" knowing full well they won't have to sacrifice anything from their own well-being for this cause. They tax the hell out of alcohol and tobacco since they themselves won't be hurt by these taxes. They call for high taxes on energy when they run around in limosines and live in mansions in Hollywood. They let Clinton bomb Yugoslavia from 35,000 feet killing more civilians than the enemy without saying nothing so their president won't be seen as inept. They call for the ouster of Nixon for a two-bit break-in and then allow Clinton to sell nuclear technology to the communist Chinese. They call for the ouster of Packwood and Thomas and yet let Clinton sexually harass his underlings. They throw the book at Gingrich for a college course and yet let Clinton-Gore collect money from Buddhists. Name a liberal agenda item that actually calls for sacrifice from liberals.

And this "new and revised" Republican party was growing more and more conservative up until 9/11. This is part of the reason why Jim Jeffords and other "New England Republicans" defected from the party.

They defected because they're socialists.

For every Zell Miller you find among the Democrats, there is a John McCain and Olympia Snowe to counter them.

And the sooner they go to the Democrats, the better. It's better to have a focused minority than an unfocused majority.

And the Democratic party is the champion of the producer and the consumer, because if you don't take care of the welfare of the consumer, there would be no producers.

A lot of consumers can take care of themselves. I'm a consumer and can.

Yes, to the degree that they can help themselves.

Yes, that's what "able bodied, able-minded" means.

Again, you seem convinced that every single person on the welfare line is there because they're just "lazy", and this is entirely wrong.

I know you're a liberal, but you need to resist the temptation to lie about what I said and didn't say. I never said "every single person". I said there are some that aren't able-bodied, and able-minded.

And it's this kind of generalization that causes all welfare to be cut and hurts the people that really do need welfare.

Show me where I said "every single person".

One place is Leviticus 25:35-36. I referenced it above.

Read verse 40.

Actually, it says in verse 40 he is to work "until the Year of the Jubilee"(NIV) and then be released, not work "until he gets back on his feet".

So you're suggesting we go back to slavery? Some of the ordinances of Leviticus were nailed to the cross along with Jesus.

Regardless, temporary aid is the only intent of welfare! Find me one lawmaker who thinks people should be given any sort of aid if they don't plan to use it to better themselves.

How about most Democrats. They were howling when those poor welfare recipients had to go out and get jobs in the 90's.

Too often, people make this assumption in order to keep from giving any aid at all to these people, and even to prevent giving non-monetary aid. Another case of sweeping generalizations and proof by stereotype by conservatives.

I believe you're stereotyping and generalizing yourself. You take the Conservative position that too much money is wasted on able-body/minded people living off the government and sweep that to conclude Conservatives believe all should recieve no help.

You missed the point of the paragraph. The author says nothing about the poor being paid for their work; it is saying that the community should expect the powerful to address injustices, not expect the wronged to fend for themselves. You should read more carefully what you're so quick to criticize.

No, when I read those passages in the bible, it says the poor should be paid for their work. Sounds good to me. Conservatives love increased economic activity.

I think you mean nine years -- he was inaugurated in 1933.

9 years, 11 years whatever. That's a mightly long time for no results. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying in 1944 because of FDR's campaign lie that he was going to keep us out of the war. If his opponent would've won and we contained Hitler early, before he took all of Europe, maybe so many families wouldn't have had to make the ultimate sacrifice.

As I said earlier in the thread, FDR was trying things that had never been tried before,...

Uncle Joe's socialism.

...out of the desperateness of the Great Depression (which, incidentally, was much worsened by the Republican administration of Hoover than by FDR).

It was worsened by isolationism and a runaway bubble market.

It took WWII, which began in 1941, to snap us out of it. The fact that many of his ideas are still around today attests to the worthiness of the programs.

Nah, it attests to to power of liberal propaganda of Hollywood, the networks, universites, schools, etc.

As time went on in Biblical times, there arose once in a great while a preacher whose words were worth recording for future generations to hear. A few of these made predictions about the future, (mostly warnings, in effect, about the consequences of hearing or failing to hear God's teaching). But what made them great "seers" or "prophets" wasn't what they could predict about the future, but what they dared to see and say about the present, i.e. teaching that some people in high places did not want to hear, such as . . . { Micah 6: 8-12 } What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? The voice of the LORD cries to the city : . . . Can I forget the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the accursed scant measure? Can I tolerate wicked scales and a bag of dishonest weights? Your wealthy are full of violence; your inhabitants speak lies, with tongues of deceit in their mouths. Your rich men are wealthy through extortion and violence; your citizens are so used to lying that their tongues can't tell the truth!"

By the way, take a look at that county by county election map and you'll see that the cities are Democratic strongholds. It would appear that your hero author is shooting himself in the foot again.

Isa 5:8 Woe unto them that join house to house, [that] lay field to field, till [there be] no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

Democrats live in cities.

Gee, and there's never been another evil rich white man in the whole world except for big bad Clinton and those Hollywood weirdoes.

Clinton and his weirdo worshippers are the most visible.

Anyway, you missed the point of the authors paragraph again. When God says "Your wealthy are full of violence..." and "Your rich men are wealthy through extortion and violence," that's addressed to the specific group. When God says " Can I forget the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the accursed scant measure? Can I tolerate wicked scales and a bag of dishonest weights?", he's talking about everybody. See the difference?

He's not talking about everybody. Tell me how you think God's talking about everybody. There's no sin in receiving God's blessings to the point of being rich.

Sure, we can talk about lying. We can talk about the way Shrub lied about his role in Funeralgate,...

Funeralgate? Man you guys really have to dig deep to find this stuff. LOL

...we can talk about the way he lied about when the troops in Kosovo would be sent back home, we can talk about lying about the effectiveness of the Missile Defense System, we can talk about lying about all kinds of stuff that actually has a bearing on the welfare of the country, unlike Clinton lying about a BJ.

Although you're taking positions on legislation and trying to call them lies, in which you're lying yourself (liberals are fampous for their self-righteous hypocrite ways), all people sin. Clinton made sin a virtue to his worshippers.

What he lied about didn't even have a bearing on the Whitewater was just a tangent designed to entrap the president by our friends in the GOP.

Clinton's a proven liar in a court of law. Again you liberals are obsessed with the penis aspect of Clinton's behaviour. Clinton sold China the technology to kill millions of Americans with nuclear missiles, stole the taxpayers money through the whitewater savings and loan scandal, lied about sexual harassment in the workplace, lied about his cocaine use, lied about dialing for dollars, released terrorists that kill NYC cops after sucking up to them for years, hid evidence related to Foster, ripped a hole in that note, murdered Brown and everone on his plane, and the others that have a bad habit of falling out of buildings and committing suicide, murdered those kids at Waco, murdered the people in OKC. We're getting into the thousands. People fall out of buildings and commit suicide all the time, don't they.

You missed the point again. Keep reading below to see what the author is actually talking about, rather than assuming you know already.

What's there to see, God said "those who cheat".

Once again, this kind of scripture doesn't make those who oppress or exploit others happy. But if you put yourself in the shoes of the men, women and children who are being oppressed, it should certainly make you happy to know that God doesn't approve of sneaky merchandisers who are constantly using dirty tricks to reduce the quantity and/or quality of their products and/or increasing the prices, and eliminating the opportunities customers have to buy such products at lower prices from competitors.

Let's hear some specific examples. If you know of anyone whose fraudulant, I suggest you report them to the proper authotities, hopefully they can be arrested.

What's your reference for this claim?

I was a union worker. They took my money, gave it to Democrats, and then sent me a monthly newsletter telling me all aout it and outlining their plan to defeat Republicans. They are thugs. They are liberal thugs who threaten and steal from the lower middle class. I despise them.

These have always been unsubstantiated claims.

Yeah if you have no common sense, it's easy to believe that Clinton was a good ole boy that felt people's pain and and got in trouble for the simple sin of getting some on the side. Meanwhile, the blood of Brown, Foster, Brown's plane acquaintences, and so many others cry out from the earth.

They have about as much substance right now as the claims that Cheney had his "town hall meetings" on energy policy only with those large corporations that made equally large contributions to the GOP.

Digging deep again, huh. I'm a Republican, pro-business, pro-jobs, pro-economic activity, if Cheney wants to help the economy, that's fine with me. It doesn't compare to murdering people on planes.

242 posted on 10/22/2001 2:56:25 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: Landru
Li'l E did himself, Chev, & his old man proud.

Yeah, I've always been a Chevy man.

Still; me & my bride miss Old Iron Head like there aren't words to describe. Racin's not quite the same without #3 on the track & that's just the way it is.

Very true. I went down last year to the Childress shops, saw the cars being prepared, saw the museum. I'm glad I got that in. While I feel sorry for myself not being able to watch the #3 race any more, it's saddest for his daughter whose 12 or 13 now.

243 posted on 10/22/2001 3:05:31 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: dwbh
See my comments above re: alcohol and tobacco taxes. You can't compare raising taxes on luxury items with selling an entire people into slavery.

Alcohol is not a luxury item. It's been part of the diet for thousands of years. That's the way you have to make it moral huh, consider anything you want to tax as being a luxury item. I guess everything but bread and water would be a luxury item. And as far as slavery goes, the Dems are famous for slavery, that's what check confiscation is, slavery. And you've just admitted how far you're willing to go to tax everything you can.

Again, give me evidence that you can back up to prove this.

Like I said, I was a union worker. They threatened to burn down my house when I resisted their whims.

Clinton sex Clinton sex Clinton sex, blah blah blah.

Yes because of 30 years of liberal self-righteousness went out the window when liberals let Clinton get away with murder, rape, and thievery from the poor.

So what do you think of the GOP proposal to keep individuals from suing their HMO's? There's a denial of justice if I ever saw one.

Don't know, don't care. It's a free market, if you don't like your HMO, move on.

How can it be slavery when the members of unions elect leaders and have a voice in what the union does?

The majority rules the minority. That's Democracy, not Constitutional Republicanism. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. The founding fathers rejected Democracy for Constitutional Republicanism.

Without unions, you would have real slavery at the hands of the employers, just like back in the Industrial Revolution.

Unions were necessary when the economy wasn't so diversified. The unions have went from being a necessary protector of workers to a money machine for thugs, Democrats, liberals, and the mafia. They've outlived their usefulness. Why do you think the mafia got involved with unions? It's certainly not because they're concerned with the anglo-saxon workers rights.

Read Eric Schlosser's Fast-Food Nation for one example. Here's a blurb about the book by Eric Alterman: Eric Schlosser's Fast-Food Nation is a frightening and disturbing update of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Spend a few hours with Schlosser and you'll become more intimately acquainted with your ground beef than you ever wanted to be. Consider the people who get the meat into your waiting fingers. The injury rate among meatpackers is the highest of any US occupation. Every year about one-third of all slaughterhouse workers--roughly 43,000 men and women--suffer an injury or an illness that requires first aid on the job. Given the inevitable exchange of blood and other bodily fluids in which these injuries result, their oppression is your health hazard. The same goes for the burger-flippers behind the grill. Fast-food employees are the largest group of low-paid workers in the United States today, earning on average $5.74 an hour. One-quarter of the workers in the restaurant industry are estimated to earn the minimum wage--a higher proportion than in any other US industry. (No wonder the National Restaurant Association is perhaps this nation's most vociferous opponent of living-wage laws.) Again, worker oppression results in consumer health peril. Reading Schlosser, we hear stories of teenage workers serving meat after dropping it on the floor, picking their noses into the food, smoking on the job and watching cockroaches and rats feed and defecate on unprepared foods.

I asked you for evidence of wrongdoing by employers, and you give me wrongdoing by employees. I guess you haven't got anything.

Oh? Where's your reference for this?

You. You and your website have been bitching about Christians. You must think that there are more Christians in the Republican party.

No, there are more wealthy Republicans than Democrats, b/c it's in their self-interest to vote for the people who will support them fiscally, e.g. tax cuts and reduction of workers' laws.

No, it's in the Republicans best interest to support those that strive for freedom, which means lower taxes and the lowest regulation necessary.

Some, but not all. Rather than making sweeping cuts in welfare that hurt those who are truly in need, fix the loopholes that cause the sporadic incidents of people taking advantage of the welfare system.

If you believe that why did Democrats howl about the poor welfare recipients that had to go out and get jobs?

There's nothing untruthful about speculation, especially when the author admits it's only speculation.

But he put words in the prophets mouths. Watch out for lightning strikes.

What an ignorant thing to say.

No it's not. I work around lower middle class and upper middle class. I can tell you that the lower middle class work just enough to have enough money to go to the bar and party the night away 3 or 4 times a week. There's nothing wrong with that, they're happy and they don't worry about things that richer people worry about.

Do you honestly think that money is the measure of a man's worth? Or that it's the measure of how hard he works for that money?

Where did you get that. I only made the point that people who choose to stay poor don't worry about things that richer people worry about.

There's no sin to being rich, but there's no sin to being poor either.

I didn't say there was. This was a ten-page article about the rich being evil. I defend the fact that sometimes God's blessings make people monetarily rich. Look at Solomon.

So there shouldn't be any opposition to laws that attempt to give the rich and the poor equal opportunities in our society.

Reasonable equal opportunity, yes, wealth redistribution from producers to parasites, no.

An article on First Amendment Zones

Diggin deep again, huh? I'm not going through that article and debate that point by point too. If you've got something to say from it, say it.

I've heard of people not being able to pray publicly at football games, but there's no law against doing it privately.

THAT'S CENSORSHIP OF FREE SPEECH!!! You liberals think it's OK to restict a conservative Christian's speech but I think you would howl if we tried to tell you you can't preach the religion of pure atheistic evolution on government property. (By the way, I believe in some evolution, I believe God used evolution to create the world in an orderly fashion. I believe in divine intervention though to work His plan)

That's not the same as "being forced to say" anything. In fact, public prayers are the only way people would be "forced to say" anything. Just don't push your religion on anyone else...that's the spirit of the law.

Boloney. The spirit of the law is clear in the founding father's documents. They mentioned the Creator. The ACLU doesn't allow the mention of the Creator.

Here you go again, trying to transpose a Democratic leader's desire to chase skirts into some kind of overreaching liberal policy.

It's proof that the Democrats are all blow and no show. When confronted with the situation of irreputable leaders, Republicans take care of business (Nixon, Packwood, Livingston, etc.), Democrats will hold on to their high places even at the expense of the poor and the country. It sums up 30 years of lying self-righteous hypocritism.

Does this mean Bob Packwood's sexual assualt actions are also indictive of the GOP's conservative agenda?

He resigned. Dems take the poor and the country down with them.

Religion is a belief in a diety (or dieties) that has control over our lives.

Exactly. Liberals believe mother Earth and evolution control our destiny.

Atheism means you believe there is no diety.

Atheist worship the earth.

There is no atheistic prayer, no atheistic churches, and none of the other accoutrements of religion.

What are all these Earth days then. Atheist are some of the most religious people there are.

Those that fight against school prayer are not fighting for atheism; they are fighting against the forced spoon-feeding of Christianity or any other religion to our kids.

Meanwhile they force-feed the religion of earth worship 8 hours a day. God controls our destiny, not the earth. The current form of the earth will be destroyed by God and all knees will bow. There will be no doubt who rules, God or Mother Earth.

244 posted on 10/22/2001 4:10:41 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: Mudboy Slim
Uhhh...what accent?

Ward himself laughed and said that he and his buddies talked a certain way, Jeff and his buddies talked a different way. Ask him, he said it. He's not worried about it, are you? :^)

245 posted on 10/22/2001 4:17:38 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: #3Fan; dwbh; mike2right; Militiaman7; Inspector Harry Callahan; M Kehoe
SHEEESH, why don't you and DumbWhiteBoyHokie (dwbh) get a room?! I haven't talked that much to my wife since the second kid was born, let alone someone I just met!!

LOL & FReegards...MUD

BTW...eventually, I'll go back and read the discussion, but in the meantime, DWBH has just gotta admit that he's--in reality--a hard-core RightWinger acting like Johnny Carson's Ed McMahon...(laugh track)

DumbWhiteBoyHokie (on cue)..."Ho Ho Ho, Mudboy, that was a knee-slapper....."

BTW...M7, Huskerboy, I'm coming thru Marion Wednesday night...wanna do some karaoke and brewskis?!

246 posted on 10/22/2001 4:24:57 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: #3Fan
"He's not worried about it, are you? :^)"

Naww, just bein' ornery, my FRiend...MUD

247 posted on 10/22/2001 4:32:01 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: #3Fan
Do make you suspicious, no?
248 posted on 10/22/2001 4:36:49 PM PDT by wingnuts'nbolts
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To: Mudboy Slim
SHEEESH, why don't you and DumbWhiteBoyHokie (dwbh) get a room?! I haven't talked that much to my wife since the second kid was born, let alone someone I just met!! LOL & FReegards...MUD

Sorry, didn't mean to steal some of the spotlight from your songwriting. :^) (Good songs, by the way)

249 posted on 10/22/2001 4:43:27 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: Mudboy Slim
Naww, just bein' ornery, my FRiend...MUD

That's good. I know because of the lying stygmatizing of the left against the South years ago, southerners like Burt Reynolds, etc., would work hard to get rid of their accent. There for a second, I thought you were being sensative to it. I should've known better. :^)

250 posted on 10/22/2001 4:48:53 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: wingnuts'nbolts
Do make you suspicious, no?

Something to keep in mind.

251 posted on 10/22/2001 4:50:25 PM PDT by #3Fan
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To: #3Fan; dwbh
"...didn't mean to steal some of the spotlight..."

Well, did you at least win the argument against our House Lefty?!


....Earnhardt and Lefty, sittin' in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G...LOL!!

252 posted on 10/22/2001 5:48:25 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: #3Fan
"I thought you were being sensitive to it..."

Actually, I still have my Kansas accent...we steel warsh R close in R noo warshin'machine we got from the Sears-Roebuck just this side of Warshin'ton DeeCee...LOL!!


253 posted on 10/22/2001 5:53:36 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: sakic
"You have been...just a bit over the top."

I shall take that advice to heart, my FRiend...MUD

254 posted on 10/22/2001 5:55:37 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim
bump to this post!
255 posted on 10/22/2001 7:44:29 PM PDT by goldilucky
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To: That Poppins Woman
"...the crimes against humanity of G.H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan."

Yep...just as I figgered, another McCainiac/Buchananite RINO supporter!! Take it back to the minors (i.e., ma'am, that krap don't float here in the Bigs!! Ronaldus Maximus was the Greatest President of the 20th Century...and Dubyuh's setting the bar pretty damn high fer the next Century!!

Pick a side, TPW, you can't keep backin' LOSERS 4-ever!! Or can you?

GoPatGo...MUD =^D

256 posted on 10/22/2001 7:57:01 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: goldilucky
Thank you, my Friend, you may have another...

(To be sung to Jewel's "Hands")

If I could tell the World just one thing...
It would be...that "We'll be OKAY!!"
Don't get discouraged 'cuz Courage is Vital...
And priceless in times like these...
We shan't stop with bin Laden's head!!
We must gather ourselves around our Faith...
Fer Right's what the [Med'yuh/Fascists/Leftists/Lib'rals/Cowards/Nazis/Commies] most fear!!

My hands are gnarled and rough...
But they're not yers...nor what they've sown.
Yes, we're...the Right!! This is OUR home...
And Right Shall Not be Broken!!

Zealotry...felled the Silver Twins...
We must remove Left's cancer!!
Yes...Heartache came to visit me...
We'll fight...We know We're Right!!
For someone must Stand up 'gainst Left's Blight!!
'Cuz where there's a Man who has no voice...
There OURS shall go singin'!!

My hands are gnarled and rough...
But they're not yers...nor what I've grown!!
It's Justice Time...You've Bombed my Home!!
Now, You've done gone Provoked US!!!!

In the End, only the Truth matters...
In the End, only Justice matters!!
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray...
You should get down on yer knees...yes, you should pray!!
The planes went down...four buildings...soul-lessly razed!!

My hands are gnarled and rough...
But they're not yers...nor what I've smoked.
Now you've riled us...attacked our home!!
Folks, We Shall Not Be Broken!!
My hands are gnarled and rough...
But they're not yers...nor what I've smoked.
Now you've riled us...attacked our home!!
Folks, We Shall Not Be Broken!!
Right Shall Not Be Broken!!!

We are God's eyes...God's hands...God's mind.
We are God's eyes...God's hands...Allah's heart.
We are God's eyes...God's hands...God's eyes...
We are God's hands... RIGHT, MAKE YER STAND!!!

Mudboy Slim (9/18/01)

**FReeperGal Chorus


257 posted on 10/22/2001 8:07:42 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim; #3Fan
OK Mud, we'll move the discussion over to Freepmail. You can now get back to trashing all of my favorite songs again. =)
258 posted on 10/23/2001 5:00:58 AM PDT by dwbh
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To: Mudboy Slim
259 posted on 10/23/2001 8:09:26 AM PDT by stand watie
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To: Mudboy Slim
When you catch a little anthrax dust in your nose or in a skin cut, just smile, Mud, and thank Ronald Reagan.

From William Blum, Progressive mag, 1998:

According to a 1994 Senate report, private American suppliers, licensed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, exported a witch's brew of biological and chemical materials to Iraq from 1985 through 1989. Among the biological materials, which often produce slow, agonizing death, were:

* Bacillus Anthracis, cause of anthrax.

* Clostridium Botulinum, a source of botulinum toxin.

* Histoplasma Capsulatam, cause of a disease attacking lungs, brain, spinal cord, and heart.

* Brucella Melitensis, a bacteria that can damage major organs.

* Clostridium Perfringens, a highly toxic bacteria causing systemic illness.

* Clostridium tetani, a highly toxigenic substance.

Also on the list: Escherichia coli (E. coli), genetic materials, human and bacterial DNA, and dozens of other pathogenic biological agents. "These biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction," the Senate report stated. "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the United Nations inspectors found and removed from the Iraqi biological warfare program."

The report noted further that U.S. exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical-warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare production facilities, and chemical-warhead filling equipment.

The exports continued to at least November 28, 1989, despite evidence that Iraq was engaging in chemical and biological warfare against Iranians and Kurds since as early as 1984.

To double check, I telephoned Matthew Rothschild, the high-minded, bright young editor of the Progressive magazine, and asked him if he had received any information contesting the accuracy of the above article. He told me he had not.

Ronald Reagan, 1980-1988, on whose watch the US shipped biological and chemical warfare agents to IRAQ and Saddam. From The Observer (UK) American investigators have established that several shipments of biological material, including 21 batches of anthrax, were licensed for export from the US to Iraq between 1985 and 1988. They were sent to the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Trade in Baghdad.

The Houston Chronicle, Life and Time magazines all reported on this too.

Saddam killed thousands of his own people. Gulf War vets claim he used his swill on them. And more than likely, Saddam shared his little treasure trove with Osama.

Why do you think Iraq was taken off the radar in this war so quickly as soon as anthrax reared its head? CYA, pal, CYA. Don't look there ... don't look there at all ... nothing to see ... honest ... just believe us ...

"American capitalists will do anything to make a profit. They will even sell us the rope with which we will hang them." - Vladimir Lenin.

260 posted on 10/23/2001 9:47:27 AM PDT by That Poppins Woman
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