au contraire, my friend nobdy's fool
"the yardstick gets shorter as you go faster.
AHA! Now, the follow up: As you go faster is your yardstick shorter to you?
You may be on your way to getting Two Right!
No, if I was traveling with it, it would not appear shorter to me. So, you're saying that distance is the constant. OK, I can see that, since the speed of light is a constant, and that is measured in distance. I guess it all depends on the definition of distance. If it is between two points in the universe, it is constant only in a static (non-moving) universe, because in an expanding universe, all points move away from each other. If you use the speed of light as the yardstick, an expanding universe does not affect distance, as it is measured by the distance light travels in one second of time. Getting closer?