Then the reason smokers are 8x more likely to get lung cancer is because smokers have worse genes and poorer diets?
For this to be true, there must be a genetic disposition to cause smoking (time for inclusion on the DA list?) and smokers have poor eating habits. The second could be possible since it has been noted that smokers are generally more obese than non-smokers.
I worked with a non-smoking nurse who weighed 320 pounds, could barely do her job, increased the load on everyone else....One day, she told me the following story (true!) "God told me that if I'd quit smoking, He'd make it easy for me, which He did."
I told her that God didn't give me any such message, so I was going to keep up with my five a day until He did. I did ask her if God had told her to loose weight the way, 50 of that 320 she gained after quitting smoking...but she was already a lazy heifer anyway.
PS: I started smoking at the age of 16. I had my yearly physical two weeks ago. Doctor knows I smoke. But my lungs are clear as a bell. How do you explain THAT?