Spend as much time as I have in an oncology ward and maybe you'll have a different take, It's not about numbers when it hits people you know. Any fool who actively increases his odds of cancer for no reason has an awful surprise coming. I've talked to lung cancer patients who actually cry over their decision to smoke and wish with all they have that they could have a "do-over" but I've never talked to a primary site Lung CA patient who hadn't smoked.
Self-delusion is the oldest human trait, I suppose, but there is absolutely no doubt that smoking tobacco causes cancer. If you don't agree answer my question. How many smokers would be glad that their Adult children took up the habit? How many smokers would encourage their adult children to try the delightful and relaxing activity of smoking? If no one would, why not?
I quit smoking 10 years ago. At the time I had 2-3 pack a day habit. I loved smoking. A cigarette was better than a cup of coffee for waking up first thing in the morning.
It was pure hell to quit, but my lungs thank me each day now that I don't wake up coughing up crap from my lungs.
That said, it astounds me that some people here at FR refuse to acknowledge that there are smoking related illnesses.
I wonder how many in the pro-tobacco crowd here have been diagnosed with a smoking related illness.