To: ExSoldier; Squantos; Long Cut
What? You don't do that? I'm not talking about everybody moving and shooting at the same time. When lots of people are firing, sure, you have to maintain some basic firing line protocals. But for one or two shooters, an open pit can't be beat for shooting in a wide variety of angles etc. I think most proficient shooters can certainly do this safely and gain a lot from it. Defensive shooting won't occur in lanes.
97 posted on
01/24/2004 9:39:28 PM PST by
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: Travis McGee; Squantos
It would seem from what I have read about confrontational spontaneous shooting that it pays to be prepared to get to it and have good aim and steady nerves.
You read about the Old West shootouts and the winners were often the most aggressive and first willing to go to work and have good aim and rock steady nerves.
Having never been in a corral standoff shot out, I'm not quite sure how I'd react, but your comments remind me of Holiday at the OK Corral or the Kevin Costner character in Open Range when he knows the fight is immiment and just carries it to them dending them reeling.
I know, it's Hollywood but the fight scenes in both those movies seem pretty the Greensboro Klan/Commie shootout we all saw. The Klan won because they were more determined and agressive and the commies though armed let their bravado expose them poorly.
As for home defense shooting....most of it takes place in 7 yards space and in the dark or near dark. Keep one's head, be sure of the target and shoot till they are down good.
Just my layman talk, my reaction to danger has typically been either fear or anger. I think anger makes for a bit more brazen action, but fear is a motivator, I have fought pretty good fisticuffs scared to death.
99 posted on
01/24/2004 10:14:41 PM PST by
("either the arabs are at your throat, or at your feet")
To: Travis McGee
Where I shoot, we break into squads on two lanes, each lane about 50 feet wide and 100 feet deep. Only ONE lane shoots at a time. Targets, both moving and static appear and disappear as the shooters move through the course. Movement is in any direction to solve the problem without ever breaking the 180 safety fan. Cover must always be utilized and so too must the tactical reload. The only time you can drop your mag is when you are at "slide lock." If we start from a position opposite to that of the target, the draw can't be completed until you're facing the target to prevent a sweep of nearby shooters and safety officers. There will be times where it is necessary to "go prone" because the only available cover is a simulated street curb or something similar. Likewise, when shooting from cover it is necessary to "slice the pie" in engaging targets and only 50% of any "A" zone on your body can be exposed at any time, including your head. You know how tough a shot that is when you must fire over the hood of a car or a wall? I swear, the guys who design our courses studied under the Marquis de Sade. Remember, you're dropping points for any hit outside an "A" zone (center mass either torso or head) and for time and for hits on the plentiful "no shoot" or hostage targets available. Failure to "DO RIGHT" is a major penalty which means you act in such a way as to "win the competition" rather than to solve the problem as you would on the street.
110 posted on
01/25/2004 5:39:51 AM PST by
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