Milt Sparks is quality rig...... BTW I busted a the cross pin in my SIG 239 slide. The one that holds the firing pin in. Just looked up one day at the range and it was hanging out the right side of the slide while the left part of the once one piece pin was still in place. No abuse or hot loads er nuthing. SIG reps sent me another so I'll keep ya posted as to what I think is causing it.
My 220's and 228 have never done this ever seen such ?
Stay Safe !
My 220's and 228 have never done this ever seen such ? I've never that had the problem with any of my Sigs, but I recall reading of a few other folks having that happen.
The only problem I've ever had with my 239 is that it doesn't like the CCI Blazer ammo. About 1 out of every 50 rounds doesn't ignite on the first hammer strike. I haven't had the problem with other ammo, so my solution is to not use any more Blazer.