No Newark, No Det-riot, no Pittspuke, no's a pretty good clue as to the nature of the writer. Cleveland's not for everyone and if you're a mincing "metrosexual" that's intrigued by the gay lifestyle though not
quite intrigued enough to actually take a [CENSORED, CENSORED, CENSORED!!], it's probably not for you. (Of course if you've decided to actually "take the plunge", there's always Lakewood, Ann Arbor, or Pittsburgh).
This behindlicking interview of Darling-of-the-DUmbclintons Greg Palast (Warning...Projectile Barf Alert) and this neo-snobbish apologia for the Health Fascists. tells us all we really need to know about Kenny Boy.
Whoa this author is a major league Clymer and health nazi. I'd like to my cigarette out on his pointy head.