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The FReeper Foxhole - Military Related News in Review - Aug. 25th, 2003
Posted on 08/25/2003 3:15:37 AM PDT by snippy_about_it

Keep our Troops forever in Your care
Give them victory over the enemy...
Grant them a safe and swift return...
Bless those who mourn the lost. .
FReepers from the Foxhole join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.
God Bless America ...................................................................................... ...........................................
U.S. Military History, Current Events and Veterans Issues
Where Duty, Honor and Country are acknowledged, affirmed and commemorated.
Our Mission: The FReeper Foxhole is dedicated to Veterans of our Nation's military forces and to others who are affected in their relationships with Veterans. In the FReeper Foxhole, Veterans or their family members should feel free to address their specific circumstances or whatever issues concern them in an atmosphere of peace, understanding, brotherhood and support. The FReeper Foxhole hopes to share with it's readers an open forum where we can learn about and discuss military history, military news and other topics of concern or interest to our readers be they Veteran's, Current Duty or anyone interested in what we have to offer. If the Foxhole makes someone appreciate, even a little, what others have sacrificed for us, then it has accomplished one of it's missions. We hope the Foxhole in some small way helps us to remember and honor those who came before us.
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Iraq's 55 Most Wanted - Status Link
DoD News Releases
Casuality Identification List for the past week from the DoD
August 18, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Pfc. David M. Kirchhoff, 31, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died on Aug. 14 in Landstuhl, Germany. Pfc. Kirchhoff suffered a non-hostile injury on Aug. 8 and died on Aug. 14.
Kirchhoff was assigned to the 2133rd Transportation Company, U.S. Army National Guard, Centerville, Iowa.
The incident is under investigation.
August 19, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Spc. Eric R. Hull, 23, of Uniontown, Pa., was killed on Aug. 18 in Baghdad, Iraq. Hull was in a military vehicle returning from the airport when his vehicle hit an improvised explosive device. Hull died of his injuries.
Hull was assigned to the 307th Military Police Company, U.S. Army Reserves, New Kensington, Pa.
August 21, 2003 DoD Identifies Navy Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Petty Officer 1st Class David M. Tapper, 32, of Camden County, N.J., died of wounds received in action Aug. 20 in Afghanistan.
August 21, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Sgt. Kenneth W. Harris, Jr., 23, of Charlotte, Tenn., was killed on Aug. 20 in Scania, Iraq. Harris was fatally injured in a two-vehicle accident while driving south on the main supply route. Another soldier was also injured in the incident.
Harris was assigned to the 212th Transportation Company, U.S. Army Reserve, Chattanooga, Tenn.
The incident is under investigation.
August 22, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Staff Sgt. Bobby C. Franklin, 38, of Mineral Bluff, Ga., was killed on Aug. 20 in Baghdad, Iraq. Franklin died of injuries sustained by an improvised explosive device.
Franklin was assigned to the 210th Military Police Company, U.S. Army National Guard, Murphy N.C.
August 22, 2003 DoD Identifies Navy Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today that Lt. Kylan A. Jones-Huffman, 31, of Aptos, Calif., was killed Aug. 21 in Al Hillah, Iraq, by an unidentified gunman. Jones-Huffman was on temporary duty with the I Marine Expeditionary Force.
Defend America. mil Photo Essay - U.N. HQ Bombed in Iraq
 CLIC on the pic for the entire essay
Soldier and guitar bring hope to Baghdad
By Sofia Sanchez, Operational Text Command PAO

An angel in disguise descended upon Baghdad in the form of a guitar-playing soldier last November. Two years ago he was just your typical soldier, anonymous to the world. Since last November, however, Sgt. Christopher Hamre, 30, from Killeen, has been featured in television stations such as BBC and TV Italia and in major newspapers such as The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News and The L.A. Times.
What had made Hamre instantly popular? His heart and his guitar.
Hamre recently returned from Iraq to visit his mother, Lacynda Kelley, who works at the U.S. Army Operational Test Command in West Fort Hood.
A month prior to deployment, the soldiers of 3rd Infantry Division from Fort Stewart, Ga., were permitted one comfort item to take to the desert. Many chose folding chairs, CD players or propane stoves. Hamre chose his guitar.
My guitar was actually kind of bigger than what they allowed to carry, but we the soldiers and I we sort of snuck it in, Hamre admitted.
A month after deployment when morale slightly waned, Hamre, of Alpha Company 3-7 Inf. Div, part of Task Force 464, decided to brighten things up and started playing. The PX wasnt up, electricity was out, and in the beginning we only received one hot meal a day. Hamre said the guitar helped pass the time.
Hamres music had a tremendous effect on soldiers morale. After three weeks in Baghdad, my XO was urging me to play all the time. Its kind of ironic that the XO, who was the strongest advocate against the guitar, became the strongest advocate for it, Hamre said.
This is probably one of the best decisions Ive ever made, Hamre said in retrospect of bringing his guitar. Here we have kids seeing soldiers wounded, a lot of looting, kidnapping, murders and just general chaos. And in the middle of it all, youve got this guy playing a guitar.
When Hamres platoon was charged with taking Baghdad, the guitar rode with him and aided to calm much of the tension and unease. Everybody was kind of tense. We had sniper attacks. So I just played my guitar, which got everybody kind of relaxed. It was simply Hamres way of telling the soldiers that everybody was going to be all right.
Hamres guitar not only became symbolic of hope among the soldiers, it also became symbolic of peace within the local community.
When he started playing his guitar, the locals discovered they were not so different from each other. We were seen as human beings, Hamre said. The music helped to shed the myth of American soldiers simply being fighting machines.
Hamre quickly gained a following. There was this 8-year-old kid named Amad. I call him my adopted son, he said. Amad would just come by and hang out with me and the crew after school every day. His mom cooked for the soldiers as a sort of thank you for watching her child, Hamre recalled.
Hamre didnt imagine how attached he would become to Amad and his family. I gave him a picture of my children [daughter Ember and son Dylan] and gave him my address. Hopefully one day, hell try to get a hold of me, Hamre stated. It was like having another family over there. I miss him now. His whole family cried when we left, Hamre added.
News of Hamres guitar playing reached the ears of several TV stations and newspapers situated in Baghdad. BBC TV ran a two-hour segment on the war in the eyes of a child. Amad became one of the main subjects of the BBC piece, and naturally, Hamre had a chance to be on BBC TV as well.
I was very proud, Hamres mother, Kelley, said. I feel it was very humanitarian what he did
because it focused the outlook away from what was really happening. Finding the good, no matter what the situation is, Kelley concluded.
That picture is him, Hamres mother said about her sons picture That is his demeanor
it brought tears to my eyes, Kelley added. The picture captured his soul. You never would have thought he was in the middle of a war.
Hamre said that bringing his guitar doesnt make him more special than anyone else. I consider them all heroes, Hamre said about his soldiers. Everybody deserves recognition and respect.
Hamre is nostalgic at the thought of going back. Theyve already set up a Burger King and a PX, so I guess were staying, he said hopefully. I can see myself getting sent back there one more time. The Middle East is going to be one of our regular rotations now.
Not unlike many in the military, Hamre stated this tour greatly enhanced his outlook in life. Ive developed a greater appreciation for the little things: running water, electricity, family, getting up everyday, watching the sunrise, he mused. Its really only the little things that make a big difference, Hamre added.
There are a lot of things people there did for us that didnt make the news. Unfortunately, conflict sells.
I tell myself, youve been given a second chance. We got a lot of close calls over there. Hamre said. I got lucky. A lot of people didnt make it
I couldnt ask for anything more than being alive. Hamre also added that people should never forget what many soldiers did in Iraq. There were really a lot of selfless acts
and divine intervention. Were lucky to get out in one piece.
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CENTCOM Officials Announce Capture of Iraq's 'Chemical Ali'
By K.L. Vantran / American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21, 2003 Iraq's Gen. Ali Hassan al- Majid, the infamous "Chemical Ali," has been captured and is in the custody of coalition forces, according to a U.S. Central Command news release. Al-Majid, No. 5 on CENTCOM's "Iraqi Top 55" list, was captured in Iraq and has been in custody for a "couple of days," a defense official in the Pentagon said.
The former official in Saddam Hussein's regime is believed to have led the 1988 campaign against rebels in northern Iraq that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Kurds from poisonous gas attacks. He is a cousin of Saddam Hussein.
To date, coalition forces have captured or killed 39 of the top 55. Al-Majid is the fourth of the top five to be caught or killed. No. 1 is Hussein, who is still at large. The others from the top five are Hussein's sons Qusay and Uday, and Abid Hamid Mahmud, the former dictator's personal secretary. More
To: All
DoD Reports Progress in Pneumonia Investigation
The Department of Defense announced today progress on the investigation of a number of cases of pneumonia among military members deployed for military operations in Southwest Asia.
"From what we have learned so far, it appears there are a series of unusual pneumonia cases that have occurred in Southwest Asia. These cases do not represent an epidemic, and it is not being spread through person-to-person contact. We are making significant progress in eliminating a number of possible causes, such as SARS and vaccines. Our investigatory process is helping to determine if there is a single explanation, or if there are multiple cases," said Dr. William Winkenwerder, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs. "Understanding the cause is important to prevent future cases."
To date, the investigation has found evidence that two of the non-fatal cases were associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia. Col. Bruno Petruccelli, director, epidemiology and disease surveillance at the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, said, "There is evidence that 10 of the cases have shown a higher than usual number of blood cells of one specific type called eosinophils. An increase in this type of white blood cell can occur in a variety of medical conditions, for example, infections, asthma, hay fever and allergies. Medical personnel are trying to determine why some of the 19 patients with severe pneumonia showed an increase in these cells."
Petruccelli also said, "It is our duty to patients and family members to ensure that we have done everything we can to understand what has happened. We must take whatever time is needed to do a thorough job of gathering and analyzing information about these pneumonia cases. Our work is progressing well."
No other common infectious agents, evidence of exposure to chemical or biological weapons, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), or environmental toxins have been identified. Among the several hundred thousand deployed servicemembers in Southwest Asia over the past six months, approximately 100 have developed pneumonia. The rate is consistent with what might be expected for a healthy population of similar ages to our service members. The concern, however, is about the smaller number of servicemembers, now identified as 19 cases, who developed severe pneumonia. Two servicemembers have died from the disease, the first in Iraq on June 17 and the second in Germany on July 12. The Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is determining specific cause or causes of death.
From March - August 2003, 17 soldiers, one Marine, and one sailor have developed pneumonia serious enough to warrant medical evacuation for ventilator (respirator) support. Fourteen of these members responded to standard treatment for pneumonia, recovered from their illness, and returned to duty. Three remain hospitalized.
Two of the 19 serious cases became ill in March, two in April, one in May, six in June, four in July, and four so far in August. Of the serious cases no two individuals (18 men and one woman) were from the same unit. Thirteen of the cases became ill in Iraq and six were in other Central Command countries, including Kuwait, Qatar, Uzbekistan, and Djibouti.
Among the investigative efforts underway are two Army Epidemiological Consultation (EPICON) teams. One team is in Iraq looking for commonalities among the cases-for example, time, place or symptoms-and whether anything in the nature of the cases is unusual when compared with similar DoD members, whether deployed or not, and U.S. civilian populations. A second team has been at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, where most of the pneumonia cases have been treated following medical evacuation from Southwest Asia.
A scientist from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has joined the consultative team at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, where all information from the Germany and Iraq EPICON teams is being gathered, analyzed and evaluated. The Department also has engaged the expertise of several members of the Armed Forces Epidemiology Board (AFEB), which is an advisory committee of eminent civilian scientists and physicians. These Board members are providing the Department with consultative expertise during the investigation. The CDC's associate director for epidemiologic science, and a member of the AFEB, is also involved in this investigative review. The EPICON teams and other investigators will make preventive or corrective recommendations based upon their findings.
Pneumonia is a common illness worldwide in all populations. In the Army, for example, pneumonia is serious enough to warrant hospitalization for about 9 of every 10,000 soldiers each year, resulting in 450-500 total cases Army-wide. According to U.S. medical statistics for the year 2000, this rate is very similar to the rate for the general population of those between the ages of 15 and 45 (10.5 of 10,000 per year). Therefore, the approximately 100 total cases of pneumonia do not exceed a normal, expected rate for this disease, despite the harsh environmental conditions found in Southwest Asia. While death from pneumonia is rarely seen in young, otherwise healthy populations -- such as the military, it does occur. For example, from 1998 through 2002, 17 Army members (worldwide) have died from pneumonia or from complications of pneumonia.
Winkenwerder said, "Our work is progressing well in the continuing investigation of these pneumonia cases. So far, we are able to rule out several sources of this illness -- such as SARS. However, we are deeply saddened at the loss of our service members, and we share in the desire of their families, friends and commanders to identify the cause of this illness. We are committed to providing world-class care for our people and we will pursue this pneumonia investigation until answers are found.
To: All
To: Prof Engineer; PsyOp; Samwise; comitatus; copperheadmike; Monkey Face; WhiskeyPapa; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Monday Morning Everyone!
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Freeper Foxhole.
posted on
08/25/2003 3:32:43 AM PDT
To: E.G.C.
Morning EGC.
To: snippy_about_it

Good morning! The good guys have made quite a dent in that deck of cards.
posted on
08/25/2003 3:44:12 AM PDT
(There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil.)
To: Samwise
Good morning Samwise. Good to see you.
Yep, we are almost done with that deck of cards and will probably need another.
Thanks for the coffee. ;)
To: snippy_about_it

Today's classic warship, CSS Shenandoah
Shenandoah class screw cruiser
Displacement. 1,160l t.
Lenght. 230'
Beam. 32'
Draft. 20' 6"
Speed. 9 k. under steam
Complement. 109
Armament. 4 8" sb., 2 32-pdr. r., 2 12-pdr.
CSS Shenandoah, a 1160-ton screw steam cruiser, was launched at Glasgow, Scotland, in August 1863 as the civilian steamer Sea King. After the Confederate Navy secretly purchased her, she put to sea in October 1864, under the cover story that she was headed for India on a commercial voyage. Sea King rendezvoused at sea off Madeira with another ship, which brought Confederate Navy officers, some crew members, heavy guns and other equipment needed to refit her as a warship. This work was completed at sea under the supervision of C.S. Navy First Lieutenant (later Commander) James Iredell Waddell, who became the cruiser's first Commanding Officer when she was commissioned as CSS Shenandoah on 19 October.
Waddell took his ship through the south Atlantic and into the Indian Ocean, capturing nine U.S. flag merchant vessels between late October and the end of 1864. All but two of these were sunk or burned. In late January 1865, Shenandoah arrived at Melbourne, Australia, where she was able to receive necessary repairs and provisions, as well as adding more than forty "stowaways" to her very short-handed crew. Following three weeks in port, the cruiser put to sea, initially planning to attack the American south Pacific whaling fleet.
However, discovering that his intended targets had been warned and dispersed, Waddell set off for the north Pacific. He stopped in the Eastern Carolines at the beginning of April, seizing four Union merchantmen there and using their supplies to stock up for further operations. While Shenandoah cruised northwards in April and May, the Confederacy collapsed, but this news would spread very slowly through the distant Pacific. Following a month in the Sea of Okhotsk that yielded one prize and considerable experience in ice navigation, she moved on to the Bering Sea. There, between 22 and 28 June 1865 the now-stateless warship captured two-dozen vessels, destroying all but a few. Soon afterwards, Waddell started a slow voyage towards San Francisco, California, which he believed would be weakly defended against his cruiser's guns.
Though Shenandoah's late June assault on the whaling fleet was accompanied by many rumors of the Civil War's end, she did not receive a firm report until 2 August 1865, when she encountered an English sailing ship that had left San Francisco less than two weeks before. Waddell then disarmed his ship and set sail for England. Shenandoah rounded Cape Horn in mid-September and arrived at Liverpool in early November, becoming the only Confederate Navy ship to circumnavigate the globe. There she hauled down the Confederate Ensign and was turned over to the Royal Navy. In 1866 the ship was sold to the Sultan of Zanzibar and renamed El Majidi. She was variously reported lost at sea in September 1872 or in 1879.

Colored lithograph of an artwork by B. Russell, depicting CSS Shenandoah's assault on the U.S. whale ships in the Bering Sea area. Individual items shown are (from left to right): brig Susan Abigail (burning); ship Euphrates (burning--distant); CSS Shenandoah; ship Jerah Swift (burning--distant); ship William Thompson (burning--distant); ship Sophia Thornton (burning); whaleboat going to warn other whalers (very distant); ship Milo which carried the destroyed vessels' crews to San Francisco; ice in the distance.
posted on
08/25/2003 4:27:06 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it
Good mornin'! Prayers for the soldiers and their families.
posted on
08/25/2003 5:18:40 AM PDT
To: aomagrat
CSS Shenandoah... Southern THUNDER bump!
posted on
08/25/2003 5:21:30 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on August 25:
1530 Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia (1533-84)
1724 George Stubbs England, animal painter (House Frightened by Lion)
1786 Ludwig I, King of Bavaria
1819 Allan Pinkerton founded Chicago detective agency
1836 Bret Harte US, author (Outcasts of Poker Flat)
1841 Theodor Kocher Swiss surgeon, thyroid specialist (Nobel 1909)
1845 Ludwig II mad king of Bavaria (1864-86)
1902 Stefan Wolpe Berlin Germany, composer (Zeus & Elidco)
1905 Clara Bow silent movie actress (Wings, Down to the Sea in Ships)
1906 William J Brennan Newark NJ, US supreme court justice (1957-90)
1909 Michael Rennie actor (The Robe, Klatuu-Day the Earth Stood Still)
1909 Ruby Keeler Halifax NS, dancer (Dames)
1910 Pierre Musy Switzerland, 4-man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1936)
1912 Erich Honecker Germany, East German political leader
1913 Walt Kelly cartoonist, creator of "Pogo"
1914 Alexei Haieff Blagovestchensk Siberia, composer (Princess Zondilda)
1915 Walter Trampler Munich Germany, violist (Beaux Arts Trio)
1916 Van Johnson Newport RI, actor (Brigadoon) always wore red socks
1917 Don Defore Cedar Rapids Iowa, actor (George-Hazel, Ozzie & Harriet)
1917 Mel Ferrer Elberon NJ, actor (Longest Day, Eaten Alive, 5th Floor)
1918 Leonard Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist/egotist
1918 Richard Greene Plymouth England, actor (Adv of Robin Hood)
1919 George C Wallace (D-gov-Ala) pres candidate
1921 Brian Moore Ireland, novelist (Catholics, Doctor's Wife)
1923 Monty Hall Winnipeg Canada, TV game show host (Let's Make a Deal)
1927 Althea Gibson 1st black tennis champion in a major event
1930 Graham Javis Toronto Ontario, actor (Charlie-Mary Hartman)
1930 Page Johnson WV, actress (Passages from Finnegan's Wake)
1930 Sean Connery actor (James Bond, Man Who Would Be King)
1931 Regis Philbin host (Joey Bishop Show, Live with Regis & Kathie Lee)
1933 Tom Skerritt Detroit Mich, actor (Ryan's Four, Alien, Big Bad Mama)
1934 Valery F Bykovsky USSR, cosmonaut (Vostok V Soyuz 22 31/39)
1935 David Canary Elwood Ind, actor (Peyton Place, Candy-Bonanza)
1940 Jos Van Dam Brussels Belgium, bass-baritone (Franois d'Assisif)
1942 Margaret Murdock US, small bore rifle (Olympic-silver-1976)
1946 Rollie Fingers relief pitcher (Oakland Athletics)
1947 Anne Archer LA Cal, actress (Too Scared to Scream, Fatal Attraction)
1949 Gene Simmons Queens, NY, rocker (KISS-Beth)
1949 John Savage Long Island NY, actor (Deer Hunter, Maria's Lovers)
1951 Rob Halford heavy metal rocker (Judas Priest-Got Another Thing)
1954 Elvis Costello [Declan Patrick McManus], rocker (Allison)
1954 John Savage Old Bethpage NY, actor (Jim Malloy-Gibbsville)
1954 Martin Jourard keyboardist/vocalist (Motels-Only the Lonely)
1956 Matt Aitken rocker (Stock Aitken & Waterman-Road Block)
1962 Mazzi Rawd heavy metal rocker
1962 Vivian Campbell heavy metal rocker (White Snake-Here I Go Again)
1964 Blair Underwood Tacoma Wash, actor (Jonathan-LA Law)
1970 Claudia Schiffer Rheinbach Germany, super model (Elle, Rolling Stone)
Deaths which occurred on August 25:
79 Gaius Plinius Secundus [Plinius Maior], Roman admiral/writer
383 Flavius Gratianus, Emperor of Rome
882 Louis III, King of France (879-82)
1227 Ghengis Khan, [Temudjin], founded Mongolia
1789 Mary Ball Washington mother of George, dies
1822 William Herschel discovered Uranus, dies at 85
1835 Ann Rutledge said to be Lincoln's true love, dies in Ill at 22
1900 Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher, dies in Weimar, Germany
1901 Clara Maass army nurse sacrificied her life at 25 to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever
1967 George Lincoln Rockwell head of American Nazi Party, assassinated(I hate Illinois nazis)
1968 John George actor (Kolb-Adventures of Fu Manchu), dies at 70
1979 Stan Kenton orch leader (Music 55), dies at 67
1980 Gower Champion dancer (Marge & Gower Champion Show), dies at 60
1984 Truman Capote author (In Cold Blood), dies
1985 Samantha Smith actress (Elizabeth-Lime Street), dies at 13
1986 Allen Case actor (Deputy, Legend of Jesse James), dies at 51
1988 Price Daniel (Gov/Sen-D-Texas), dies at 77
[05/26/69 RELEASED]
[02/12/73 RELEASED BY PRG]
[01/01/69 RELEASED]
POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.
On this day...
357 Julian Caesar defeats the Alamanni at Strousbourg in Gaul.
0325 Council of Nicaea ends with adoption of the Nicene Creed establishing the doctrine of the Holy Trinity
1212 Children's cruisaders under Nikolaas (10) reaches Genoa
1346 Edward III of England defeats Philip VI's army at the Battle of Crecy in France.
1580 Battle of Alcantara, Spain defeats Portugal
1609 Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to Venetian lawmakers
1689 Montral taken by Iroquois
1718 Hundreds of French colonists arrive in Louisiana; New Orleans, founded
1765 In protest over the stamp tax, American colonists sack and burn the home of Massachusetts governor Thomas Hutchinson.
1804 Alice Meynell becomes 1st woman jockey (England)
1814 British capture Washington DC
1825 Uruguay declares independence from Brazil (National Day)
1830 Belgium revolts against Netherlands
1835 NY Sun publishes Moon hoax story about John Herschel
1862 Secretary of War authorizes Gen Rufus Saxton to arm 5,000 slaves
1864 Combination rail & ferry service available from SF to Alameda
1864 Petersburg Campaign-Battle of Ream's Station
1875 Matthew Webb becomes 1st to swim English Channel (21h 45m)
1886 1st intl polo meet (US vs England)
1888 Henry Slocum wins US Lawn Tennis Assn singles title
1904 Jim Jefferies KOsJack Munroe & retains boxing heavyweight title
1908 Allen Winter wins US 1st $50,000 trotting race
1912 1st time an aircraft recovers from a spin
1915 Hurricane kills 275 in Galveston, Texas with $50 million damage
1916 National Park Service established in the Dept of the Interior
1919 1st scheduled passenger service by airplane (Paris-London)
1920 1st US woman to win in Olympics (Ethelda Bleibtrey)
1921 US signs peace treaty with Germany
1921 Yankee pitcher Harry Harper hits 3 batters in an inning tying record
1922 Cubs beat Phillies 26-23 in highest scoring major-league game
1924 Wash Senator Walter Johnson 2nd no-hitter beats Browns, 2-0 in 7 inn
1925 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters organizes (Harlem NY)
1925 Helen Willis wins her 3rd straight US Lawn Tennis Open
1929 Graf Zeppelin passes over SF for LA after trans-Pacific voyage
1932 Amelia Earhart completes transcontinental flight
1936 3 Braves hit twice in an inning getting 2 hits each
1940 1st parachute wedding
1943 US forces overran New Georgia in Solomon Islands during WW II
1944 Paris liberated from Nazi occupation
1945 Jewish immigrants are permitted to leave Mauritius for Palestine
1946 Ben Hogan wins the PGA championship
1947 Marion Carl in D-558-I sets world aircraft speech record, 1,047 kph
1950 Pres Truman orders army to seize control of RR to avert a strike
1950 Sugar Ray Robinson KOs Jose Basora to win middleweight boxing title
1952 Det Tiger Virgil Trucks 2nd no-hitter of yr, beats Yankees, 1-0
1960 17th summer olympics opens in Rome
1960 AFL begins placing players names on back of their jerseys
1963 Paul McCartney is fined 31 & 1 yr suspended license for speeding
1967 Minn Twin Dean Chance 2nd no-hitter of month beats Cleveland, 2-1
1967 Paraguay accepts its constitution
1968 NY Yankee outfield Rocky Colavito pitches 2 2/3 innings & beats the Tigers 6-5; he played right field in the 2nd game & homered
1969 Det Lions beat Boston Patriots 22-9 in Montral (NFL expo)
1971 S Wiederholt discharged of Air Force
1974 LA Aztecs defeat Miami Toros to win NASL cup
1976 Yanks beat Twins 5-4 in 19 innings
1979 California Angels trounce Toronto Blue Jays, 24-2
1981 Jeff Schwartz, sets solo record for trampoline bouncing (266:09)
1981 Mark Chapman, John Lennon's murderer, is sentenced to 20 years
1981 Voyager 2's closest approach to Saturn (63,000 miles/100,000 km)
1983 Triple A baseball's Louisville breaks 1 million fan mark
1983 US & USSR sign $10 billion grain pact
1985 Met Dwight Goodin becomes youngest pitcher to win 20 games (20y 9m 9d)
1985 STS 51-I scrubbed at T -9m because of an onboard computer problem
1987 Dow Jones industrial stock avg reaches record 2722.42
1988 Challenger Center opens its classroom doors in Houston
1988 NASA launches space vehicle S-214
1989 Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Neptune (0400 GMT)
1990 Li Hui Rong of China sets the triple jump women's record (47'8«")
1990 UN security council authorizes military action against Iraq
1991 Carl Lewis runs 100m in 9.86 seconds
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
England, Channel Is, Northern Ireland, Wales : Bank Holiday
( Monday )
France : Liberation Day (1944)
Paraguay : Constitution Day (1967)
Uruguay : Independence Day (1825)
Hong Kong : Liberation Day (1945) ( Monday )
USA : Kiss And Make Up Day
Ancient Rome : Opiconsivia
Gas Mask Day
Religious Observances
RC : Comm of St Genesius, Roman actor, patron of actors
RC, Ang : Memorial of St Louis IX, king of France, confessor (opt)
RC : Memorial of Joseph of Calasanz, priest (opt)
Religious History
0325 The General Council of Nicea ended. This first ecumenical conclave in the history of the Church was attended by 300 bishops, who together established the Nicene Creed and set down the lunar formula for celebrating Easter.
1560 Protestantism was formally adopted at the First General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Scottish Parliament had earlier voted to accept a Calvinist confession of faith, declaring that the pope no longer had jurisdiction over Scotland.
1817 Joseph Mohr, 25, began serving as pastor of the St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf, Austria. (It was Christmas Eve, 1818, when Mohr and church organist Franz Gruber, together, produced the enduring Christmas carol, "Stille Nacht"/"Silent Night.")
1864 Birth of John Henry Jowett, English Congregational clergyman. In 1918, he succeeded G. Campbell Morgan as pastor of the famed Westminster Chapel in London.
1935 English Bible expositor Arthur W. Pink wrote in a letter: 'None but the Lord himself can afford us any help from the awful workings of unbelief, doubtings, carnal fears, murmurings. Thank God one day we will be done forever with "unbelief."'
Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.
Thought for the day :
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places."
10 Ways to tell if a Redneck has been working on a Computer
10. The monitor is up on blocks.
9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.
8. The six front keys have rotted out.
7. The extra RAM ports have truck parts stored in them.
6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.
5. The password is "Bubba".
4. There's a gun rack mounted on the CPU.
3. There's a Coors can in the cup holder(CD-ROM drive).
2. The keyboard is camouflaged.
AND the number 1 way to tell if a redneck has been working on a computer is...
1. The mouse is referred to as a "critter".
Murphys Law of the day...(War Laws)
If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone.
Cliff Clavin says, it's a little known fact that...
Oak trees do not have acorns until they are fifty years old or older.
posted on
08/25/2003 5:21:43 AM PDT
(America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy.)
To: aomagrat
Wow. Thanks aomagrat, very interesting and the painting is great, too!
To: Valin
Thanks Valin, busy day, I'll have to peruse the list later this evening.
To: thatdewd
Good morning thatdewd, good to see you.
To: snippy_about_it; helper
mornin', y' check the NY Times today..the of the command pilots on the A-bomb missions..he flew the photo-instrument plane on Tibbet's mission....died over the weekend...might be of interest to many here..regards...
posted on
08/25/2003 6:54:52 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Darksheare; *all
Good morning folks!
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy.
Pneumonia isn't a sickness I'd associate with Iraq. Shows you how much I know.
I'd be curious to know how many military personnel die or are injured in accidents everyday, worldwide. The Press seems to only report those occurring in Iraq. I wonder why? < /sarcasm>
posted on
08/25/2003 7:27:46 AM PDT
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To: E.G.C.
Morning E.G.C.
posted on
08/25/2003 7:28:11 AM PDT
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To: Samwise
Morning Samwise.
Slowly but surely.
posted on
08/25/2003 7:29:39 AM PDT
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