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To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on July 28:
---- Lu Pan Hong Kong
1165 Ibn al-'Arabi Muslim mystic/philosopher
1746 Thomas Heyward soldier, signed Decl of Ind
1750 Philippe Fabre d'glantine France, poet/satirist/politician
1844 Gerard Manley Hopkins England, poet (The Windhover)
1859 Balington Booth founded Volunteers of America
1866 Beatrix Potter England, children's author (Tale of Peter Rabbit)
1874 Ernst Cassirer Germany, philosopher/educator (Essay on Man)
1887 Marcel Duchamp painter (Nude Descending a Staircase)
1892 Joe E Brown Holgate Ohio, comedian (Buck Circus Hour)
1901 Rudy Vallee Vt, singer (Vagabond Dreams, My Time Is Your Time)
1907 Earl S Tupper invented Tupperware
1907 Vivian Vance Cherryvale Ks, actress (Ethel Mertz-I Love Lucy)
1909 Malcolm Lowry novelist (Under the Volcano)
1910 Bill Goodwin SF Calif, announcer (Burns & Allen, Boing Boing Show)
1911 Ann Doran Amarillo Tx, actress (Longstreet, Shirley)
1911 Gerhard Stoeck Germany, javelin thrower (Olympic-gold-1936)
1912 Eleazar de Carvalho Iguat£, Brazil, conductor/tuba (Tiradentes)
1916 David Brown NYC, director (Jaws, Planet of the Apes)
1916 Laird Cregar Phila, actor (Charley's Aunt, Hangover Square)
1922 Jacques Piccard Switzerland, undersea explorer (bathyscaph Trieste)
1929 Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63)
1930 Darryl Hickman Hollywood Cal, actor (Human Comedy, Tea & Sympathy)
1934 Jacques D'Amboise dancer/educator (NYC Ballet Company)
1937 Peter Duchin NYC, pianist/bandleader (Peter Duchin Orch)
1938 Robert Hughes [Studley Forrest], Australia, writer/critic
1940 Phil Proctor comedian (Firesign Theater)
1941 Riccardo Muti Napoli Italy, conductor (Philadelphia Orch)
1943 Bill Bradley Crystal City Mo, NY Knick/(Sen-D-NJ)/Rhodes scholar
1943 Lawrence Elkins football player FL (Houston Oilers)
1943 Mike Bloomfield blues musician (Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Electric Flag, Super Sessions)
1944 Daniel Morelon France, 1K speed skater (Olympic-gold-1968, 72)
1945 Jim Davis cartoonist (Garfield)
1945 Richard Wright rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall)
1946 Linda Kelsey Minneapolis, actress (Billie-Lou Grant, Kate-Day by Day)
1947 Barbara Ferrell US, 400m relay racer (Olympic-gold-1968)
1947 Elena Novikova-Belova USSR, foils (Olympic-gold-1968)
1947 Sally Struther Portland Oregon, actress (Gloria-All in the Family)
1948 Georgia Engel Wash DC, actress (Georgette-Mary Tyler Moore Show)
1949 Marilyn Quayle wife of vice president Dan Quayle
1949 Vida Blue major-league pitcher (Cy Young & AL MVP 1971)
1958 Terry Fox ran "Marathon of Hope" across Canada
1961 Scott E Parazynski Little Rock Ark, MD/astronaut
1967 Lori Loughlin NY, actress (Edge of Night, New Kids, Secret Admirer)

Deaths which occurred on July 28:
1540 Thomas Cromwell King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed
1655 Cyrano de Bergerac, French dramatist/novelist, dies at 36 in Paris
1655 Suzuki Shosan, Samurai/monk/propagator of Zen Buddhism, dies at 76
1746 John Peter Zenger journalist, involved in 1st admendment fight, dies
1750 Johann Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65
1794 Maximilien Robespierre Fr revolutionary/avocat (1781), guillotined
1794 Robespierre & 22 other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers
1937 Joseph Lee father of Playgrounds movement, dies
1971 Diane Arbus photographer, commits suicide at 48
1974 Truman Bradley host (Science Fiction Theater), dies at 69
1984 Bess Flowers actress, dies at 85
1985 Grant Williams actor, dies of toxic poisoning at 54
1987 James Burnham philosopher (Coming Defeat of Communism), dies at 81


Name: George Palmer McSwain, Jr.
Rank/Branch: O1/US Navy
Unit: Attack Squadron 164, USS ORISKANY
Date of Birth:
Home City of Record: Montrose CA
Date of Loss: 28 July 1966
Country of Loss: North Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 184100N 1054300E (WF755657)
Status (in 1973): Released POW
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: A4E

On July 28, 1966, Ensign George P. McSwain, Jr. was flying an A4E Skyhawk in a strike mission near the city of Vinh, Nghe An Province, North Vietnam,
when his aircraft was hit by a surface-to-air missile (SAM).
McSwain successfully ejected and reached the ground safely, but rescue was not because of the hostile area in which he landed.
McSwain was captured by the North Vietnamese and for the next six and one-half years,
was a prisoner of war.
He was released in Operation Homecoming on March 4, 1973.
NOTE: Even though on page 30 of "Alpha Strike Vietnam" it is stated that McSwain was killed on this mission, he was a released POW. Probably
this information was given the author by a shipmate who had not learned McSwain had been captured.)

POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
1148 Crusaders attack Damascus
1540 Henry VIII of England marries Catherine Howard.
1586 Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe
1588 Spanish Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I
1609 Admiral George Somers settles in Bermuda
1615 French explorer Samuel de Champlain discovers Lake Huron on his seventh voyage to the New World.
1808 Sultan Mustapha of the Ottoman Empire is deposed and his cousin Mahmud II gains the throne.
1821 Peru declares independence from Spain (National Day)
1830 Revolution in France replaces Charles X with Louis Philippe
1849 Memmon is 1st clipper to reach SF, 120 days out of NY
1851 Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph
1862 Confederate forces defeated at More's Hill, Mo
1864 Atlanta Campaign-Battle of Ezra Church
1866 Metric system becomes a legal measurement system in US
1868 The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees citizenship to all those born or naturalized in the United States, is adopted.
1882 The opera "Parsifal" is produced (Bayreuth)
1883 Shocks triggered by the volcano Epomeo (Isle of Ischia, Italy) destroyed 1,200 houses at Casamicciola killing 2,000
1896 City of Miami incorporated
1898 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of the Retired Colourman"(BG)
1900 Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
1906 Yankees turn triple-play, beat Cleveland 6-4
1913 US wins its 1st Davis Cup since 1902, beating England, 3-2
1914 Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia-WW I begins
1914 Foxtrot 1st danced at New Amsterdam Roof Garden (NYC, by Harry Fox)
1915 10,000 blacks march on 5th Ave (NYC) protesting lynchings
1915 US forces invade Haiti, stays until 1924
1928 Olympics open at Amsterdam
1929 Chicago Cardinals become 1st NFL team to train out of state (Mich)
1930 114ø F (46ø C), Greensburg, Kentucky (state record)
1931 Congress makes "The Star-Spangled Banner" our 2nd national anthem
1931 White Sox score 11 in 8th to beat Yankees 14-12
1932 Pres Hoover evicts bonus marchers from their encampment
1933 1st singing telegram delivered (to Rudy Vallee), NYC
1933 NFL divides into 2, 5 team divisions
1934 118ø F (48ø C), Orofino, Idaho (state record)
1935 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1386 Storeria
1938 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1485 Isa
1940 Yankee Charle Keller hits 3 HRs to beat White Sox 10-9
1942 Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Russia
1943 Italian Facist dictator Benito Mussolini resigns
1943 Pres FDR announces end of coffee rationing in US
1945 US Army bomber crashes into 79th floor of Empire State Bldg, 14 die
1945 US Senate ratifies UN charter 89-2
1948 I.G. Farben chemical plant explodes in Ludwigshafen, Germany, 182 die
1951 Walt Disney's "Alice In Wonderland" released
1957 White Sox' James Landis struck out 5 times in a game
1959 Hawaii's 1st US election sends 1st Asian-Americans to Congress
1960 Republican National convention selects Richard Nixon
1962 19 die in a train crash in Steelton Pa
1962 Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean
1964 Ranger 7 launched toward the Moon; sent back 4308 TV pictures
1967 Pirate Radio Station 390 (Radio Invicta) (England) closes down
1971 16 time gold glover Brook Robinson commits 3 errors in 6th inning
1973 Skylab 3's astronauts (Bean, Garriott & Lousma) launched
1974 69 die when packed bus strikes heavy truck (Belem, Brazil)
1976 242,000 die in Tientsin-Tangshan (China) 8.2 earthquake
1976 Eldon Joersz & Geo Morgan set world air speed record of 3,530 kph
1976 White Sox John Odom (5 inn) & Francisco Barrios (4 inn) no-hits A's
1977 1st oil flow through the Alaska pipeline
1977 Roy Wilkins turn over NAACP leadership to Benjamin L Hooks
1978 600,000 attend Watkins Glen Summer Jam in NY
1978 At Old Timer's Game it's announced Martin will again manage Yankees
1978 Perth Observatory discovers asteroid #3188 & #3422
1978 Price of gold tops $200-an-oz level for 1st time
1979 Dave Kingman becomes 6th to have a 2nd 3 HR game
1980 Fernando Bela£nde Terry becomes president of Peru
1983 AL Pres Lee MacPhail threw out umpire's decision & allows George Brett's 2 run HR against Yanks on July 24 (pine tar game)
1983 NASA launches Telstar-3A
1984 23rd modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles
1986 NASA releases transcript from doomed Challenger, pilot Michael Smith could be heard saying, "Uh-oh!" as spacecraft disintegrated
1987 Angel Cordero Jr becomes the 4th jockey to win 6,000 races
1988 IBM announces price hike on older models
1988 Israeli diplomats arrive in Moscow for 1st visit in 21 years
1988 Jordan cancels $1.3 billion development plan in West Bank
1988 Winnie Mandella's home in Soweto, South Africa destroyed by arson
1988 Yanks' Tommy John makes 3 errors on 1 play yet beats Brewers 16-3
1989 Braves Dale Murphy, hits 2 3-run HRs in an inning, 14th man to hit 2 HRs in an inning. Also ties record of 6 RBIs in an inning
1989 NASA's Lewis Research Center, Cleve, announce new high-temperature superconductors able to operate at 33 to 37 Gigahertz
1990 Blackout hits Chicago
1991 Buffalo Bills beat Phila Eagles, 17-13 in American Bowl in Wembley
1991 Expo's Dennis Martinez pitches baseball's 15th perfect game (Dodgers)
1991 Miguel Indurain of Spain wins the Tour de France bicycle race
2061 31st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Bermuda : Adm George Somers Day (1609)
San Marino : Fall of Facism Day (1943)
US : Joseph Lee Day-honors playgrounds (1937)
US : Volunteers of America founders day (1859)
Virgin Islands : Hurricane Supplication Day ( Monday )
Gilroy, California : Garlic Festival ( Friday )
Peru : Independence Day (1824)
Marry a Millionaire Day
National Ice Cream Month

Religious Observances
Luth : Commemoration of JS Bach, Heinrich Schtz, GF Handel
RC : Comm of SS Nazarius, Celsus, martyrs & Innocent I, pope
RC : Commemoration of St Victor I, 14th pope (189-199)

Religious History
1675 Death of Bulstrode Whitelocke 69, an influential English lawyer during theCommonwealth of Oliver Cromwell. Among Whitelocke's last words: 'There has been one true religion in the world; and that is the work of the Spirit of God in the hearts and soulsof men.'
1881 Birth of J. Gresham Machen, an American Presbyterian theologian who taught atPrinceton and Westminster seminaries. Two of his writings still endure: 'New Testament Greekfor Beginners' (1923) and 'The Virgin Birth of Christ' (1932).
1889 The first Divine Liturgy (worship service) of the Armenian Church in America wascelebrated in Worcester, MA. It was led by Rev. Hovsep Sarajian, himself the first Armenianclergyman to come to America.
1942 Death of W.M. Flinders Petrie, 89, English archaeologist. He was regarded bycolleague William Foxwell Albright as 'the greatest genius among biblical archaeologists.'
1960 American Trappist Thomas Merton wrote in a letter: 'I can depend less and lesson my own power and sense of direction... It is so strange to advance backwards and getwhere you are going in a totally unexpected way.'

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

You Just Might Be A Hi-Tech Redneck if...
If your email address ends in ""

Todays Murphys law(war)....
The most dangerous thing in the world is a Second Lieutenant with a map and a compass.

Cliff Clavin says, It's a little known fact that....
The human brain is about 85% water.

21 posted on 07/28/2003 6:24:37 AM PDT by Valin (America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy.)
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To: Valin
The human brain is about 85% water.

And I don't drink water enough. :)

22 posted on 07/28/2003 6:34:04 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Pray for our Troops)
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To: Valin
The human brain is about 85% water.

That explains why I have all these thoughts swimming around in my head.

38 posted on 07/28/2003 7:35:09 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Kiss me twice. I'm schizophrenic.)
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